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Everything posted by superal

  1. I watched the game this morning ( San Marino v England ) on ITV with no vpn and this time it was perfection with no buffering , 10 - 0 to England with 3 good goals disallowed by VAR ( wrongly in my opinion ) . What a one sided game , a pointless charade with a forgone conclusion .
  2. Took mine 2 months ago and it involves watching a video that is about 45 minutes long . During the video you will be asked a simple multi choice question about three times . At the end of the video they will confirm that you have passed and then on the screen will appear your unique ref; number plus a Q.R. code for you to keep in your phone . Take all the paperwork mentioned previously in other posts to your local DLT office . You will be tested on braking reaction and traffic light colours . I would advise on watching the video on a reliable source such as a laptop rather than a mobile as if you lose the signal you will have to start all over again . https://www.dlt-elearning.com/Home
  3. Many thanks Sheryl for taking the time to write such an informative post , really appreciated .
  4. Thanks for the link which I read and hope you are OK that I have copied and pasted a small part of the report in italics . All I can say is that they must have a top of the range crystal ball . Transforming Pattaya—a former recreational playground for U.S. servicemen during the Vietnam War with a sleazy reputation as a sex tourism destination—seems like a high-stakes gamble. But Wallappa doesn’t think so, saying she believes that a new international airport proposed to be built by 2023 and planned rail links connecting Pattaya to Bangkok’s two airports, plus a monorail that will run right by the AWC Center, could turn it into a global getaway like Phuket. One thing that was not mentioned is the inclusion of a casino but I believe this will happen .Pattaya is to become a resort for the rich people within the next 4 years or that at least is the plan and if its bars and ladies that you want , then it's off to Phuket .
  5. So true and any western h&s inspector would have a field day . Pavements with big drops , deep open holes , vendors selling their wares taking most of the pavement and lamp posts in the middle which often mean you have to walk in the road . Hardly conducive to wheelchairs or handicapped folks . There was a good opportunity during this covid event to reconstruct walkways but appears to not have happened . I did suggest over 1 year ago , when the authorities said they were going to make improvements to beach road , that they make beach road into a promenade and pedestrian only for most of it . ( leave access for baht taxis with deliveries to be made at a certain time of the day . Now that is a H&S consideration .
  6. There is no consideration given to long term farang stayers , many of whom will have wives and children built homes and generally support their families . These farangs should be considered in retrospect but the new health insurance laws will exclude them from ever returning to Thailand if there was a need to make a trip abroad . No thought has been given to the fact that the farang has supported his family for many years and his exclusion will probably mean he can no longer afford to run two homes and thus the Thai family will suffer but does the Thai government care ? The situation is easily resolved by placing the farang on the Thai health system at a reasonable cost . Those who say if you cannot afford to stay in Thailand go home are just as inconsiderate as the Thai government and just because they may be younger or well off financially and the insurance costs are low does not make them safe cos there may well be other new laws to be introduced that could effect them . I choose my words carefully cos walls have ears and the foot is in the door .
  7. Some fancy words that I Googled to understand . Does that make me ignorant or a person of low class ? kriengjai ? why not say empathy , or mores ? why not morals ? I believe you fail to understand that Thailand is an emerging country that has yet to catch up with the western traits of living . There is little doubt that western countries followed the same path of development that Thailand is . Education , not only schooling but social behavior have a long way to go but that comes from the top and a reversal of the suppression on Thai folk who know nothing better .
  8. You ask , what is the nature of my problem , the UK surgeon thinks spinal stenosis in my lumbar region .Now that you mention it the UK surgeon spoke about epidural injections but said only 2 a year and that there was no guarantee that they would work ( must be an accurate point of injection to the problem area ) . The spinal stenosis , surgeon says the cause is degenerative bone disease . Below is an extract that I found in a search . If it is accurate what is the point of having epidural injections that are pain killers and are masking the problem which if left untreated can be terminal . Do you agree with the statement below ? What happens if you ignore spinal stenosis? It occurs from spinal stenosis that causes pressure on the spinal cord. If untreated, this can lead to significant and permanent nerve damage including paralysis and death. Symptoms may affect your gait and balance, dexterity, grip strength and bowel or bladder function
  9. Thought so , mine was with the overrun NHS who I don't think would take too kindly to that request . As it stands my next appointment in the UK with the NHS spinal surgeon is next June and that is just for a review of my condition . He is reluctant to operate on me and preferred me to take pain killers , none of which work or 2nd step was to be physiotherapy . BTW , I took my Thai MRI pics with me to the UK but the surgeon said they were inferior and could not be enhanced on his computer and so I had another MRI done . Trying to contact them , even when in the UK , is very long winded as they put you in a queue and sometimes up to number 20 something . ( once I queued for 45 minutes, spoke a couple of words and was cut off ) . I was not a happy bunny . Sorry to say that the once great NHS is broken and as an example there are waiting times of up to 5 years for hip or knee replacement operations and with the winter around the corner plus the covid pandemic there are serious concerns for the NHS .
  10. Can you recommend a VPN , cos there are so many . A couple of years ago I did have Tunnel Bear which was quite easy to use .
  11. Unfortunately all images are in the UK
  12. If they do reopen Pattaya bars etc , I will not be surprised if there are opening time restrictions such as closing at 9 or 10 00 pm . and to the guys who are openly drinking in no alcohol allowed bars , you are playing with fire and are sitting ducks for the out of pocket police . Better off taking a trip to Phuket.
  13. wired , 80mbps down 50 up , no vpn , iptv , but as I said all other channels were good , so as you and worgeordie said , maybe too many people watching
  14. I do not understand the Thai lottery/s . I believe there are 2 . One is official and the other unlawful . Has a farang ever won the jackpot and lived to tell the tale ?
  15. I can understand your ordeal cos the first time I had an MRI it was a bit scary being so confined and the 45 minutes seemed like hours but I have had 3 since and learned how to control my nerves and put myself into a semi hypnotic state .
  16. Well , since the big boss gave me a new one , it must be necessary and I can only assume that it was overlooked at swampy and I have to say that I do not recall filling one in , bit of a mystery .
  17. Tried to watch the England v Albania game on this early morning on ITV but it was constantly buffering and was unwatchable . All other channels were OK . Did anyone else have the same problem ?
  18. I returned to Thailand 2 months ago and went to renew my D/L . The I/O said where is the tm6 in your pp . Well to be honest I hadn't noticed it was not there . Long story short , he would not help unless I had the tm6 . My lady went into see the big boss who simply printed another one and all ended happily ever after . However , I have since been told that because I entered Thailand on a re-entry permit , no tm6 was required and so there was not one attached to my pp . All rather confusing . Maybe Ubon Joe knows the rule on this ?
  19. small bottles or cans , cos stays cold , no glass or ice because of hygiene issues . For 10 years here in Thailand I always drank a large bottle poured into a large frozen pint glass accompanied by ice , until I picked up a waterborne parasite that can survive in ice . I once visited an ice factory and hygiene was not a priority . Having said that , I have been to hotels where they make their own ice that is as clear as glass . Apparently made from double boiled water .
  20. Have to take a stance here Jack cos a lot of the older guys and also those with pre existing health problems who are finding the new health insurance policies difficult to afford may well have been here for many years , have families , built houses etc , all when there was no sniff of such insurance . There are farangs who have amalgamated into the Thai style of living which is easily achieved on a western pension . Their health care , by way of government hospitals . Everything was going well until this latest Thai pass . A one size fits all policy is inconsiderate and discriminates against the less wealthy and less healthy . You mention a safety net , well as far as the UK is concerned that has all but disappeared .
  21. Before he operated on you did he explain the risks and/or the percentage rate of success ? Your story is encouraging and there is nothing better than a good recommendation , thanks to you and Sheryl for taking the time to give such good info .
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