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About alanrchase

  • Birthday 04/08/1961

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    Ban Pong

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    Ban Pong

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  1. Got a big garden. 30 mango trees, 10 jackfruit trees, several citrus trees, plums, guava, santol, fig and numerous bananas. More than enough excersise just trying to keep it relatively tidy.
  2. My bank never used to need the card to be activated until last year, and it can only be activated in a UK ATM for that bank (Lloyds). Didn't find out till after my sister had forwarded it to me. PIN numbers have also changed after being the same for 40 odd years. Had to cancel the card and get another one sent to her. She activated it and I told her to keep hold of the card this time. All the card details are on my bank app so don't really need the physical card with me.
  3. If you think nothing has changed in decades then you have not actually been here for decades. Monumental changes since I first visited in 1988.
  4. I bought one from Lazada awhile back, came with a zinc strip. Charged via USB. I used it to make a couple of battery packs for a cordless hedge trimmer. Picture below as the seller I got it from no longer exists. I also got the connecting strips from Lazada.
  5. Thailand is no different to anywhere else. If I legally owe tax here I pay it, if not I don't. Do you pay tax on your substantial Thai bank accounts?
  6. Just buy some toilet cleaner. ARO brand in Makro is 22% hydrochloric acid. Make sure you dilute it as at 22% it melts Scotchbrite. Vixol is a name brand at about 11% and Tesco had their own brand at about 14% I think.
  7. Keep us informed of what they say. My birthday is in April as well and it would be nice to get the extra allowance for the year I turn 65 as well.
  8. Where are you tax resident? CRS is partly to do with tax evasion. Your country of tax residency will be your main concern. If they think you are trying to evade tax and they are a CRS member, they could ask other CRS members for your financial information which may include the source of funds.
  9. Not really true is it? I was stopped one day for licence check. Handed my licence over and the cop waved it at the queue of Thais waiting to be issued tickets saying, "the foreigner can get one so why can't you lot".
  10. The problem with your picture of a mango blossom? The main problem is it is not a mango blossom.
  11. Something in the electricity bill box. 20241118_081720.mp4 Couple of huskies at Cha Am.
  12. Just ask for an FST for each transfer, they are free and are all the TRD want to see.
  13. Do you have a bank account in Thailand? Do you get interest paid and withholding tax taken on that account? If so you are paying tax in Thailand on that assesable income and they should issue you a TIN. That was the reason I gave my local revenue department a couple of years ago.
  14. Ratchaburi. Bangkok Bank have not stamped and signed any of the 12 month statements and immigration has said nothing.
  15. Because my office accepts it without a stamp and signature.
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