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About alanrchase

  • Birthday 04/08/1961

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    Ban Pong

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    Ban Pong

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  1. Make sure you stay hydrated. My father was in and out of hospital due to constipation when he was in his eighties, the cause was always due to not staying hydrated.
  2. What link did you read? The link is to a statement made in October 2024 about a proposed new bill called the DWP Fraud, error and debt bill. As I stated, I doubt whether they will be able to pass it into law by January. As I also stated, the videos seem to be about a bill that died in the House of Lords in April due to the election.
  3. Think these videos are referring to the bill that was stalled in the House of Lords when the election took place so is now dead. The current government is reintroducing it as the DWP Fraud,error and debt bill which was announced in October. Doubt that it will be passed by the end of the year. https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statements/detail/2024-10-08/hcws114
  4. Local police have 160 and 300cc bikes, highway police have 1,000cc bikes.
  5. Did you buy the Rolexes from Bob when he left?
  6. I totally agree that private hospitals are way more expensive for meds than a pharmacy, that is why I specified government hospitals. All the medications I get from the government hospital are significantly cheaper.
  7. Not true. Meds from a government hospital are often significantly cheaper than a pharmacy. Monthly supply for me is 300 baht from the hospital and 850 baht in a pharmacy.
  8. Turns out he wasn't axed as the poster claims. His three year contract ended and he decided not to renegotiate. OP is fake news.
  9. Two people to do one job! Efficiency Trump style. MAGA!!!
  10. Lost mine a couple of years ago. No need to report it to the police. You fill a report out at the DLT explaining when and where it was lost. I took the receipt for the sticker with me, can't remember if that was necessary. Charged about 20 baht I think.
  11. 25 odd years ago, when the police stopped on the spot fines and started issuing tickets in my town, the procedure was that your bike was kept, you had to go to the station, pay the fine and return with the receipt to get your bike released. Could take well over an hour and involve motorcycle taxi fares depending on where you were pulled over. That never seemed to make them wear helmets.
  12. Except they do actively patrol the roads. Numerous highway police stations in my area and often see highway police cars (yellow and burgundy) and occasionally motorcycles (white). Unfortunately they usually only seem to stop overloaded pickups.
  13. That is not true though is it. The 85 million was for ignoring the original verdict and continuing to defame the victim. Basically Trump fined himself 85 million because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
  14. I have no issue fitting my glasses with my full face Real helmet. The only issue I do have is that my glasses have progressive lenses so I have to be careful how I position them as the helmet tends to raise them slightly higher than normal.
  15. I use the 12 month statement and an updated bank book to cover the few days from the last entry on the statement to the day I do the application. I only update my bank book twice a year now so rarely need a new one.

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