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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. She moved to Portugal since 2017. Didn’t like her song but she spot on with her criticism of Trump.
  2. Common sense tell me to wait for the full investigation conclusion.
  3. What a train wreck under Trump and it is only 2 weeks old. Those who vote for him are getting their pang of buyer's remorse as he continue to divide the nation and alienate allies for the next 4 years.
  4. So little Marco try to be a mini Trump throwing his weight around. Lammy should forget about decorum and tell him like his Danish counterpart to f..off.
  5. Shocking that it happen just over 3 miles south of the White House and the Capitol. Should be a tightly monitored airspace. Hope many of the 60+ passengers and crews survived.
  6. Another of his freewheeling policy. It will be soon rescinded when he realize the cost to detent 30,000 migrants at Guantanamo. Cost half a billion to keep the 40 odd prisoners remaining there. Brace yourself for his 2nd week of policies chaos.
  7. Lots of snowflakes reactions to an opinion piece. Maga easily triggered.
  8. A lot can be gleaned from his previous presidency to predict the next 4 years.
  9. Unlike his first term, there is no checks and guardrails this time. No adults in his cabinet but loyalists and cowards lining up to kiss his rear. It will certainly get worse.
  10. I assumed that they will react with glee when offered and then say f....off jerk.
  11. If you think Jordan and Egypt will bowed to his malarkey, I got a bridge to sell to you. Meanwhile Amman has responded with a 'flat hell no'.
  12. Keep gaslighting. Flawed coverage of the Hur report muddles the facts and gives short shrift to the law. LAWFARE
  13. We can expect more eggs imported from China now that he is considering rescinding his pledge for high tariffs on China. Another pledge unfulfilled. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/us-china-trump-would-rather-not-put-tariffs-imports-4894331
  14. USA is already AI dominance surpassing China during Biden presidency. https://odsc.medium.com/u-s-secures-top-spot-in-global-ai-innovation-rankings-5673051fe5d1#:~:text=The United States continues to,on Global AI Innovation Rankings.
  15. Like the wall and Mexico will pay for it. His gullible supporters still buying this.
  16. It is to enrich his powerful special interest donors. Not for the millions needing jobs.
  17. That would mean the inauguration will be the last gig for the Village People.
  18. Meanwhile in Thailand, today marks the first day of the Marriage Equality Act. Gender identities on full display today and bold statement on equal rights and tolerance for the minorities.
  19. Chin up mate. Day one promises went and gone. Ukraine war, mass deportation, auto industry overhaul, restore the travel ban, tariffs day one promises unfulfilled. But he will lower egg prices .
  20. Any policies yet to lower the price of eggs or that word no one use like grocery. 😅
  21. The debate is a toss up between Biden's poor performance and the avalanche of lies by TRump. I will call the debate even.
  22. Not OK. 14,000 arrested. No pardon by Biden.
  23. It all depends on whether you view Biden's Inflation Reduction Act to fund $239 miilion for biofuel development as insufficient or not. Same for his $300 million path to further develop SAF. I think solar and conservatism can exist in tandem.
  24. Wrong. There were at least 5 charges of firearms possession. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/us-capitol-attack-rioters-had-weapons-including-firearms-2025-01-16/
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