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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. You should step up and donate to your dear leader. Any small bit help.
  2. You are clutching straw. No major banks lend to Trump because they don;t trust Trump except the dodgy scandalous Deutsche Bank.
  3. Those loan applications with inflated numbers were/are not charged but rejected. 20% rejections for loans are quite normal. Trump falsified his assets and rightfully indicted. Conman should not be rewarded. You seem to have a soft spot for fraud.
  4. I was being generous. Besides having a drinking problem like Judge Jeanine, she lie too. In fact the whole Fox organization indulge in lots of lies. Surely you don’t need evidence for that.
  5. Finnish people talk little, sincere and are genuine, quite the opposite of you.
  6. Do Americans need to be reminded that USA is a nation of immigrants and generations of immigrants build the country and are still building the country no matter what the GOP say.
  7. Fascism vs democracy, cognitive impaired madman vs sanity, immoral vs decency. Seem a simple choice to me.
  8. The Mexico government has said it would not accept anyone sent back by Texas. Abott may have won a pyrrhic victory over Biden. He now have to spent tax money on human resources and facilities to hold them. Abott is an idiot.
  9. Those are carefully chosen violent words to change the way that his supporters see violence, making it into something necessary and morally righteous. He had been using vile languages in speeches after speeches echoing authoritarian leaders. Speeches full of dehumanizing rhetoric, threats, name calling, retribution, revenge, lies and incendiary incitements. It is a pattern that we all can clearly see that he meant every word he said and bloodbath if he lose the election is exactly what he meant as he brainwash his followers to shift his violent words into something positive. He has psychopathic traits and will care less about his followers getting hurt if violence erupt.
  10. Perhaps the understanding of patriotism will negate the different view. Patriotism is defined as feeling of love, devotion and a sense of attachment to a country or state and not to a person.
  11. Trump was rejected by about 30 companies that provide appeal bonds. None will go near him with a ten-foot pole. He has been summarily rejected and his facade as a wealthy successful businessman fully exposed. None of his wealthy billionaire buddy will step up. Stick a fork he is ruined.
  12. He was refering to an internal "bloodbath "between Democrats which could have weakened the party and allowed Trump to win. Typical of you to try gaslight something that was taken out of context.
  13. Illegals are the buzzwords used by Trump to motivate his supporters. Those are undocumented immigrants and they have been advise rightfully of their voting rights. The order has not been implemented.
  14. All that you said are heavily propagandized by Trump and found to be unfounded. Maybe you can show me evidence of illegals voting.
  15. How about billionaires should not be above the law and not run their office like his corporation.
  16. Many will love to debate you on who tells more lies and have more gaffs as it will be so easy with so many documented facts. Even Trump hasn't fallen can easily be dispelled in a whiff of a search. Falling off steps is pretty normal for elderly man but walking with a trail of toilet paper is highly unusuall. Yes it's off topic and will leave it.
  17. These 2 geriatrics will need all the help whether new shoes or diapers.
  18. A term synonymous with the term short sale and can be a whopping 30% to 80% below market value. How nice.
  19. You are funny dude. Using the justice system against opponent is unacceptable but extrajudicial revenge is acceptable. Boy you such a conflicted person.
  20. Tick tok time is running out old Donny. NY AG will start going after Trump’s prized properties should he failed to make the deadline to post the bond. He will be forced to sell his properties in a fire sale and sell them cheap. History of frauds and cons finally caught up with him. Karma is such a bitch.
  21. Voters turnout in 2020 soared to levels not seen in decades fueled by the bitter campaigning between Biden and Trump. Followed the same pattern in 2018 mid-term that saw unusual high turnout. In 2022 mid-term again same record turnout. Thrice Maga Trump were defeated. Trump has not change his campaigning style and in fact has added the anti democracy fascist elements. Turnout for November will very likely follow the same pattern. Trump has not broadened his base and will be defeated again. The civil war is a big bluff and just innuendo. When he is soundly defeated yet again, his supporters will slide back into oblivion. There is no back-up Trump.
  22. Wrong again. https://news.nd.edu/news/long-run-decline-in-us-poverty-continued-in-recent-years-despite-pandemic-new-report-shows/
  23. The world is in awe of USA economic recovery and taming the inflation World is awe of the management of Covid and the vaccination success. In awe of the leadership of USA in leading the allies against the tyrannical Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and standing up against China. Yes Biden should carry on for another 4 years
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