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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. A term synonymous with the term short sale and can be a whopping 30% to 80% below market value. How nice.
  2. You are funny dude. Using the justice system against opponent is unacceptable but extrajudicial revenge is acceptable. Boy you such a conflicted person.
  3. Tick tok time is running out old Donny. NY AG will start going after Trump’s prized properties should he failed to make the deadline to post the bond. He will be forced to sell his properties in a fire sale and sell them cheap. History of frauds and cons finally caught up with him. Karma is such a bitch.
  4. Voters turnout in 2020 soared to levels not seen in decades fueled by the bitter campaigning between Biden and Trump. Followed the same pattern in 2018 mid-term that saw unusual high turnout. In 2022 mid-term again same record turnout. Thrice Maga Trump were defeated. Trump has not change his campaigning style and in fact has added the anti democracy fascist elements. Turnout for November will very likely follow the same pattern. Trump has not broadened his base and will be defeated again. The civil war is a big bluff and just innuendo. When he is soundly defeated yet again, his supporters will slide back into oblivion. There is no back-up Trump.
  5. Wrong again. https://news.nd.edu/news/long-run-decline-in-us-poverty-continued-in-recent-years-despite-pandemic-new-report-shows/
  6. The world is in awe of USA economic recovery and taming the inflation World is awe of the management of Covid and the vaccination success. In awe of the leadership of USA in leading the allies against the tyrannical Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and standing up against China. Yes Biden should carry on for another 4 years
  7. You descending fast and deep into cult characteristic with unreasonable fear of the real world. Get help.
  8. There is only one moron. Biden is a morally decent constitution abiding elderly man.
  9. She is absolutely right. Jan 6 has shown the kind of destruction that Trump can wage on the country if he lose. This man is desperate to win at all course for personal reasons and he will go scorched earth if he lose again. Trump has no attachment to reality and damage that he will inflict to the country and the people. He has a dubious disdainful view of his supporters and called them disgusting and will not bat an eyelid if his supporters die for him.
  10. It is a tradition and customary practice and not a legal requirement. His erractic behavior and his propensity to side the enemies are big national risks. Briefings traditional were given to former President to keep them informed and seek advise. Trump's has really nothing worthy nor intelligence to give advise. Biden had said before that there is no need for Trump to get briefing and he should not.
  11. The legal system in the UA is fine and working well. That’s why Trump got 91 indictments and his followers are in jail for insurrection.
  12. No matter how you cut and dice, he asked for Russian interference. How else can you interpret. Let us have your version please.
  13. The Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee investigation in 2019 concluded Russian interference besides the Muller report. In fact, Trump proclaimed loudly for Russian interference in his rally. You missed all that?
  14. Many admitted to the the rioting including the horned Qánon Shaman Jacob who regret what he did. Many insurectionists who rioted blamed Trump for misleading them.
  15. Then go through the legal system and stop whining that he can't be on the campaign trail. If he or you think he is innocent, go to court and prove it. By delaying, it just show that you are guilty as hell. He will go after all his perceived enemies. He said that himself. That's what dictator does. Maga GOP has no spine and no self respect to bow to a dictator.
  16. If only Trump was more effective in stopping Fentanyl. https://www.newsweek.com/fentanyl-surge-started-peaked-under-trump-despite-gop-blaming-biden-1678532
  17. You can't have indictment when there are no evidence. It is a formal written accusation of a crime. Trump has 91 indictments or felony counts. Many more may come later. Trump is a magnet for crimes.
  18. If Trump free all the Jan 6 rioters, he will be alone in his cell.
  19. Capitulating to dear leader big time. Kimmel will never donate to Trump’s grift to get him to say anything nice like Bud Light and TikTok. Have you donated?
  20. Kimmel should have donated to Trump’s grift club like Bud light and TikTok. Transactional Trump will have better things to say about Kimmel. Follow the money.
  21. Immigration is a problem but should not be a political problem. Both sides have the responsibilities to work together to strengthened resources, policies and laws. USA is a country of immigrants and have a history of welcoming immigrants. Never had immigrants being treated like political football and being used as a polarizing wedge to gain political power.
  22. Then Trump has a big problem as he disregards core values, constitutional failures, lacking moral and family values.
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