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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. The jury was vetted, selected and agreed upon by the Defense and Prosecutor attorneys showed impartiality in their verdict. Trump is still under gag order and if his crazy supporters attack any of the jurors and if that can be linked to Trump’s verbal or posting threats, he will be in a heap of real legal perils.
  2. This was the prosecutor opening statement. Somehow different from your version. This was a planned, coordinated, long-running conspiracy to influence the 2016 election — to help Donald Trump get elected through illegal expenditures to silence people who had something bad to say about his behavior, using doctored corporate records and bank forms to conceal those payments along the way,” prosecutor Matthew Colangelo said. “It was election fraud, pure and simple.”
  3. You have any poll that state majority of people know media is corrupt. You might need a break to think this through and recover. Whining whenever you get bad trump's news is making you a snowflake.
  4. Trump election bid is dire after this conviction. Presidential election is close and a marginal impact could be significant. Quinnipiac University survey found that even among Trump supporters, 6% said they would be less likely to vote for him if he was convicted. Even if the poll is as low as 4-5%, it will be enough to sink him. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/30/trump-guilty-verdict-polls-00160905
  5. So what your actual point. Do you mean to say that Trump is a martyr because he is like Jesus who died for the people? Get a life mate. TRump no martyr but a 34 times convicted felon.
  6. Judge is human like you and me. The attacks on him and family have been vicious and personal. Hard to predict how Justic Juan Merchan would handle the sentencing but this is not a one-off case about payoff but a eleborate wide-ranging effort to bury potentially damaging stories to protect Trump's Presidential bid. The entirety of the plan and the facts and cicumstances that came out during the trial warrant a sentence of incarceration. The delight to sentence Trump will be his icing on the cake.
  7. Judge Juan Merchan will have a most satisfying day at sentencing Trump after weeks of taunting, intimidation, threats and insults at him and his family. He has warned Trump in great lengths and has consider jail sanction when he violated his strict gag order. With the guilty verdicts, Judge will have 34 ways to serve his justice. Trump's bullying finally met his match. Good day for justice.
  8. Many misconception about the economy. - Any broad measure of the economy shown Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been growing not shrinking as the many believe - 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though index were up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year - some believe that unemployment is at a 50 year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50 year low. - Many think inflation is increasing. In reality, the rate of inflation has fallen sharply from its post covid peak of 9.1% and has been down to 3-4% this year. Most of the misconception is in the Republicans side. It is a concern for Biden but not worrying. Still 6 months till election and for the Biden's campaign to be better at messaging.
  9. Booed off stage, supporters walking away at rallies and thinning crowd size. Signs of losing proposition in coming election.
  10. Magadonians like Trump are all whiners and snowflakes. Always whined about being victims. Trump had both Houses, DOJ and FBI were Trump’s appointees and Fox had the majority of viewerships. He appointed many Rep judges and state like Georgia is governed by Reps. Yet somehow in their simple minds, they hallucinate that others are waging war against their dear leader. They are a bunch of laughs.
  11. He will appeal if found guilty for sure. However campaigning under a shadow of a criminal conviction is uncharted territory for Presidential politics. 2 previous candidates in US history who had convictions were unsuccessful in their Presidential bid.
  12. Expecting Americans to do the right and decent thing by coming out to vote in numbers.
  13. It was brutal and he was humilated. Thought he can get over a really bad day and went to the NASCAR to wave at imaginary crowd and salute when Amazing Grace was played. What an idiot. Rest did the right thing by holding their hands close to their hearts. His mental condition is rapidly declining.
  14. That's quite true that America which is seen as a beacon of democracy elected Trump even though majority of the population don't want him to be President. Kind of like Mynmar who choose their President by electoral college votes in the lower and upper houses full of the nation's military. .
  15. You didn’t see Trump caved spectacularly to Putin at Helsinki? Humiliating his own intelligence agency & making excuses for Putin. Seem you pretty much a permanent tenant in denial land.
  16. Can’t blame me for your ambiguous post. Are you saying that 2 m illegals crossed the border each years or 2 m migrants are processed and released each year while their applications are being vetted. By the way, more than 2 m are expelled or each year at the border. Every cities are bursting with migrants because GOP governors refused to sit down and coordinate the evacuation. Biden’s administration is not against sharing the burden of housing the migrants; just need better information sharing and coordination.
  17. Every US adminstration foreign policy enaged in good relationship with Russia. There are always substantial meetings between government officials. The corner stone of a good foreign policy is how the government ability to project America's power, prestige and global influence. Seem his foreign policy are one of grievance, mood and transactional. He alienated of US allies, particularly Europe by his submissive behavior for Putin and pulling out of agreements have degraded US global leadership. Heavy price to pay grovelling to Putin, Kim and Xi.
  18. Nikki Haley as well as Ron DeSantis said 8 million illegals'cross the border. Tom Cotton put the number higher at 10 million illegals and Marco Rubio on CNN "State of Union 'said 3.3 million conservatively. You said 2 miilion. You rightist nuts just can't put your acts together and have some semblance of reality.
  19. Savvy response by Thaksin. Senators only firing a warning shot. Both sides will heed the warning. The country sighs a relief of further political instability.
  20. Acquittal - slim Hung - real chance Conviction - fairly good https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/24/trump-trial-verdict-00159676
  21. As an importer, I find paying in local currencies has much lesser exchange risks. USD fluctuation is highly disruptive for business. For years I have been importing products from Malaysia and paying in MYR. The exchange between Baht and MYR has been much less volatile and been helpful in managing my finance. This Thai and China agreement will be meet with lots of approvals from local comapnies that do business with China.
  22. Yes this event when students waving Palestine flags walk out. Biden then spoke that he support non violent protest and that he heard their voices and promised to continuously seek solutions. But I digressed. This was the important part. Biden's speech was largely uninterrupted. When he finished, attendees in the VIP section chanted, “Four more years.” “
  23. Trump has done massive damage to the trust of major institutions. US enemies have been covertly working to undermine Americans distrust of their institutions for years. Is he working for the enemies?
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