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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Those were the BLM fighting for social justice and police bruality. Not a political movement. Jan 6 was a political movement with the intention of illegally intervening in the Presidential transition. The Cline Center called that a coup dÉtat.
  2. Nothing to worry, the Dems are law and order party and true defenders of the Constitution and there will be a peaceful transfer of power. Too bad that lies and falsehoods won the election.
  3. And to add, there will be a peaceful transfer of power and no rioters attacking the Capitol to force the change of the election result.
  4. Convicted of 34 felonies by jury of his peers and agreed upon by his own defense attorney. Your desperate and futile defense is thus dismissed. Off you go Maga cultist.
  5. The man putiing down his marker in USA Presidential history even as his White House days are winding down. Good decision to lift the restriction and blunt Russian and North Korea attacks and force Putin to the negotiating table. Joe is also busy with dispensing infrastructure funds as Trump pledge to erdicate those unspent fundings. Then it is off to Brazil to mark his climate legacy and the G20 summit to talk about climate change, poverty reduction and other global problems. Lame duck he is not.
  6. First order of the day after given permission by Biden is to trained the ATACMS towards the 50,000 Russian and North Korean troops in the Kursk region. Push the invaders out of Kursk and Ukraine will have a stronger bargaining power at the table.
  7. Try not to take potshots at Trump's nominations of his cabinet but you can ignore the facts. His AG has been charged with having sex with underage girls and trafficking. His health czar is a vaccine denier. National defense is in the hands of a Sunday news reporter. Man in charge of the environment is from the oil industry and advocate withdrawing from global climate agreement. Intelligence is a suspected Russian spy. UN ambassador talk about withdrawing from the UN. The Secretary of State will have a hard time talking to China. And the big mahoney is a convicted felon. That's a Maga world of bizareness.
  8. To take on big players pharma etc, you need someone grounded by science and evidence, not somebody who rejects it. He was nominated not for the reasons that you posted and you know it.
  9. The bizarreness of his nomination prompted me to post. Will be dumb not to comment on such strange nomination. You live that world and perhaps felt it was normal.
  10. He will nominate Majorie Taylor Greene as Education Secretary. LOL.
  11. Ya but for how long before direct and growing conflict and disappointment will see him joining former confidants booted from Trump's administration. I am counting the days when these 2 egoistic men with tons of self interests clashed and go separate ways.
  12. Let's limit ourselves to the drive towards renewable energies to reduce greenhouse gases from fossil fuels.
  13. Renewable energy and green energy are technical terms; not marketing term. It refers to energy from natural source in a way that doesn't harm the environment.
  14. Half the country don't want him and he can't beat his frailty of old age next 4 years.
  15. It is an independent body. Do some research.
  16. Understand the appointment process before making political judgement. A list of qualified candidates was vetted by a non political selection committee and the chosen candidate was submitted to the Finance Minister who will then present for cabinet approval. He was not chosen directly by the government but by a selection committee.
  17. Pure nonsense. You talking about swallowing extremely large amount of flouride. Standard amounts of flouride in public tap water will rarely casued all those severe dental flourosis.
  18. Amen to that and yes Harris will win and banish the wannabe dictator to the garbage bin.
  19. Our resident forum pollster has not being posting those happy Trump polls lately. Sign of a deflating air of optimism.
  20. Compare to this "get the hell knocked out of her". https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-protester-violence-california-d7d68895390b6b289d146b7377bc1c18
  21. Even if you disagree, there is always a seat at her table. The political left are more tolerant of immigrants than the Maga right wing.
  22. Careful what you wish for. Economists have warned that Trump;s immgration policies will lead to lower economic growth. Just stop and think what will happen without immigrants and their children in the US labor force. I am talking about more than a million exiting the labor force. What kind of negative implications for growth and inflation. Immigration is been hijacked by Trump for political leverage. Total deportation is not the solution. Working together for comprehensive border bills are the solution.
  23. Immigrants contribute an estimate of over USD2 trillion to the US economy. Illegal migrants are deported at the point of entry or caught entering illegally. An estimate of over 1 million were turned away each year. More structured and faster pathways needed for undocumented (not illegal) immigration to obtain work permit to transition to lawful emplyment. All of this resources to help improve the immgration issues are in the bipartisan bill that Trump killed. I sincerely don't think you know the facts.
  24. The act of being present in the United States in violation of the immigration law IS NOT A CRIME. Get educated.
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