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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Both candidates are unpopular. What will do Trump in is that he has nothing to offer. He just can't keep repeating all his grievances and victimhood for next 10 months amd expect his supporters to be still energized. .
  2. If is a big ask. The truth is that Trump will lose. Election is run on policies and he has none. His agenda on border and abortion will bury him in November. He may not even be the candidate as he is losing his mind with his legal and financial woes.
  3. Only a fool or someone in deep rabbit hole will not see that Trump's crimes were self inflicted. Stormy was a plant by DOJ?
  4. More importantly was what kind of leadership then. Only a flu and gone by summer to taking bleach. Biden was way better in managing covid than Trump’s lackadaisical leadership.
  5. You don’t like deep state but dictatorship is ok. What kind of idiot are you?
  6. If Trump is re-elected, it will not be a deep state but an overt authoritarian state that will go after his enemies.
  7. Even Trump’s bff Putin mock Trump. I don’t blame Putin as Trump is certainly a useful idiot.
  8. You got to be kidding. The world laugh at Trump during his Presidency and even more now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/04/brief-history-world-leaders-laughing-trump/
  9. I extracted portion of the link to reveal your tendency to avoid the truth. You seem to be struggling with truths and facts. Republicans are less likely to be vaccinated, then of course more deaths will be Republicans
  10. True. Perhaps you can explain why red states have 43% more covid deaths than blue states. https://spectrumnews1.com/oh/cleveland/politics/2023/07/31/yale-study-finds-increased-deaths-in-republican-majority-counties-after-covid-vaccine-released
  11. You really need to compare apple to apple. Trump Last 10 months, 425,000 people died from Covid-19. Comparatively Biden’s first 10 months saw 353,000 people died from Covid-19. Still not a comparison to be proud off.
  12. Deep state wanted Assange assassinated. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/sep/27/senior-cia-officials-trump-discussed-assassinating-julian-assange
  13. Don't pop your champagne too early for Donny. Still many hoops to clear for the merger. All paper wealth for Donny. Stipulation in the merger is that shares can't be sold for 6 months and by then the share valuation may change. Suggest you wait and see and put the champagne back to its original packing.
  14. We know as Hunter admitted that the laptop was his. FBI vetted and found nothing illegal nor unethical behavior from Joe Biden who was then a vice President. You need catch up with the latest news.
  15. That’s satire but not this. https://www.wjbf.com/political-news/viral-video-appears-to-shows-world-leaders-laughing-at-president-trump/
  16. Not disagreeing with you on the poll result. Dems voters are much more discipline and less distracted than Reps and will rally behind Biden for the one poll that counts. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/03/us/politics/biden-win-south-carolina-primary.html
  17. Not to worry; Biden is doing as well as ever. In terms of favorability and head-to-head national matchups, it showed a close and stable contest. In head-to-head, Trump actually lost his lead down from 4.3% on January 26. The polls are too close to made a call and we don’t don’t whether it will be a 2 or 3-5 person race that can influence the result quite dramatically. Trump made the mistake of announcing his candidacy too early. His early announcement was to blunt investigations of his crimes but will backfired. The early campaigning only showed his rapid cognitive decline and he is making too many damaging comments which are not helpful to win the independents and even the non MAGA republicans. The primaries exit polls were telling as a large proportion of republicans will not vote Trump. The highly unpopular abortion and guns control agenda will disadvantage Trump. He has to navigate the 91 indictments which will cost him votes. The losing trend in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023 will continue with another lose for Trump in November.
  18. And lost after one term. Downhill after that in 2018, 2022 and 2023 for the MAGA brand. Don’t look too good in 2024.
  19. Trump begged CBS for the Super Bowl interview and was rejected. People are sick of his repetitive grievance and victimhood interview and CBS was wise to ignore him.
  20. Trump fading fast in support and mental fitness. 10 months worked at a disadvantage for him. He is showing rapid cognitive decline in rallies and losing public support on border by not supporting the bipartisan immigration bill. His pro Putin rhetoric has put him in a bad position that he invite war.
  21. Those are polls of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations NOT media stories. You don’t understand elementary information or just recalcitrant.
  22. There are reasons to believe the exit poll analysis because of its consistency. Iowa primary has the same reactions from Nikki’s supporters where half have stated they will vote Biden. New Hampshire primary 47% voters will not vote Trump if he is convicted. Worrying signs for Trump. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4427484-donald-trump-warning-signs-voters-new-hampshire-exit-polls-independents/
  23. Trump a liberal? Trump calls on Alabama to protect IVF treatment after court ruling
  24. Mao’s cultural revolution tried to remove parents and creat a family under Mao. He banned books too. Is Florida turning communist?
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