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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 51 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

    I believe Thais have a rather nasty name and very low opinion of MPs who change parties after the election. FYI Abhisit has resigned as party leader, and Suthep (who?) has left to form his own party (ACT with 5 seats) so doubt he has a faction. Who told you the Democrat MPs who have not pledged support for PPRP are "young"?

    They are called pro democracy and Thais have high regards for them. Nothing nasty about them going against a dic regime. All should be proud; maybe not you but who cares. 

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

    Where is it reported that bystanders intervened? I don't want him dead, TYVM, but it seems reasonable that if 5 men with clubs attack a person with intent to kill, they may well succeed. 


    "Sirawith said he tried to flee but tripped on the pavement’s uneven ground before the men surrounded him and repeatedly beat his head. The attackers reportedly fled after bystanders noticed the commotion". Khaosod. 

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  3. 39 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

    Oh it never got through, so we should all forget the stench of the PTP amnesty bill, the changes to the legislation, the 4:25 am parliament session, and the call to BKK  of red thugs to stifle dissent? You wish.

    BTW we all know who 9 years of amnesty was meant to relieve of the many crimes he committed, not to mention the ones being committed at the time.

    The stench of the PTP amnesty did not reach the level of the junta amnesty. One didn;t happen while the other did. Can't see the difference? What about the 4.25 parliament session. The Dems were invited and they refused. Only red thugs? You myopic or what. 

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  4. 56 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

    "he believed his assailants had wanted him dead because they kept hitting him on the head with wooden clubs."   My question is, if they wanted him dead, why is he alive? Perhaps some exaggeration in the telling? 

    Why the silly question. They could have beat him to death if not for the witnesses and bystanders who intervene. Just like the previous time he was abducted by uniform men and could have finished him off if not for the CCTV of the abduction spreading through the social media. Seriously why he need to exaggerate. He and his fellow activists have been attack numerous times. Why the urge to want him dead. Rather thuggish way of thinking. 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

    Elected governments would never write themselves an amnesty for all crimes committed, and include a few mates and family members, would they?

    Only one amnesty went through the legislative process without any blotches. That junta amnesty is all encompassing too to give the coupsters full protection. 

    By the way, that amnesty bill also provided for the yellow shirts, their leaders and Ahbisit. 

  6. 1 hour ago, dbrenn said:

    Moralising lefties like you look down on anyone who doesn't share their craving for a socialist utopia, and all the cultural vandalism that goes with it.

    So you are a liberalist. That explain a lot of your thinking behind your posts. 

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  7. 18 minutes ago, robblok said:

    No slander Eric, just the truth only after the junta took over were bombers found. You know that i prefer the PTP in power now but that does not make me forget about their past. If you think how Charlem handled it saying go home we can't protect you was good, and the fact that only after a change in power people got caught shows me enough.


    Like I said all sides seem to have their dark side and the PTP is no exception no matter how much you want to think that.


    It was bad then, it is bad now and will probably be bad in the future too.  They all seem to love to intimidate their opponents and only condemn it when they are on the receiving side.


    Would be nice to see some change in this area, but nobody will take the first steps. 

    I am glad the junta found those bombers. Mostly linked to the south insurgency like the Big C and Ramkhamheang bombings although the Erawan and the spate of bombs in few south provinces are still stalled. Well the Trat alleged bombers were released. So really a mixed bag which include the Hospital bombing conviction by someone who just dislike the military and wanted to make a statement. Anyone I left? 


    The junta intimidation does sink to pretty low level with those ending up in Mekong or dead in the cells or extra judiciary kidnapping and those attitude adjustments. They are unlike elected governments as they wrote themselves amnesty for all crimes committed. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yea I wonder when I saw this before.. I guess it was during the bombing of anti government protesters against YL.  Same inaction same protecting of thugs by those in power. 


    Only the faces change tactics seem to be the same for all of them.


    Wish there would come a government that would go after thugs / criminals no matter who they support. 


    Fat chance though all I see is an ever repeating cycle where the same dirty tricks are repeated by successive governments. 


    Nothing ever changes here besides the faces of those stealing from the country. Sad. 

    She came out strong against the attacks and the bombs. Told the police to step up security and offer compensation to those affected. So far nothing from the junta PM, Interior and Defense Ministers. Sad that you tried to slander one side for political gains. 



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  9. 1 hour ago, Ozman52 said:

    So not the UDD as they seemed to have disappeared. Perhaps their funding stopped? Must be somebody else's thugs carrying on what seems to be a Thai tradition.


    Any suggestions on what form this protection should take?  A couple of police or military bodyguards following them around might help, and would promptly be called intimidation.

    A stern statement from the Interior and Defense Ministers will be useful and should be forthcoming. But silence almost seem like admitting guilt and encouraging the thugs even more.  

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  10. First order of the day for the new fiscal package is to review the excessive defense budget, cancel those military procurement, abolish conscription (save billions) and reduce the size of the Generals still being paid for not doing much. Use that over stretched and opaque budget to raise wages. 

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  11. 18 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Interesting points. If you have a Junta government, with Article 44, unbridled power and you still can't make taxi drivers turn their meters on or stop refusing fares; or stop people riding motorbikes on the pavement sidewalks, then that says it all!

    Yet he still get adored by some here. Says it all don't they. 

  12. 8 hours ago, webfact said:

    A group led by anti-military activist Sirawich Serithiwat, yesterday held a demonstration at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre calling on junta-appointed senators not to vote for General Prayut to become prime minister again.

    The junta goons beat up Sirawich bad. First they rigged the election and now they beat up those who spoke out. Pity there are those who still speak well of this junta in this forum. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, bannork said:

    They worry if they link up with PT they'll lose more supporters as Thaksin was their arch enemy. But they could team up temporarily to fight the junta and go their own ways later.

    Similarly PTP will not ask Dem to form the coalition as their supporters will never accept that. Dem is stuck in a hard place. IMO they will join the junta coalition and abstain from voting for the PM to show some sort of defiance. 

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