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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 25 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Now imagine Yingluck would have worked for the people. What then? Would the coup still have happened?

    People accepted the Yingluck government at the beginning. Even people who didn't vote for her gave her a chance to show that she would work for the Thai people and not for her big brother.

    But what did she do? About the first thing that happened was that criminal big brother got his passport back. People didn't like it but it was still quiet. And then came the rice-scam. People still pretended to believe her she didn't know about the corruption. And then her government tried to whitewash big brother at 4am together with 10 other criminals. That was the beginning of the end of her government.

    You don't seem to understand that the elites and the military do not want to be threatened by the rise of the peasants who realized that they can chose the leaders rather than being dominated for ages. Thaksin appealed to this group and have given them good policies that benefit them. That's why he and Yingluck got re-elected by a landslide victory. Don't disrespect the people decision by degradatory remarks. 


    The coup was planned even before Yingluck implement any policies. She gave passport back to her brother was within her rights as elected government. No difference from Prayut giving a free pass to Prawit's watch corruption. The amnesty at 4 am was open to the opposition MPs but they declined to attend. Anyway, the amnesty bill was not pushed unlike the junta's self approving amnesty. Open your eyes to such discrepancies. 


    You said that you anti junta yet you speak so fondly about the coup. Hard to understand where you stand and who you try to defend. 



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  2. 6 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

    My grandfather was a farmer for his entire life (passed at age 98) and he would simply plow the field after the harvest and let it turn to mulch basically prior to the next planting season. Is there no way the govt can purchase a few hundred tractors and travel from farm to farm performing the service for free so the tourist industry stays strong and it's people don't have to breathe that nasty air every year? 

    The junta rather buy 37 armoured vehicles than tractors. Speak for itself. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Somkid March 2019:

    • although all countries in the world have been confronting challenges and high uncertainties due to the slowing global economy and shrinking global trade and exports, Thailand’s internal factors remained strong as a result of economic stimulus, economic reforms and the new wave of domestic investment.   http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/Economy/30365190

    It gets worrisome with all these infrastructure projects at a time when there are economic uncertainties. Thailand will take a lot of debts while the investment climate is so weak. It’s akin to a large housing projects with a poor demand. What’s left would probably be empty real estates. Wiser for Somkid to re-prioritize the projects to a longer time frame. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    Your first sentence is untrue Eric. The FA do not consider Thaksin a fit person to own an English football club. As you say you are a big Manchester City Fan, we can only ponder why you post something incorrect about the club you support.

    Thaksin bought MC in 2007 for 80M pound BB. What that tell you about the FA. He sold the club a year after due to his assets being confiscated by the post coup government. He could not unfreeze his funds to operate the club and buy new players. There were friction with Erickson culminating with him selling the club and in the process made a profit. You definitely not a EPL fan. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    That's good, then the strategy that worked with USSR will work a treat. Isolate and let them screw it all up by themselves.

    Will work in USSR but the fallouts are far from the same. China home to hundreds of US companies and a GDP of 13 trillion usd. Their hurt will be felt around the world. 

  6. 1 hour ago, losworld said:

    Why do you think their industries are growing so quickly... is it Chinese innovation?  greater productivity? I think not.  It is largely due to currency manipulation, state financing and subsidization, slave wages, environmental disregard, intellectual property theft and good old dumping.  Do you realize that companies such as Huawei are actually state enterprises?  China does not play fairly and this is what this trade war is all about.

    In the word of Deng Xiping “doesn’t matter whether the cat is white or black as long as it catches the rat”. Started China economic reform to be the second largest global economy in less time that most western countries. 

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  7. Just watch for the non tariff retaliation that China will use that will bring lots of pain to USA businesses. China has done this kind of retaliation in previous spats with South Korea and Japan. US businesses can be targeted in a slow down in Chinese administration, approvals and customs processing procedures. At it is now, perishable goods from USA have been delayed by custom procedures or sent back due to non compliance. The Chinese people have also launched campaigns to stop buying Japanese goods and can easily rejuvenate one against US products sold in China. They are very nationalistic and communal in facing external threats.  

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  8. 3 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

    I hope you are right because the Shin clan will be up to their old tricks when in power.


    IMO the junta was the best for Thailand in 2014 to stop the violence and some of the blatant corruption. But 5 years is enough, or too much, and Thailand needs to move on. Hopefully Prayuth will not be prime minister as he has not shown any great ability for the job. I am still not sure whether he was just a puppet/mouth piece for some one else or he did have control.

    The old tricks were to win elections. Can't be that bad compare to this current bunch.

  9. 12 hours ago, steven100 said:

    democracy ......  how's the UK doing for democracy ??   Australia is almost in a recession .....  democracy worked well there for the past 6 years ... lol  ....  not.


    give me a break    .....   !!

    Is this a serious post or you just trolling. Thailand in the last 20 years when there were democratically elected governments have grown better than the years under coup and post coup governments. If economic is your measurement for democracy, then you should be a big fan of Thaksin. 

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  10. 41 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

    This is just more of Thaksin keeping himself in the media - cannot be true after the FAs previous experience with him and the "fugitive" issue. The Thaksin media machine is still rolling. He still sees himself returning to Thailand!

    There really no issue with the FA regarding the background of Thaksin. Up to the MC 2 major shareholders to sell while listening to the feelings of the club fans. None were too deterred nor interested. MC was losing money and losing matches. Thaksin bought and had a blaze of new signings and MC beginning to win matches. Even beat MU twice in that season. I am big fan of MC. 

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