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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. This thread has taken off to a different trajectory because of one man obsession with Thaksin and refusal to come to term with current political reality. The danger that this individual refused to acknowledge is that the establishment and the military are changing all the rules and eradicating oppositions like Thanathorn to continue their authoritarian rule and corruption and disregarding the separation of power and independence of agencies. Fortunately we now have a push back by a coalition of political parties and activists who are pro democracy and voters have made their voices heard with resounding popular votes for the pro democracy coalition. As for the thread, Khun Taptim is in his usual divisive style and trying to cause friction when they are none. Thanathorn knows all the dangers of being in politics and have spoke out against the coup and the military and even the constitution. He is putting himself in the front-line of attacks and persecutions and there is no question that he is the real deal. To even suggest that he is a political opportunist is inscrutable. 



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  2. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Thai private sector lowers 2019 export growth projection to 2.1%

    This kind of news will unnerved all elected government as they have to answer to the discontent of the voters and needing to seek the endorsement of the people. However this non elected government will not have the same kind of worries and they will continue to gain wealth regardless. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:

    True, the applicable Thai law says the PM cannot have other jobs, and IMHO it should be that way, the good people of Thailand (or any country) have every right to expect their chosen PM devote all of his / her time to running country.  

    Quite positive you being sarcastic considering Prayut has another job as singer and song writer. However if you meant chosen PM, Prayut is ruled out.  

  4. 28 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    I don't think the EC are or were ever expected to actually count any ballots themselves. Their job was to ensure rigor in all processes, procedures, and ensure voting was carried out in accordance with the relevant laws, political parties and candidates abide by the relevant laws, and to ensure the counting of all polls in all constituencies was carried out efficiently and effectively.


    They were hand-picked to do that, given a sizable budget, allowed overseas research trips, and had plenty of time to do so.


    I think the fruits of their labors are there to be judged by all.

    We have judged and concluded that the EC is non independent and tool of the establishment. You agree? 

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  5. 23 minutes ago, laocowboy2 said:

    In a new announcement the government apologized for the repeated errors and confusion surrounding the election.


    And stated that in order to avoid any repeat, there would be no further elections.

    Please don't give them any idea. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    School fees have to be paid now, you can't save up for them.

    My son's government junior school wants 6-10k in the next few weeks, and my daughter's uni fees are around 12k, not a problem for me, but the locals have extreme problems finding that much.

    Shame that the government couldn't provide for free school frees for the primary education. Singapore and Malaysia provide free education including school fees for primary education. The budget allocation seem out of whack favouring the military. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Cant understand why I don't believe him or it could be the big ring and yellow tunic doing it????  

    The yellow tunic is his allegiance suit. He never got harassed nor his property vandalized by goons like Ekachai. Sure he has been called to report to the army barrack and he lodged complaints of military corruption to divert his actual agenda. He has always being friend of the establishment. 

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  8. 45 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

    I am sure a lot MPs who have won seats could be debarred on the same grounds, if there was a detailed investigation into all of them.  I guess it is up to the other side to do this. 

    PPRP fielded 500 candidates and won 97 seats and a possibly 22 party lists. Most of the candidates are from the business sector and it will not be hard to fathom that should the investigation is fair, some of them will be in the same situation as the 11 FFP candidates. I am sure some may have registered their business activities in number of areas including media so they don't have the hassle of doing the registration again. I can understand that as I do the same by broadening my intended business activities that may or may not happened. PPRP targeted 150 seats so I guess that they are sore winning only 119 seats and will go out of the way to secure the rest of their target.

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  9. 29 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Absolutely correct. So far I have only heard about PT getting carded, having one connected party dissolved, yet nothing seems to happen about ANY MP of the pro junta PPRP.


    The current has had nearly 5 years to rewrite the constitution in their favour, redraw the election boundaries in their favour, stack the election in their favourm yet they still have to fiddle with the election results as they couldn't win fairly or honestly. Granted that honesty, integrity and transparency cannot be found in most politicians worldwide and certainly in Thailand in the last 80 odd years.


    It fills me with despair that they believe that they can run the country.

    It fills me with despair too that they rigged the election and continue to use their cronies to interpret laws to their advantages and destroyed opponents. As though the intimidation and harassment of candidates during the election were not enough. Have a read at how low these criminals behaved. 


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  10. 8 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Read the OP without those rose-tinted glasses. The social activist who had lodged these charges against 11 FFP politicians says he's gathering facts on pro Junta politicians he suspects of the same error.


    In order to be threatened with disqualification for the same reason i.e. owning shares in a media company, you do actually have to own shares in a media company!

    I will be waiting with bated breathe that Srisuwan will be that courageous as well as stupid to lodge compliant against any PPRP candidates who have association with registered companies and in the DBD's registration form has a long list of business which include media.The same complaint he leveled on the FFP candidates. 

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