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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 12 hours ago, steven100 said:

    democracy ......  how's the UK doing for democracy ??   Australia is almost in a recession .....  democracy worked well there for the past 6 years ... lol  ....  not.


    give me a break    .....   !!

    Is this a serious post or you just trolling. Thailand in the last 20 years when there were democratically elected governments have grown better than the years under coup and post coup governments. If economic is your measurement for democracy, then you should be a big fan of Thaksin. 

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  2. 41 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

    This is just more of Thaksin keeping himself in the media - cannot be true after the FAs previous experience with him and the "fugitive" issue. The Thaksin media machine is still rolling. He still sees himself returning to Thailand!

    There really no issue with the FA regarding the background of Thaksin. Up to the MC 2 major shareholders to sell while listening to the feelings of the club fans. None were too deterred nor interested. MC was losing money and losing matches. Thaksin bought and had a blaze of new signings and MC beginning to win matches. Even beat MU twice in that season. I am big fan of MC. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:

    Where will you find one of them in Thailand now that the election is over?

    Hoping he will find time to retrospect his conduct and decide he take solace in a wat and announced he is not taking the self anointed post. He will also surrender himself to the military court on treason charges. 

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  4. 26 minutes ago, gamini said:

    No workers party, no Socialist party, no Green party, no Labour party, no farmers party. So the voters had no real choice. All the leading parties have no capital gains tax, no property tax no inheritance tax and no real income tax that spreads the wealth amongst the people. 

    There is no democracy in Thailand. You can't call the anti junta parties Democratic.

    You probably need a pair of new glasses. There were Social Power Party, Thai Power Labour Party, Farmers Party, Citizen Party, Commoner's Party and even a LGBT party to spice things up. 77 political parties took part in the election and could be the showcase of democracy if not for the junta's audacious and corrupt rigging. So at the end of the day, it is clear that we have 2 sides; one that bent all the democratic rules and one that subscribed to democratic rules aka anti junta democratic coalition. 


    I am still scratching my head as to reason you include those array of taxes and link them to democracy. Kind of monstrous diversion.  

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

    I would not mind anybody being nominated, normally that is.  But when nominations don't have to be ratified, well, then nepotism not to mention some other things can come into play.  In the USA, JFK nominated his Brother Robert to be the Attorney General, but that had to be confirmed by the Senate.  Thai politics and government, well, it is made up all the time so any names or titles are pretty much meaningless since the PM basically has dictatorial powers.  Such an embarrassment to other countries but what can Thai people do?

    The purpose and intent of the bicameral parliamentary system has been violated by this junta. The upper house has the responsibility to scrutinize the house of representatives. The senators need to be better qualified in terms of qualification and seniority and must not be involved as family members. Besides the need for election, they must not be in a political position for more than 5 years to the application date or date of nomination. All those original requirements have been violated by this government and the upper house looks more like a half-way house for family members and associates.   

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  6. 2 hours ago, BestB said:

    There is someone else who is favoured by higher powers and that could be the wild card in the making .


    there is a good reason why uncle Prayut was sitted right in the back during recent ceremonies 

    Good observation. There are good reasons for need of an amicable solution to this junta created mess and the highly unpopular and incompetent Prayut to begin his new reign. His intervention will go well with the general public and most importantly bring some stability back to the economy. 

  7. 20 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    The MP's who moved to become Senators would create empty places for someone to fill!



    That’s true. 15 ministers and deputy ministers but they from 4 ministries that are not prominent and less attractive to entice coalition parties. The top ministries like Defence, Finance, Interior and Agriculture of the 19 ministries which incidentally have large budgets are attractive to would-be partners. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


    hmm well perhaps you do not know much about the case. Given this article, not surprising - You can pull up a Stanford Law School pdf on it if you want to, but methinks you have better things to do. The Americans got such a reduced sentence because of course they plead that this is how business is done in Thailand. And of course they had tried multiple times to it legal and legit but had been …. Turned aside. :biggrin:   It was only when money was offered that the deal could be struck. Even the judge was sympathetic BUT, did have to sentence. These facts of course were not and cannot be mentioned in the Thai article above for obvious reasons.

    Actually it is probably best you do not read about it.  :thumbsup:  heh


    In Thailand, it’s who you know rather than what you know that matters in any corruption case. 

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