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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 29 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Only in a real democracy Eric, in which the judicial system is independent, fair to all, and free from interference and threat. And where the majority of politicians respect and obey the law and parliamentary process.


    Not where billionaires, military officers, elite hisos etc control their own factions, think they are above all laws and processes and can do as they please; threaten, intimidate, or sack judges or change laws to suit themselves on a whim.


    Democracy is far more than a political system. 

    I think you mis-interpreted the meaning of real democracy. What you meant was elite dominated representative system. A real democracy is a direct and participatory democracy. 


    In the context of Thailand, it’s certainly true that the powerful and wealthy have played a decisive part in politics. Those factions that have the power to intervene and overthrow elected governments and change charters and laws arbitrarily are the bigger threat. Elected governments have less of that kind of power. 



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  2. 21 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    But not when the folks who make up political parties are highly corrupt and often at the same time making totally false claims about building democracy. 



    You still missing the point. The people decide and that’s democracy. You making motherhood statement and not fully comprehend the democratic process of the people’s right to decide their future until the next election. 

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  3. 56 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    Because slavery is so much more efficient.  His approach will insure chaos and conflicts.  Listening to these idiots hurts the head. 

    This comment is what hurting my head the whole day. 

    3 hours ago, webfact said:

    “Without the 250 senators, politics would have been on fire,” 

    Should be “politics is on fire because of the 250 junta appointed senators. Somsak should have his head examined for some missing screws 

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  4. The progressive and democratic west and eastern countries have the responsibilities to call out the junta’s blatant attempt to rig the election to their favour even if it result in nothing more than token warning. Thailand junta has now been served a notice that their dirty deeds are not acceptable and have consequences. Thailand is an open economy, dependent on the world for trade and investment. I am sure the junta is aware. Can’t imagine if the world don’t call out Thailand; the military and establishment will have carte blanche on all affairs of the state and citizens and that is a scary thought. 

  5. 13 hours ago, jayboy said:

    They don't care. The MFA will bleat but they are bit players, monkies to the organ grinder. The powerful forces actually controlling events couldn't give a dam what foreigners think. They know they will not be challenged in practice and in time even the feeble foreign protests will fade. The West has more important fish to fry and Thailand isn't an issue in the grand scheme of things.

    Point taken and the powerful forces will not take caution and plow forward recklessly while the west and some progressive Asian countries will likely to respond in their own ways. 


    The last 2 coups elicited strong responses from the west as while as Japan. Aid were cut, military exercises were cancelled, visas were restricted for coup leaders in some countries. Really a bad image generated by the illegal seizure of elected governments. 


    However this election wholesale alleged rigging is unprecedented in terms of how the world will respond. Perhaps taking the recent Cambodia’s blatant election fiasco as example will be the appropriate example. Their economy is now reeling from EU and USA withdrawing of trade privileges and GSP respectively. I think this is what frightened the junta and the MFA, 

  6. On 4/11/2019 at 1:50 PM, Eligius said:

    The Court will be told (secretly): 'If we use this method of calculation, then Pheua Thai and FFP emerge as very clear winners; but if we use this other special method of calculation, Phalang Pracharat are revealed as the clear and uncontestable winner. What should we do? Which one is right?'

    Court replies: 'The second method is the correct one. The other is full of flaws. Now proclaim the result to the Thai people: Phalang Pracharat are the new government, and the new government is headed up by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha!'


    There we have it: all done and dusted.


    Now over to the Thai people .....

    Probably the method will be get the desired outcome and work backwards. I believed this is termed as political expediency. 

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  7. 52 minutes ago, Sonhia said:

    Thailand has had it far too good for far too long. 


    Just by observation plus the many inputs from both Thai plus foreigners alike, the general consensus is that Thailand should be in a much better position. 


    For a country that has had so many foreigners invest in it over decades, I too am surprised at the the state of the economy, lack of social services and care plus  infrastructure investment. 


    The smiles have gone. The politeness has gone, and so has the safety. 


    Thailand, a place seemingly focused on money and greed. A bad formula which may drive both people and businesses away. 




    Total agreement with your observation. Thailand is facing steep challenges internally besides the global woe. Unstable governments, aging population, over dependence on export, small domestic economy, poor infrastructure. huge and inefficient bureaucracy, unprofitable state enterprises & education not suited for mobility to a different technology level. Tourism is the sole bright sector but contribute about only about 10% to the economy.

  8. Cutting the chase, empirical studies point to coup governments are never good for the economy and investment even without the current global trade frictions and uncertainties. Thailand keep shooting themselves on the foot in terms of the economic potentials and opportunities; period. 

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  9. 40 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Although the reality is if it suits the West to pretend someone is democratic they will do. If it suits them to leave Juntas, dictators, right wing, left wing, or any wing, in place, they will do.


    The West are a bunch of self serving hypocrites, who like to put a veneer on things so they can pretend their the "good people".

    Would be rather easy for the west to know whether Thailand is democratic; no need for pretense.  Seized power from elected government, coup government, election after 5 years and the excessive human rights abuses are sufficient  telling evidence for the diplomats to be concerned. I am glad they did. 

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