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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    You are right that street violence isn't the answer nor is it desirable. But the previous street violence was orchestrated by one faction or another vying for control for themselves. Not a people's movement or people power. The majority of ordinary Thais seem either not bothered, don't think they can change things, or accept things as they are. Unless that changes and their is a passion within ordinary people not to accept the current musical chairs then things will remain the same.

    That old style violent divide and conquer by self interest groups may be things of the past; hopefully. The Reds are in disarray and divided and have distrusts with the leaders; some of which have been outright betrayal by joining the junta's party. The yellows shirts in the south are equally disappointed and betrayed; showed in the polls. 

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  2. 30 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    The problem is: what will they do about it?

    What they should not do is a repeat of street violence that played into the hands of the military. ASEAN has good examples of peaceful, spontaneous and sustained People Power that lead to the political and social changes. Philippines in '82 against election fraud and regime violence, Saffron revolution '88 challenging military dictatorship resulted in victory at the polls 2 years later, Suharto chased out of office by Indonesian youth and lately People Power in Malaysia which started as election reform crusade became a national movement for democracy, social reform and government corruption. Is Thailand reaching the intolerance threshold for the young citizens to come out? Maybe so. 

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  3. Without sounding that I know a lot to solve this yearly problem; basic common sense solutions do point to increase vigilance monitoring of government agencies, tougher legal deterrents, good policies for managing crop residues (biogas?) and education(environment issues and depletion of soil fertility). Come on Junta government. You can do better than elected government. 

  4. 5 hours ago, boonrawdcnx said:


    Yes the stupidity is just unbelievable - after the air got much better yesterday where we live in Doi Saket - some idiot started burning yesterday afternoon near the Chinese Cemetery with huge black clouds of smoke visible from kilometers away! These people are just too stupid and ignorant! When the firefighters / police arrived there was nobody there and apparently nobody knew who had started the fire!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    The burning in the cemetery is a annual Chinese tradition known as Qing Ming or tomb sweeping day. It is a filial duty of all Chinese to clean the tombs of their parents and ancestors. It is only a few days and would not contribute much to the pollution. However they should also be responsible to burn in a controlled manner like in bins. 

  5. Some incessant tedious rants on democracy by individuals; still waiting for their views on a better alternative. Plagiarized public opinions is just so damn easy. We know it’s not perfect but still the best political system than the rest old style politics. 

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    • Confused 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, jayboy said:

    Of course democracy needs to reflect local traditions and culture but the basic themes transcend geography. There are fundamental principles that affect us all.



    The tradition of hereditary head of state can be accommodated in Eastern democracy. Alas it have been exploited by the power cliques to stage coups and write unfair laws to dominate. Democracy and military are oxymoron. 


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  7. It’s a fallacy to think that there is only western democracy. Eastern democracy has better chance of success for Thailand as it has been with Japan, South Korea and the biggest democracy in the world India. 

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  8. 36 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Selling out their democracy principles - the same aligning to a party owned and dictated to by a non elected crook you mean?


    Anyone who things any Shin party is "democratic" is naive at best.


    Anyone who thought the swamp would be magically drained is also naive.


    The game just goes on and on.

    Looks like you love the swamp and non elected coup government and you can’t figure out the difference. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. A party that was formed to enhance the interest of the establishment and the military in 2009. Not surprised by their cryptic message to support the junta. The party will continue to be a pepherial mid-size party and selling out their democracy principles. Wouldn’t be long before their supporters turned against them like the pariah Dem Party. 

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