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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 23 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    Or they have connected legal representation and friends in high-places.  That's usually the deciding factor, regardless of the validity of the levied-charges (of which, I don't pretend to have any idea).

    I think it has lot to do with the fact that subsidies are common feature in most countries (even developed) and never used as a political leverage to get rid of a government. Moreover the current junta government also has massive subsidies for rubber and according to the chairman of the rubber southern network was fraught with suspicion and alleged that there was corruption in the scheme. This rather confusing to the world that you have a PM charged with mishandling of the rice scheme while the other junta government was not charged. Trust you can see the nuance better. 

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  2. 16 minutes ago, HalfLight said:

    I didn't ignore it, at least that was not my intention. At best it was not a sparkling example of management but I am and have always been very, very suspicious that it is much more off a beat-up by Chanocha than a serious 'ultra viries' loss to the country. It was a subsidy. If corruption existed, punish it, put people in the slammer, but it was a subsidy portrayed as a government boondoggle. Yingluck's mistake was to underestimate Prem and his determination to find or manufacture grounds for yet another military coup on behalf of his sponsors. Perhaps for and on behalf of someone else, who's to say? Thankfully, his reward will not be long in coming but that's my personal opinion. State occasion be damned, I go with Eric Idle and Monty Python - 'Burned buried or dumped?'.

    Perhaps you views were being influenced by the entity that investigated her and brought charges in a rather short period and was needed to legitimize the coup. The fact that NACC is not really a independent agency and staffed by junta appointed members and a president that worked for Prawit may have clouded your judgement. The manner they ruled his innocence must be your last straw. 

  3. 40 minutes ago, Siripon said:

     From The Asian Review-

    The junta will cease submitting any new laws on Dec. 28, effectively becoming a caretaker government. The royal decree to hold an election will be granted on Jan. 2. Two days after the decree, the Election Commission will officially announce the date of the election.

    And from The Nation 12 hours ago-

    The much-anticipated Royal Decree on the election, which will allow the Election Commission to fix the poll date, has yet to be issued and Prayut yesterday said he did not know when it would be published in the Royal Gazette.



    No dispute regarding the Asian Review’s report. Say it as it is.


    The Nation was also correct but here lays the problem. No one know the anything about the Royal Decree. If you read on, you will find that protestors were demanding that the junta come out clean in regards to the status of the decree. Has the junta submitted their election details for royal gazette? If the junta did that, the EC will then be able to carry out their duty and announce the election date. 





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  4. 4 minutes ago, Siripon said:

    No, you're wrong. The EC have to set an election date within 5 days of receiving the Royal Decree.

    Wrong again. The royal decree to set the election in motion was signed mid December. This decree include lifting of political activities and political campaigning. A time table was included including Jan 4 for the EC to announce the election date. That date came and gone because the EC is waiting for the junta to confirm the election and set a date. Royal decree simply gazette the election date and not set the date. 

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  5. 51 minutes ago, mickymouse1 said:

    That is exactly  what I suspected.The family bought big stake not major shares in that port and thereby shot the appointment. Very obvious without any reports or announcement. If A Singaporean investor/company then it is indeed their money laundering arm.

    You don;t get to be a chairperson of the board if you don't own a major share of any company. Tightly controlled Singapore; money laundering??? Maybe you new to this region. 

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  6. On 1/5/2019 at 8:21 AM, rooster59 said:

    Rights activists suspect a hidden agenda as another historic symbol of freedom is stealthily removed

    I thought that this statement was enough for the cynics of democracy inscrutable reasons like blaming the state of politics, weak democracy, corruption and division. It has been a long drawn agenda to blame democracy by the elites and military and allowed them the reasons to intervene and continue their dominance. 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Wouldn't this apply to Prayut if he wants to run as a party member candidate?

    Especially since he was not a member of any political party in any previous elections.

    If so, an election delay allows him more time to count possible pro-military party votes, decide if more MP candidates need to be "flipped" to the party that Prayut wants to become the PM candidate and decide if further "mobile cabinet" are needed around the country to remind the electorate of his achievements as PM.

    Of course Prayut can always Article 44 himself into compliance.

    He has up to mid January to be a political party member to be nominated if the official election date is 24th Feb. Maybe reason for him to delay the election to buy more incumbent MPs. If he does indeed go that route, he will be ineligible to be nominated as an outside candidate. The man is weighing all the dirty tricks to stay in power.


    I doubt Article 44 can be used to circumvent royal gazetted laws that took effect in December. The government will need to organize election within 150 days of the laws taking effect according to the constitution.   

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  8. 18 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    Everywhere, actually.


    As if it was truly attained anywhere.

    Deeper exploration for the  Eurocentric apologists and fantasists.

    Let me see. The other political systems are monarchy, communism and dictatorship. No need for deep exploration. Easy choice. Better survival chance in democracy. 

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