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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 18 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    Everywhere, actually.


    As if it was truly attained anywhere.

    Deeper exploration for the  Eurocentric apologists and fantasists.

    Let me see. The other political systems are monarchy, communism and dictatorship. No need for deep exploration. Easy choice. Better survival chance in democracy. 

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  2. 35 minutes ago, KhunProletariat said:

    As if Thailand ever had real democracy to begin with.


    What a joke.



    We almost had a chance at real democracy  with citizens direct and participatory involvement. We even have citizens initiatives in the form of public opinion of major projects. Not perfect but still a template in which all citizens have the possibility and the right to participate in the decisions that affect their lives and communities. BUT the elites and military fear losing power, dominance and the treasure cove. So they plotted and plotted numerous times to sabotage real democracy and entrenching their superiority and governance more than elected governments. They are the problem and obstacle to real democracy. 


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  3. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    MOST EXPORTERS are worried about the baht appreciating against the US dollar,

    Don't quite understand the concern when all our competing countries also appreciated against US dollar. Moreover the appreciating baht lower costs of imported materials and fuel. Thailand is not competitive because of a whole array of logistical and productivity problems. Blaming the currency is just a convenient excuse. 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    Happy to report that I am wrong. Joe Public is starting to complain. Last night the number one trending hashtag for Thailand on Twitter is the equivalent of Delaymother******! or Postpone your ****ing mother! 


    All kinds of excuses and theories are being thrown about for the delay, some of which seem to make sense while others are way off the sensibility scale. I think all we can conclude with any kind of certainty is that Prayuth will still be the sitting PM at the time of the coronation. Think he should invest in some adult diapers for the event to prevent ecstasy stains causing embarrassment.    

    I read from a report that the junta may reconsider delaying if there are fierce public backlash. Some dates were reported that will not clash with the coronation and all in March which meant just a very short delay. Whether Prayut will preside at time of coronation is still up in the air and ultimately will reveal a lot on the 2 most powerful institutions relationship. 

  5. I believed that separate organizing committees will be appointed for the preparation and planning. No ministries are involved. Why will the election affect the event. The bad news is sly fox with the John Lennon glasses chair the committees. He is masterminding the delay for his boss who obviously will be “blameless”. I hope a more powerful entity will override that attempt. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    he is studying policy platforms of political parties before deciding which one he would join in the near future.

    Pretty hilarious as though he is being courted by many political parties. He is poison ivy to all but ACT and PPRP. Forget ACT as they are struggling for survival and abandoned by Prayut. Only PPRP left and he has slightly more than a week to made up his mind.   

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  7. 38 minutes ago, JAG said:

    There is no particular hurry, if one takes into account another significant piece of news, we can assume, no matter what happens at the polls (if they are held in February), that there will be no "new government" formed until at least the end of May. And then...


    Plenty of time to come to an arrangement.

    Good observation JAG but I have another view. That major event in early May may hasten the elected government with an elected PM presiding the event. That will be politically correct for someone to be seen by the world.   

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  8. 7 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    Or, any slighted Oligarchy/Plutocracy. 


    Same as all of the world truly functions.


    All those fancy words like oligarchy, plutocracy and kleptocracy. None really fit Thailand. Used too conveniently and those trying to justify military dominance. The elites/military is the cause of Thailand’s long suffering and woes. Stop blaming democracy even if it’s weak. 

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  9. 6 minutes ago, madmen said:

    I guess your a Newby here and missed bangkok burning emoji91.png

    Google is your friend.

    The country is always on the edge. Why? Because they do not know how to respect democracy and doubt they ever will.

    More coups around the corner sooner or later. With Prayut at the helm though that may be unlikely for the next decade

    I see where your confusion lays. Civil war is a war between citizens of the same country. Bangkok burning was a aftermath of military brutality. There were no fighting between citizens. 

    • Haha 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, madmen said:

    The elephant in the room is the whole thai population that still even today do not protest. It would be in their interest to start a move NOW.

    If the vote is rigged it will be enough to get over the line. If it's a landslide which I believe it will be there will be a lot of TV posters with egg on their face.

    “Why they do not protest”. This news article is one of the many reported intimidations that answer your question.


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  11. 44 minutes ago, robblok said:

    He is not standing election but anyone except you  probably knows that voting for pro junta parties means a vote for Prayut. The bet is not irrelevant your remark is, though I agree with you that he lacks the fortitude to face the voters. 



    Isn’t illegal in the organic law when a non party member can influence the party Rob. 

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