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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. So the NCPO is still investigating and unraveling the exact quantity of rice stock and a final audit is still forthcoming. Yet we have the NACC telling all they have a water tight case to lay criminal charges. I will qualify them as blinkered ostrich or emu.

    Looks like you have taken over trying to justify the scheme, in this case by trying to confuse two different things.

    What we are talking about here is missing rice and the corruption, theft and other illegal activities that go with it.

    The NACC case's (note there are more than one) hinges on negligence in one case against yingluck, and in financial transactions in others against her and other officials, as per :


    Anti-graft agency probing rice deals, links to ministers

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission sub-panel is deeply probing alleged irregularities in the rice-pledging scheme's financial transactions to identify possible nominees linked to five former ministers under investigation, NACC deputy secretary-general Warawit Sukboon said yesterday.

    Facing graft probes in connection with the rice-pledging scheme are ex-PM Yingluck Shinawatra, ex-commerce ministers Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan, Boonsong Teriyapirom and Yanyong Phuangrach and former deputy commerce minister Poom Sarapol.

    Warawit said the NACC was waiting for more information from banks and relevant state agencies.

    He said all the information would be further examined in depth through analyses and syntheses to identify any irregularities in the financial transactions made by the five ex-officials before they assumed and left their post.

    As well as fake G 2 G deals :

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/757870-ex-commerce-ministers-secretary-faces-charges-over-fake-g-to-g-rice-deals/ DSI probes graft allegations in govt's rice-pledging scheme

    BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has decided to lodge malfeasance and other criminal charges against former secretary of ex-commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom for alleged involvement in fake government-to-government rice deals with two Chinese state enterprises.

    Do tell me Mr Robby NZ just how you can probe financial irregularities when you don't have a certified final audit. If no final audit, just how to prove negligence. Yes it was a poor policy but nothing criminal about that until you have the audited figures to back up the charges. Meanwhile, the G to G MOU is still under investigation and the NACC has already lodged charges. In their haste as TaH posted, they are open to more accusation.

    You haven't grasped it yet have you Eric.

    That's what this topic is all about the AMLO and others doing a thorough investigation of the financial transactions and bookwork in regards to this one instance in order to proceed with legal action.

    Now that an inspection has been made all the problems (such as this topic) highlighted by the inspection can be gone into one by one and prosecutions brought.

    The negligence case against Yingluck is based on the many warnings she received that the scheme was in big trouble and which she failed to heed, indeed she kept saying everything was fine and refused to act to stop or at least minimize losses. That is where the negligence comes in.

    The pending corruption cases are based on fake G 2 G deals which happened before PT were dissolved, as did Yinglucks negligence.

    Nothing to do with a final audit of the whole scheme which may be impossible anyway as PT appeared not to have kept records or if they did they kept them well hidden.

    Robby, your explanation is futile. Not only me but the OAG has told the NACC has no case as it lacks detail evidences and full of loopholes. Even the TDRI distance themself from the charges. Sometimes, you have the accept the facts that the NACC has acted in haste for whatever reasons or agenda.

  2. So the NCPO is still investigating and unraveling the exact quantity of rice stock and a final audit is still forthcoming. Yet we have the NACC telling all they have a water tight case to lay criminal charges. I will qualify them as blinkered ostrich or emu.

    Looks like you have taken over trying to justify the scheme, in this case by trying to confuse two different things.

    What we are talking about here is missing rice and the corruption, theft and other illegal activities that go with it.

    The NACC case's (note there are more than one) hinges on negligence in one case against yingluck, and in financial transactions in others against her and other officials, as per :


    Anti-graft agency probing rice deals, links to ministers

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission sub-panel is deeply probing alleged irregularities in the rice-pledging scheme's financial transactions to identify possible nominees linked to five former ministers under investigation, NACC deputy secretary-general Warawit Sukboon said yesterday.

    Facing graft probes in connection with the rice-pledging scheme are ex-PM Yingluck Shinawatra, ex-commerce ministers Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan, Boonsong Teriyapirom and Yanyong Phuangrach and former deputy commerce minister Poom Sarapol.

    Warawit said the NACC was waiting for more information from banks and relevant state agencies.

    He said all the information would be further examined in depth through analyses and syntheses to identify any irregularities in the financial transactions made by the five ex-officials before they assumed and left their post.

    As well as fake G 2 G deals :

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/757870-ex-commerce-ministers-secretary-faces-charges-over-fake-g-to-g-rice-deals/ DSI probes graft allegations in govt's rice-pledging scheme

    BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has decided to lodge malfeasance and other criminal charges against former secretary of ex-commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom for alleged involvement in fake government-to-government rice deals with two Chinese state enterprises.

    Do tell me Mr Robby NZ just how you can probe financial irregularities when you don't have a certified final audit. If no final audit, just how to prove negligence. Yes it was a poor policy but nothing criminal about that until you have the audited figures to back up the charges. Meanwhile, the G to G MOU is still under investigation and the NACC has already lodged charges. In their haste as TaH posted, they are open to more accusation.

  3. Seem the plane lost contact about an hour after take off. That will probably put the location somewhere in Java Sea. Those who fly frequently between Indonesia and Singapore know well that this stretch has very regular serious turbulence especially during monsoon season. Pray plane be found safely. Already 2 Malaysian planes down this year. Hope this one will have no misadventure.

  4. Poor timing, not ready for democracy, vote buying, Thai style democracy etc etc. Real cop out excused 18 times over. Always work as reasons when a coup is needed. Repeating this over and over again is insanity and still hope for an answer. Ludicrous and the yellow buying all these reasons whole sale. Allow democracy to flourish and mature and voters will learn the power in their hands to kick out the corrupt governments and bad policies. Look no further than Indonesia which thankfully have their last coup in the '60s and a dictator kicked out by people revolution and now basking in a people choice President, political stability and economic growth. What Thailand need is for the establishment to take their greedy hands off the state affairs, accept that coups are outdated and subscribed to the people mandate.

    Somewhat off topic, but if you mention the last coup in Indonesia in the 60's, you should also mention that there was no further coup as the junta was still present till 1998

    No junta. The coup was crush by Sukarno and Suharto was appointed as vice President by Sukarno and latter as President. Trying to add a bit of shine to the current junta?

  5. Dear PM. I suggest that you order your ministers to leave their cosy office and come down to ground zero to see the real economic situation. Don't surround yourself with yes men who only tell you the news that you want to hear. You have not done enough to stimulate the domestic economy and the mom and pop shops and restaurants are finding extremely hard to made ends meet and are closing down more rapidly than ever before. You seem to be just putting out fire when the noise from the people like the rubber farmers become too loud. You should be ahead of the curve and have better and more comprehensive policies to help the domestic economy. For starter, lift the martial law ASAP. Thank you.

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  6. The Thai Rak Thai clown with one of the weakest defenses ever...

    attachicon.gifimage .jpg

    Charnchai... Cop in a mug shot

    Retired Police Colonel Charnchai Netirattakarn admitted he visited Constitution Court judge ML Krairerk Kasemsan, but he was "just kidding" when he offered a Bt30 million bribe to Krairerk.



    Actually, I think this trumps that defense as the weakest ever:

    Just a case of doing what is necessary for an abnormal time and circumstances in Thailand history. In normal times, you likely to get a fair trial and no need to influence the judge.

    Poor TRT, they just had to bribe a judge so he'd let them off the hook for electoral fraud.

    Not any worse than bribery by deeds or as former Constitutional Court President put it "political expediency". Dem was let off the hook for electoral fraud due to political expediency plus the rest of the CC court rulings.

  7. I suspect Air Asia's Thailand business was down partly b/c of the political crisis and partly b/c Nok Air is simply beating them out for quality and value. I fly somewhere domestically almost every month and always book whichever airline is cheapest: 9 times out of 10 it's Nok Air. Doesn't always appear so at first but when you factor in Air Asia's checked bag charge, Nok usually wins. Nok also let's you pre-select seats for free and gives you a snack on board. It's a consistently better experience than Air Asia, in my opinion.

    Plus Nok Airline seats have better legroom.

  8. Dr. Warong , hot shot Dem MP who threw a tantrum and have Nok Air evacuate the passengers, wrote a book on the rice scheme corruption. If anyone knows the fact, it should be him. Afterall he wrote a book revealing all the misdoings. Like most here, pure speculating and second guessing. The scheme just have too many moving parts to draw any conclusion including the much speculated monetary loss.

    It wasn't Warong that threw the tantrum. Warong complained because they evacuated the plane after someone else threw a tantrum.


    You right. Not Warong that threw the tantrum. Rest of my post still relevant.

  9. Dr. Warong , hot shot Dem MP who threw a tantrum and have Nok Air evacuate the passengers, wrote a book on the rice scheme corruption. If anyone knows the fact, it should be him. Afterall he wrote a book revealing all the misdoings. Like most here, pure speculating and second guessing. The scheme just have too many moving parts to draw any conclusion including the much speculated monetary loss.

  10. The Mal-Thai two legs finals are all about wrong strategy employed by Dollah and the right strategy by Kaitisuk. Dollah should know better to match the much younger Thais in speed and running in the first leg. By the last 20 minutes, the much older Malaysian was slower in their turns and decision making and the Thais scored twice. Then again Dollah persisted in the same strategy for the second leg. The war elephant soaked it up in the first half, did not panick after 3-0 down and scored when the quick tiring Malaysia offered little resistance. If the Malaysian don't start to invest in their youth players, they will not able to compete even on ASEAN level.

    Come on Eric, admit it, you're not Sir Alex!

    Hmmm all those years of Thaksin controlled puppet autocracies and no football championship. A few months of the current government and whoopee "Champions". He knows how to make the Thai people happy!


    Lossen up BB. Not everything is about politics. I am a big fan of local and regional club and national football. I know both coaches during their playing days. Dont get too hang up with Thai politics which we are all fringe observers. Have a great Sunday.

  11. The Mal-Thai two legs finals are all about wrong strategy employed by Dollah and the right strategy by Kaitisuk. Dollah should know better to match the much younger Thais in speed and running in the first leg. By the last 20 minutes, the much older Malaysian was slower in their turns and decision making and the Thais scored twice. Then again Dollah persisted in the same strategy for the second leg. The war elephant soaked it up in the first half, did not panick after 3-0 down and scored when the quick tiring Malaysia offered little resistance. If the Malaysian don't start to invest in their youth players, they will not able to compete even on ASEAN level.

  12. This massive infrastructure projects will bring wealth to the NE in the same way rubber and palm oil to the South, some 30 years ago. Rubber and palm transformed the economic landscape and brought the South better income and allowed more to be educated and gave them better standard of living. Meanwhile, poverty in the North fell behind compare to the South and Central and have almost 65% nation wide poverty. As we speak, the NE is getting the lion share of investments and growing at double digit GDP from increase border trades and young large work force. Next 10 years will see a reversal of poverty growth if the South still depend on the two main crops. This will also play a big part in the political scenario. The Dem will continue to see things happening from the rear view mirror.

  13. Achievements: the economy is in the tank and unlikely to improve, Dear Leader has been the subject of repeated global ridicule, the tourism industry has collapsed and the education system is both a: censored, and b: centred around a list of 12 core rules, many of which are vaguely fascist. The military budget of course is up and the education budget is down. Civil discourse is prohibited on a wide range of crucial-to-Thailand's-future subjects. And any election is continually pushed back.

    I'm pleased we did not end up in a civil war but despite the ramblings of some in these forums, the those now in power played a large part in engineering a drift towards civil war to provide an excuse for the coup.

    I'm also pleased that those who continually blocked payments to rice farmers to force a crisis found way to quickly unblock those funds when the nasty elected "populist" government was removed.

    Economy is bad because of what Yinglucks government did. You can't blame that on this government. But they didn't do anything to improve it.

    Same as for the education system.....that is bad the last 20-30 years.

    Civil war is stopped thanks to the army.

    So nothing this government can be blamed at. They fought corruption well. Else they did little.

    You don't really need to stop a civil war with a coup even a much hyped one. The military just need to be performed their responsibilties as a government agency. There is still a real civil war in the south to be stopped.

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