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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Yingluck said that she had an opportunity to learn from Thaksin about his ideas, vision, and the style of his political work.

    The good news for all crooks is:

    According to this, every corruption, law breaking and accepting advantage will rightfully get a carte blanche in court, as long as you tell the judges: “Your Honour, I was driven to do it by ideas, visions and my style of political work.”

    Why bother to defend when the courts have already made up their mind. The Courts just refer to previous judiciary coup references and sentence. The hearing is just a side show.

  2. From 'we want the Shin family out of Thailand' to 'no personal grudge', this kind of extremity is just to hard to bear. If they state D-day, V-day, final assault etc etc. , who's to know whether they are coming or going. Fact is that there are too many Indian chiefs in the PDRC from monks, academics, senators etc and very few cohesive plan. Can we trust these people to take over the country?

  3. Deja vu. Last time a 'neutral' prime minister was appointed, the constitution was changed to appointees, community stations were shut down, nation wide program to convert the Taksin supporters and freedom of expression curtailed. Same group of the establishment this time asking for neutral PM. We can expect the same i.e. eradication and subjugation of the oppositions.

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  4. stop hiding Abhsit and try to lead your party by producing policies which the voters can support

    Increase the minimum daily wage to 500 THB?

    A free iPhone to every Thai citizen?

    Unemployment benefit of 5000 THB per month?

    It seems that the Democrat Party would have to resort to such policies in order to out-do Thaksin's parties' extremely attractive vote-garnering policies and get democratically elected into power. Should they go this route?

    No, they leave the vote buying to the PTP.

    Done that too. 5 Dem were red carded in '07 election. They tried everything but still can't win the election. Perhaps get rid of Ahbishit may help.

  5. stop hiding Abhsit and try to lead your party by producing policies which the voters can support

    Increase the minimum daily wage to 500 THB?

    A free iPhone to every Thai citizen?

    Unemployment benefit of 5000 THB per month?

    It seems that the Democrat Party would have to resort to such policies in order to out-do Thaksin's parties' extremely attractive vote-garnering policies and get democratically elected into power. Should they go this route?

    Should they go this route? Ahbisit has all the practices as he done all that in his tenure. Popular policies like cash handouts, increase civil servant salaries, subsidized diesel/LPG/electricty/bus/train, free milk, free education etc. Adopted Taksin 30B healthcare scheme, Village funds and SML scheme. All populist policies that caused government debt to rise and created -4.8% budget deficit (highest since Chuan's government ). Also poor economic policies that saw unemployent increased 63%. It was a disaster. Not to mention his failed rice guarantee scheme still under process for dereliction of duty by the NACC ???

    • Like 1
  6. cheesy.gif Neutral Prime Minister...what a joke. This guy has been in Thaksin's pocket for years.

    If an election was the way out, we would be out of problems already, wouldn't we???

    Who comes up with this crap. Oh yes, I forgot, the Thaksin Propaganda machine sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

    You sure about that? His party was in Ahbisit government coalition. What a joke !

  7. EC asked government to postpone the election. Nice little trap. Do that and the Dem will petition the Constitution Court to charge the government for ignoring the Royal Degree to have election before 60 days. BTW, 2 Feb election was in its 50 something day. Just admit that the EC is in cahoot with the oppositions. Be a man and stop shifting blame.

  8. The PDRC and UDD events could not be more contrasting :

    PDRC events : a call for reform before an election

    a call for the strengthening of the independent agencies

    a call for accountability and addressing of corruption

    UDD events : a call for the dismantling of the independent agencies

    a call for the impeachment of judges on the Constitutional Court and the appointment of new judges

    a call for secession

    a call for ten million Thais to arm themselves with guns

    The answer is easy... "are the independent agencies independent..??"

    depending on your answer (or how you get it to be from your Point of view) you know who is right..

    Would corruption accountability also include judiciary corruption and also Suterp's corruption? Didn't see your PDRC events to call for disarming of their own men.

  9. For those who have Bluesky, they can see live. From what I see, the days of crowds standing on the payment blowing whistles and waving Baht are gone. Lots of guards and key leaders trying to put up a bold front with sporadic waving. The big smiles are gone as supporters dwindle and perhaps protest fatigue or just pure feed-up with this continuing economy sapping political circus.

  10. Court has ruled and it's now water over the bridge. A new election will be held. Court verdict only harden the government supporters with no hope for the Dem to win them over. For staunch Dem supporters, they can enjoy this moment of false victory. For the neutrals, they will be disgusted with the Court and the Dem second boycott and may not vote or cross over. Dem loss. All told, ball at Dem/PDRC court and it's now their dilemma on how to move forward. They are the one to be sweating while PT just sit cool and win the next election.

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