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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. The weekend warriors from Bangkok came out to support him. But when the really battle begins these people will be no where to be found. There afraid to get their hands dirty. This is the big different between the Reds and the Yellows.

    yes the reds were never afraid to use violence.....different than the Bangkok middle class.

    Also most PDRC supporters have to work during the week, no one pays them.

    You're being (probably deliberately) naive if you think the PDRC protestors camping out in Lumpini Park are not being paid!

    You and Mango Bob should get together and get your stories straight, The people in Lumpini are probably retired, or wives of workers but are genuine protestors unlike the red 'rent-a Crowd".

    I'm guessing you don't live in Bangkok, but a short visit to the protest site at Lumpini would show how wrong you are.

    Wombat never venture beyond his lazy chair or his den. He just armchair critic who pretend he knows the sentiment on the ground.

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  2. Real democracy and Suterp. What an oxymoron. Maybe he meant definiciones de fascismo.

    You wouldnt know what he meant if you translate it into italian or whatever....the old adage...."Lost in Translation" Who is the oxymoron.??? ..anyone with the name Eric Loh can stand up !!

    Alone again? Another boring night with nothing to do, old batty. Four in a row replies. Time to get of four lazy chair and get a more mining full life.

  3. Critics accuse the Constitutional Court of rushing through Yingluck's case and allege previous rulings show that it is politically biased against the Shinawatras.

    This means that when a court convicts a PTP member it s bias, not that maybe they are a corrupt bunch, stealing from Thai citizens. YL has had ample time to respond. She, and her lawyers, have been devising all sorts of schemes to hang on to their alleged 'power'. Slowing the process is bad for the country, but then, they were never in it for the good of the country. Corruption is rampant. Differing opinions are crushed. Elections are bought. Other parties are threatened with violence. Laws adjusted to fit the Sae Khu clan.

    For the life of me I can t see the difference with Adolf and the brown shirts and the Sae Khu clan and the red shirts. Democracy is lost.

    Well you should learn to be more discerning. A comparison between the Shinawatra family and UDD with Hitler and the SA is the last refuge of a failed argument and renders the rest of your "opinion" irrelevant (in my opinion).

    Oh, the Shinawatra family name was adopted by Thaksins father in 1938 because of the anti Chinese movement here. I don't know what you are trying to say by using the Sae Khu family name, perhaps subtle racism, but the Shinawatra siblings you are talking about have always been Shinawatras and for some strange reason they are referred to as Shinawatra. Why, you even managed to use their real name in the first line of your post, wasn't so hard, was it.

    A very large number of UK politicians, past and present, have changed their names or their families have. Some quiet senior. The reason - to avoid ethnic and religious discrimination and to make themselves more appealing to electorate by appearing to be of the same heritage,

    The Shinawatra family are Chinese who changed their name to appear Thai to avoid persecution and bias against them. Sae Khu is the original family name. Nothing wrong in pointing out the history to people. Might help in contextualizing certain attitudes and actions.

    You just pointing to a well known historical fact. Chinese have started to trade with Asia since the Meng dynasty and descendants have married locals and change their names. Oh, Ahbisit Chinese family name is Yuan. Their attitudes are very much localized.

  4. Eric Loh, , said: This can go on forever. I respect your loyalty and allegiance to Suterp and Ahbisit and will defend them even with distorted facts. Just as closing, in my country we throw out garbage politicians and their parties by a process call election.

    I would presume the elections are fair, clean and free of corruption and candidates can campaign freely without fear of intimidation and retribution. It appears you will withhold pertinent facts in support of your beloved mongrel reds.

    Didn't the last election, the EC went through the results with a fine tooth-comb and legitamize the election results? If the highly controversal and left leaning EC gave the final verdict, then I would said that your claims of fair, clean election is nothing short of diatribe. The courts will also be too pleased to lend a hand and accept any petition by the litigative Dem. You have to have closure and accept that your beloved yellow fascists lost big time.

    Once again you are misleading in your statement with a feeble spin attempt. The EC legitimised the final vote without being able to fully investigate the highly reported incidents of intimidation, retribution and graft due to to time constraint. To split hairs, the last election was a no go. Again we see a red ragger automatically labelling a non red supporter as yellow. That is the difference between you lot and the rest of us, we can see all sides to a situation independently and without an unhealthy disposition. A person with an average or higher intellect does not remain in a state of denial. Get over it, the PTP/UDD are a criminal Mafioso mob who no nothing else but evil.

    Time constraint like the last time the Constitutional Court throw out the charges to dissolve the Dem because of time lapse in submitting the documents. Yes when you have nothing to say, always bring in time constraint. A sure winner. The fascist mob sure need someone like you.

  5. Eric Loh, , said: This can go on forever. I respect your loyalty and allegiance to Suterp and Ahbisit and will defend them even with distorted facts. Just as closing, in my country we throw out garbage politicians and their parties by a process call election.

    I would presume the elections are fair, clean and free of corruption and candidates can campaign freely without fear of intimidation and retribution. It appears you will withhold pertinent facts in support of your beloved mongrel reds.

    Didn't the last election, the EC went through the results with a fine tooth-comb and legitamize the election results? If the highly controversal and left leaning EC gave the final verdict, then I would said that your claims of fair, clean election is nothing short of diatribe. The courts will also be too pleased to lend a hand and accept any petition by the litigative Dem. You have to have closure and accept that your beloved yellow fascists lost big time.

  6. Real democracy and Suterp. What an oxymoron. Maybe he meant definiciones de fascismo.

    Look your own failed regime, get a life.

    Failed regime? Last I know before Suterp screwed up the economy was that we had a positive GDP, surplus current account, improve +BBB credit rating, increase foreign reserve to USD180+, positive trade balance and FDI up a record 77% over 2012. Oh, more. Unemployment at 0.7% (4th best in the world) and recognition by UN as one of the great development success in social and development.

    Ya, we certainly heading for a failed regime if Suterp or Ahbisit got their way. Probably treated as pariah by the world community.

    You really have to read more and come out of your closet.

  7. Sign of a maturing democracy when people from the grass roots are speaking out against being discriminated and steam rolled by the elites through their proxies military and courts. If the Dem is not getting the message and reach out to the grass roots and instead scheme and corrupt their way to the top, they will never ever win any election. Awakening time for all. The army seem to understand and stay out. The courts; well will know soon.

    PDRC and Dem really have no role in any solution. Yes, I do agree that Taksin and Shin family stay out of politics and a new generation of PT leaders rise up and recognizes the need for reform. Thailand can benefit from reforms but not reform advocated by Suterp and AV that exclude outsiders from participating.

    Just what are you on about. It is obvious you are unreasonably biased.

    A new group of PTP is what will do it. But a new group of Democrats can't do it. In other words you are saying PTP pass the baton on to the new people you have been training in the art of corruption. Do not let the new Democrats in. They don't know how to rob Thailand blind like you do. They might improve the life's of the Thai people.

    You are obviously unaware of any thing. It was the grass roots that started the whole thing and they are the anti government protesters not the PTP supporters that is the red shirts. Which might be changing as I hear the red shirts are now telling the PTP what to do.

    The grass roots are being led by Suthep.

    You meant to say that during Dem government, there were no corruption?? If they improve the life of Thai people, then they have a good formula to win the election. Why the boycott? Same if The grass roots are behind Suterp, why need to snatch power illegitimately instead of an election.

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  8. Sign of a maturing democracy when people from the grass roots are speaking out against being discriminated and steam rolled by the elites through their proxies military and courts. If the Dem is not getting the message and reach out to the grass roots and instead scheme and corrupt their way to the top, they will never ever win any election. Awakening time for all. The army seem to understand and stay out. The courts; well will know soon.

    PDRC and Dem really have no role in any solution. Yes, I do agree that Taksin and Shin family stay out of politics and a new generation of PT leaders rise up and recognizes the need for reform. Thailand can benefit from reforms but not reform advocated by Suterp and AV that exclude outsiders from participating.

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  9. Ginjag you are just never going to be able to convince me and many others that reform before elections is pro democracy. Parties should contest elections on policy platforms of reform. ASEAN and the UN could provide monitoring support to ensure a democratic election.

    I do not want to convince you--I am in no position to do that. I only want to say with out a good diving board you cannot have a good dive.

    No good having elections without sound laws of transparency.

    Ginjay, how can you have laws without a Parliment? The election is needed to have a parliment that can enact law. Same as reform, we need the reform to be legislated which is what PT suggest. Then after implementation in 12-18 months, people can judge if the reforms are within their expectation and election held again. That seen fair.

  10. The one to step down should be Ahbisit as leader of the Dem Party. How did the incumbent leaders in the party continue to allow failures from Ahbisit. Khun Banyat was disposed off when he lost the election but not Ahbisit. No Dem leaders have boycott any election and he has boycott twice and perhaps a third time. He and Suterp have split their own supporters and some hard core supporters may even be disappointed to not vote or poll no vote. He really have taken Dem Party backwards. He either should resign or the incumbents have the fortitude to chose another leader.

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  11. Where is the verifiable evidence that you base your observation of there being increased corruption?

    Welcome to Thailand, though I assume you are overseas from your posting times.

    2 TRILLION BAHT spending bill, big enough to ruin the nation's economy, with provisions to keep the spending secret. By a Thaksin led puppet government as Thaksin wants his money back. He already mysteriously received 1 billion dollars just last year, according to Forbes, go check it out.

    Where is the verifiable evidence that there has been equal or decreased corruption?

    Wow you sure can pull something out of thin air. The 2T Baht bill has not even get off first base and you already qoute as corruption. It has been stopped by the CC, remember?? And the Forbes 1B Baht (not dollar) is the balance of the Supreme Court confiscation of 1.4 B out of Taksin 2.3 B Baht and rightfully returned back to him. Balance plus interest equates to 1B Baht. You are busted big time.

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  12. "He noted that an election will provide the solution to the ongoing political crisis, provided the polling can be held in its entirety."

    So the PDRC will just go home and give the country to Thaksin?

    "He also suggested the Democrat Party enter the July 20 race, because politicians are obliged to partake in elections."

    No you can be politician without taking part in elections.....

    "Asked whether he will meet Mr. Abhisit for talks, ACM Prajin said this would not be necessary, as the armed forces commanders would confer with the supreme commander, who already spoke to Mr. Abhisit, regarding this matter."

    So also this comment isn't necessary?

    "According to him, the Air Force will be ready to lend a hand in ensuring that the general election is conducted in its entirety."

    The AIR Force? very strange....elections are usually on the ground....

    "ACM Prajin also remarked that the current situation did not warrant a request of a royally-bestowed prime minister, in accordance with Article 7 of the charter."

    And the Air Force decide that

    Don't be consumed by your loyalty and open your mind to what the Air Force Chief said. He said an election which can mean the people vote and decide on the next government. Have you given up hope on the Dem Party? An election versus a power grap by Suterp, which you think is the solution.

    Sorry you are so wrong about politician role which ultimately is to be elected as representative for the purpose of serving the people.

    And he is right about Article 7. Why do you want to put stress and worries on the King.

  13. The Shin clan will, of course, step aside for the good of the country, because "they don't want power, only peace". If you believe that, I have some real estate you may be interested in.

    Get your real estate ready. From what I heard, Taksin and the Shin family is willing to step aside from politics if election will take place and the Dem participate. Now that is a real sacrifice, not the less than imporant sacrifice from smarty pants.

  14. Haven't we been treated to the final day prediction by the Nation since the first day Suterp started his personal crusade. This opinion piece should be in the writer personal blog not on national newspaper as it scaring the people and businesses. Unelected PM is constitutionally illegal unless Suterp is bold enough to tear up the constitution and snatch power. Then he will face the wrath of the people power. Army step in and Suterp will be arrested and trial for treason.

    Eric.... come down from planet Zug-Zug and back to the real world.. If this was the UK ,Suthep would be knighted..He will go down in history as a Great Thai Leader and a Hero.. unlike you who will just go down... pathetic... w00t.gif

    555 like your sense of humour. Are you always so funny? Great leader, dear leader, we aint in North Korea or China yah?

  15. The court can do their hatchet job for Yingluck but will leave the cabinet alone that allows the caretaker government to continue till the election. I think that will be aceptable to Taksin and PT. Important for them to prevent Suterp seizing power if there is no government. Yingluck is prepare to go and a new caretaker PM can be appointed. Also think Ahbisit plan is all about the Shin family to leave politics, set up reform council, election and next government implement reform. From sources, Taksin is ready to withdraw his family from politics. Now that is a great sacrifice.

  16. These agencies people are selected by the Senate. The way these appointed Senators are selected is by a committee of these Independent Agencies. So the Senate is supposed to monitor these agencies, yet it is also appointed by these same agencies. Which means in effect that the Independent agencies are kept in check by people they chose! Self regulation never works!

    But we found out it was far worse than that, because even the Independent Agencies committee doesn't select them freely according to Chumpol Silapaarcha speaking as late as 2011.

    Chart Thai Pattana leader Chumpol Silapaarcha Friday said an unnamed figure had control over the seven members of the senator selection committee. However, he would not reveal who the person was.

    “Society should figure out who can be that influential,” he said, adding that he would take responsibility for what he said.

    Repeating something he has said many times recently, Chumpol claimed elites dominate Thai politics.

    We've had some spectacular decisions in these agencies. Only two days ago, the NACC indicted 36 Senators for voting on an Amendment to make the Senate fully elected! Since when did voting become corruption? It didn't indict everyone who voted, no, only people who voted for that amendment! That NACC is part of the committee that chooses Senators, so in effect it indicted Senators for voting against NACC's own self interests!

    The same selection process chooses an Electoral Commission, with presumably the same anti voting bias, because they've failed to run an election.

    So an anti-elections Senate chooses the pro-election Electoral Commission.

    The process is the problem here, these political operators have been seeded through the agencies and these operators distort the job of these agencies. The issue here is the unelected Senate. That needs to be fixed, the political operators in the agencies can then be removed by the Senate (which is there job), and these agencies can get on with their jobs without being used as a political tool.

    SPOT ON! Case of internal breeding that result in ugly offsprings. Another reason to reform the 2007 constituton and revert back to the 1997 constitution.

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