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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

    Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

    The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

    A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

    The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

    What a joke.

    This is not a joke.

    This is exactly how Thailand needs to do to get rid of the evil Thaksin, and his whole family, clan, friends, etc.

    And who would you think will get rid of the evil Suterp, conniving Ahbisit and the scheming Amarts after they get rid of the evil Taksin and his family. This no solution but a continuation of the division. Dem must reform to challenge PT in an election. Suterp must push for dialogue for reform and made reform a decree with royal endorsement and agreed by all parties. Courts must stop their double standard and PT must listen to all the stakeholders.

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  2. This monk has an affinity for cash.

    I wonder what Buddha would think of him?

    Your just as bad as the newspaper, and if he knew who you really are, and not just a coward that hides behind a keyboard

    He could Sue you as well for this comment

    Please show me proof that he wanted this money for himself

    Why he can not want the monies to help the priesthood

    everyday people donate money to Monks, and this money goes to the temples and priesthood

    so are they all have an affinity to Cash

    On this subject you will get no argument from me, but I keep my thoughts to my self

    You have insulted every Thai who loves the Monkhood with your posting

    I hope you will now be a real man and apoligise to Thais for you comment made before thinking them through

    This is the monk who recently extorted B120,000 from a hotel isn't it?


    Your ability to commit libel is outstanding

    extorted I hope you can prove that

    Other may say it was compenstation

    So I guess in your mind, billions of baht every year are extorted from Thais to give to the temples

    Please show us the facts that this money was kept by him for his own financial gain?

    an apoligy to the Thai people would be nice !!!!!

    Compensation is to recompense suitably. He book 10 rooms but asked for 120,000B. Certainly no suitabilty and there was threat (extortion) when you have a big group of people at your hotel lobby. Similar to PDRC leader Witthaya and his group harassing M-link, owned by niece of Taksin to sell their mobile phone at 10,000 when the standard is 15,000B. No choice but have to give in to such threat. Witthaya then said he will come back to buy 1,000 sets and if not given the same discounted price, he will file case with the police. Clear cut threats. Conclusion both are extortion cases.

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  3. I don't know exactly what Suthep meant by his apparently ill-considered remarks and I don't suppose many other people do either. But the caretaker government's response seems to be an overreaction. Article 113 of the Penal Code that they are asking their DSI poodles to investigate only deals with violence or threats of violence used to overthrow the government or constitution. Suthep didn't actually mention anything about violence in his ramblings. That has so far been the sole prerogative of government ministers and their red shirts who are threatening to form an armed volunteer force.

    The government failed to react to separatist threats by their paid red shirt lackeys and announcements by government ministers of the formation of an armed terrorist group. Now they are up in arms about some incomprehensible nonsense spouted by Suthep on the stage. Yingluck is even trying to involve the Army Chief, while her moronic cousin, 'Dr' Suraphong, is trying to get the US ambassadress to take her break from her adoring devotion to Thai people and culture to dial in an air strike on the monitor lizards of Lumpini Park. Double standards?

    It's very clear what Suthep meant by his well thought out remarks.

    The courts throw out Yingluck and he takes over to do whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases to whomever he pleases.

    Its exactly what unelected tyrants do, so no real surprises here. The only ones that are shocked are the idiots who bought into Sutheps lies about fighting corruption and "restoring" democracy.

    It seems the supposedly dimwitted red shirts supporters are far more clever than the Suthep loving farangs when it comes to picking lying cheating dictators in the making.

    I understand his remarks in a different way:

    When the courts rightfully decide that Yingluck has to be removed from office

    and Yingluck and the PTP ignore the law and just stay in office - which can be expected

    In this case the law has to be enfortced

    which is the job of police

    If they do not do that - which is what can be expected

    the people have to do that - and he will help.

    If the constitutional judges don't subvert the judiciary system, she will be acquitted. If they do convict, she will exit. There are capable deputy to step in. The real coup will be that the judges completely tear the law to shred and rule the whole cabinet out and creat a power vacuum. Who knows then. They should be wise enough not to do that.

  4. How will the EC set a new election date without a new royal decree? They talk about elections within so many days of a royal decree but there seems no way of issuing one.

    Dont need a new royal decree if held within legal timeframe. Previous royal decree suffice. Beyond that time frame, it's a problem.

    • Like 1
  5. This is no comment one way or the other on Suthep's verbal ramblings... But just a question.

    Is there any real difference between a military coup, of which Thailand has had made, vs. a, for lack of a better term, a "people's coup"?

    AFAIK, the military have no legal right under any Thai law to overthrow a sitting, elected Thai government -- no matter how bad it may be. Yet they've done so many times.

    So how would a people's coup be any different -- other than that the military has the weapons and force to better execute such a thing, compared to the average citizens on the street. Although, these days, based on the numbers of shootings and grenade attacks occurring, the citizens on the street seem to be pretty well armed.

    A coup is a coup. For those who believe in democracy, it is never correct. For others, best evaluated a few years hence.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    So on that basis, the 2010 red shirt protests were an attempted coup also? The demands were the same, that the current sitting Govt step down.

    Wrong. the UDD 2010 protest was to ask the government who was formed by means of judiciary coups to hold an election. Suterp is just the opposite. No election but his personal appointment of the PM. See the difference??

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  6. Suterp has actually done a lot of damage to his former party by splitting up their supporters. Both shared the same voters base. Come election and it will happen sooner or later, there will be those who support Suterp and will probably not vote or vote no and some who is just feed-up with the Dem antics and cross over. This happen in the 2010 election causing a landslide loss to the Dem and will benefit PT and more possibly the fringe parties to gain on the Dem strongholds. As for Suterp, really a dead end for him and he will fade away like Chamlong or Sonthi.

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  7. Clever piece of marketing by the UDD. After the mayhem created by them in 2010, this peaceful and short rally really put shame to the PDRC violent and prolong rallies which paralyse many major intersections in Bangkok recently. Suterp must do more by calling their allies Student Network and Issara Buddha to stop their rallies and join him in Lumpini. And also stop the paralysing of government offices and intimidation of public and private businesses. He needs a wholesale marketing overhaul or he will not be seen as peaceful protest by the general public even if their friendly court said so.

  8. Prayuth refuses to involve the army in politics


    BANGKOK, 4 March 2014 (NNT) - The Army Chief has requested protestors, especially the Peoples Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), to not persuade the army to choose any sides because it may lead to a bigger conflict.

    Army Chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha defended himself regarding a comment he made earlier that ousting the current government would be the equivalent of having employees fire the owner of the company. Needless to say, that comment received a lot of criticism and made a number of people enraged.

    General Prayuth mentioned that his remarks were only a comparison to an organizations business structure and should be taken as anything more serious. The Army Chief also requested the protestors not to push for the armys involvement in the political conflicts as it could escalate the level of violence.

    Meanwhile, Deputy Army Spokesman Colonel Vinthai Suwaree has declared that the Army will provide the best level of protection to everybody and monitor any suspicious activities in the political protests.


    -- NNT 2014-04-04 footer_n.gif

    Must say, I think he's 100% right as in any country the army man has to see themselves as employees of the government and his comparison to the business structure is exactly true.

    I think the army should come in and clear Lumpini as the dems did in 2010.

    I think the army should come in and clear Lumpini as the dems did in 2010.

    If you believe that the two situations are comparable, then you have no idea what the current protests are about...!

    Don't need the army, they will be gone by Songkran. Suterp will not have the money to pay treble day rate.

  9. Done and dusted as destined by the powerful old elite clique refusing to relinquish their hold and pushing aside the voices of the majority. So another Prime Minister will bit the dust and kept out of politics for 5 years. Gue sera sera. This power display by the judiciary for a consecutive 4 prime ministers (all oppositions) is so obvious and blatant and it will only sooner rather than later that the people will react with anger. They have push them too hard and too far. If it happen, just don't reward Suterp with a neutral prime minister. Let the caretaker government continue, agreed on reform, hold an election (guess who will win again) and implement the reform.

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