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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. The one to step down should be Ahbisit as leader of the Dem Party. How did the incumbent leaders in the party continue to allow failures from Ahbisit. Khun Banyat was disposed off when he lost the election but not Ahbisit. No Dem leaders have boycott any election and he has boycott twice and perhaps a third time. He and Suterp have split their own supporters and some hard core supporters may even be disappointed to not vote or poll no vote. He really have taken Dem Party backwards. He either should resign or the incumbents have the fortitude to chose another leader.

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  2. Where is the verifiable evidence that you base your observation of there being increased corruption?

    Welcome to Thailand, though I assume you are overseas from your posting times.

    2 TRILLION BAHT spending bill, big enough to ruin the nation's economy, with provisions to keep the spending secret. By a Thaksin led puppet government as Thaksin wants his money back. He already mysteriously received 1 billion dollars just last year, according to Forbes, go check it out.

    Where is the verifiable evidence that there has been equal or decreased corruption?

    Wow you sure can pull something out of thin air. The 2T Baht bill has not even get off first base and you already qoute as corruption. It has been stopped by the CC, remember?? And the Forbes 1B Baht (not dollar) is the balance of the Supreme Court confiscation of 1.4 B out of Taksin 2.3 B Baht and rightfully returned back to him. Balance plus interest equates to 1B Baht. You are busted big time.

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  3. "He noted that an election will provide the solution to the ongoing political crisis, provided the polling can be held in its entirety."

    So the PDRC will just go home and give the country to Thaksin?

    "He also suggested the Democrat Party enter the July 20 race, because politicians are obliged to partake in elections."

    No you can be politician without taking part in elections.....

    "Asked whether he will meet Mr. Abhisit for talks, ACM Prajin said this would not be necessary, as the armed forces commanders would confer with the supreme commander, who already spoke to Mr. Abhisit, regarding this matter."

    So also this comment isn't necessary?

    "According to him, the Air Force will be ready to lend a hand in ensuring that the general election is conducted in its entirety."

    The AIR Force? very strange....elections are usually on the ground....

    "ACM Prajin also remarked that the current situation did not warrant a request of a royally-bestowed prime minister, in accordance with Article 7 of the charter."

    And the Air Force decide that

    Don't be consumed by your loyalty and open your mind to what the Air Force Chief said. He said an election which can mean the people vote and decide on the next government. Have you given up hope on the Dem Party? An election versus a power grap by Suterp, which you think is the solution.

    Sorry you are so wrong about politician role which ultimately is to be elected as representative for the purpose of serving the people.

    And he is right about Article 7. Why do you want to put stress and worries on the King.

  4. The Shin clan will, of course, step aside for the good of the country, because "they don't want power, only peace". If you believe that, I have some real estate you may be interested in.

    Get your real estate ready. From what I heard, Taksin and the Shin family is willing to step aside from politics if election will take place and the Dem participate. Now that is a real sacrifice, not the less than imporant sacrifice from smarty pants.

  5. Haven't we been treated to the final day prediction by the Nation since the first day Suterp started his personal crusade. This opinion piece should be in the writer personal blog not on national newspaper as it scaring the people and businesses. Unelected PM is constitutionally illegal unless Suterp is bold enough to tear up the constitution and snatch power. Then he will face the wrath of the people power. Army step in and Suterp will be arrested and trial for treason.

    Eric.... come down from planet Zug-Zug and back to the real world.. If this was the UK ,Suthep would be knighted..He will go down in history as a Great Thai Leader and a Hero.. unlike you who will just go down... pathetic... w00t.gif

    555 like your sense of humour. Are you always so funny? Great leader, dear leader, we aint in North Korea or China yah?

  6. The court can do their hatchet job for Yingluck but will leave the cabinet alone that allows the caretaker government to continue till the election. I think that will be aceptable to Taksin and PT. Important for them to prevent Suterp seizing power if there is no government. Yingluck is prepare to go and a new caretaker PM can be appointed. Also think Ahbisit plan is all about the Shin family to leave politics, set up reform council, election and next government implement reform. From sources, Taksin is ready to withdraw his family from politics. Now that is a great sacrifice.

  7. These agencies people are selected by the Senate. The way these appointed Senators are selected is by a committee of these Independent Agencies. So the Senate is supposed to monitor these agencies, yet it is also appointed by these same agencies. Which means in effect that the Independent agencies are kept in check by people they chose! Self regulation never works!

    But we found out it was far worse than that, because even the Independent Agencies committee doesn't select them freely according to Chumpol Silapaarcha speaking as late as 2011.

    Chart Thai Pattana leader Chumpol Silapaarcha Friday said an unnamed figure had control over the seven members of the senator selection committee. However, he would not reveal who the person was.

    “Society should figure out who can be that influential,” he said, adding that he would take responsibility for what he said.

    Repeating something he has said many times recently, Chumpol claimed elites dominate Thai politics.

    We've had some spectacular decisions in these agencies. Only two days ago, the NACC indicted 36 Senators for voting on an Amendment to make the Senate fully elected! Since when did voting become corruption? It didn't indict everyone who voted, no, only people who voted for that amendment! That NACC is part of the committee that chooses Senators, so in effect it indicted Senators for voting against NACC's own self interests!

    The same selection process chooses an Electoral Commission, with presumably the same anti voting bias, because they've failed to run an election.

    So an anti-elections Senate chooses the pro-election Electoral Commission.

    The process is the problem here, these political operators have been seeded through the agencies and these operators distort the job of these agencies. The issue here is the unelected Senate. That needs to be fixed, the political operators in the agencies can then be removed by the Senate (which is there job), and these agencies can get on with their jobs without being used as a political tool.

    SPOT ON! Case of internal breeding that result in ugly offsprings. Another reason to reform the 2007 constituton and revert back to the 1997 constitution.

  8. Haven't we been treated to the final day prediction by the Nation since the first day Suterp started his personal crusade. This opinion piece should be in the writer personal blog not on national newspaper as it scaring the people and businesses. Unelected PM is constitutionally illegal unless Suterp is bold enough to tear up the constitution and snatch power. Then he will face the wrath of the people power. Army step in and Suterp will be arrested and trial for treason.

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  9. Shame some posters never read before criticizing. The farmer was not paid in December. Coincidence that Suterp started his intimidation campaign of banks around the same period? Not sprouting lies but truth may be hard for some to accept.

    No, shame on you for repeating the lie that Suthep was to blame.

    This farmer's rice was pledged before December - he was supposed to be paid then. Other farmers haven't been paid since September & October.

    When the government resigned they did not ensure that sufficient funds were allocated to pay outstanding debt owed to farmers. That is the problem.

    Suthep's protestors certainly helped to bring down the corrupt lot after the amnesty bill debacle. They also did stop illegal methods of payment to the BAAC for the farmers.

    Your (deliberate?) ignorance of the events that occurred since last November is no excuse for being economical with the truth.

    If you have knowledge of the payment scheme as you claimed, you know that the payment by BAAC is based loan financing. The sufficient fund you are talking dried up by the time the PDRC started blocking the banks to provide the loans. That is the problem.

    Loans by banks are contractual and within legal framework, nothing illegal. It's the harassment and intimidation that stop the banks from lending.

    I don't need any excuse to tell the truth.

  10. Forget about Ahbisit initiatives. The EC and the caretaker government have decided on the election date. Unimportant what Ahbisit will do from now. He just need to decide if he will participate in the 20th July election. Suterp and his PDRC is a spent force and can be neutralized and contained. Ahbisit has to sweat out a decision and either way he risk offending some people. The smart guy is not so smart after all.

  11. Just how did Ahbisit able to remain at the helm of the Dem Party after all the failures tells just how feudal the party system is. Nice sounding name but no doubt in mind that there is never democracy in the party itself internally and externally. Ahbisit is annointed and chosen by the incumbents elders in the party and he can continue to fail and be an ambarassment to the party; he still will be the leader. Party is doomed.

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  12. They are all politicians, looking after themselves only and not after the good of the country they represent.

    At least, Sutherp, vowed that he will quit politics when his goals are achieved.

    At the moment nothing has been achieved, because of the stubbornness of Thaksin and Yingluck.

    Everyone else is letting him down for their own personal benefits.

    I, admire this man, for his believes and strength of character.

    And you will believe every word that Suterp said including his infamous " in 30+ years in politics, I never lie or cheat".

  13. I think this is it, Suterp finale. All signs do point to some sort of ending in May.

    1. The EC relenting and suggest an election date on 20th July

    2. The military chiefs agreed that an election is necessary

    3. Ahbisit realizing that there really has no legality in Suterp push for neutral PM & his reform plan

    4. Prem sideling call for royal intervention

    5. Behind scene talk between Korn and Taksin's people

    6. Softening of stance by Taksin agreeing reform

    Last chapter will be written when CAPO use special force to arrest Suterp.

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  14. Stop holding the economy to hostage Khun Somchai. All my business associates and myself are suffering because of you playing politics. What's the difference holding within 60 days and 20th July. It still will be harassed by the PDRC. Get the police and soldiers to protect the polling booths. If that's not enough, have the polling booths in police stations or army barracks. Better if before the election, Ahbisit can straighten Suterp up and tell him that there are no laws for a neutral PM or have the special force arrest Suterp and all the PDRC leaders. Anymore delays in forming the government, the economy will continue to suffer and along with the citizens. Thank you.

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  15. Big significance if special force used. Special force would either from army special division or navy SEAL. Both from the military and may mean the military is finally not supporting the PDRC after many incidents of military personel injured by their guards. That will be enough to dash some hope for Suterp.

    The army has not been supporting them. They have a neutral stance - they are there to try and stop acts of terrorism against the protestors because the police are unwilling to do so. If you would just get over the fact that people who are not supporting you side are not necessary on the other side you may sleep better.

    Partly agreed that the army did overtly come out as neutral lately but not so the navy. Anyway, the navy was put right by the military chiefs. The PDRC may have themselves to blame for not allowing the police to do their job. Honestly I sleep much better knowing that the army is serving the government. You should sleep better too when all this is over and we get an elected government.

  16. Had this same problem back around Jan when Thailand had a cold spell. Then my air-con temp was set at 25C. I guess the night was down to about 21C. Middle of the night, water started to drip on to my bed. I guess condensation as when I set AC down to 20C next night, nothing happened.

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