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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Just came from Sai 4 and the Reds are massing. They are here to protect Thailand from falling into fascist hands. The courts and the senate can't do much as the Constitutional Court verdict was clear that the caretaker government will only change after the election. Suterp will never ever get his interim government. Bets are on.

    If they are in soi 4 I would assume that they have realised the futility of supporting one family and have decided to have a little party before returning to their abodes

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    More likely they will set fire to it on their way out, a-la 2010 when they left the city with their dirty red tails between their legs and having proved their point - that they are employed by a vengeful psychopath.

    They are not there to protect Thailand from anything, they are there because they are paid to be there. Even a village idiot can see that.

    Just glad there are people whether paid or not that are standing up against an unconstitutional and undemocratic putsch and trampling on their choice of their leaders. Sorry your man Suterp is not having his way because there are these people whether paid or not who will stand up and be counted. By the way, ain't soldiers paid when they stage a coup for their leaders.

  2. Well rubl lets try out your comprehension and see if it's improved. Suthep makes a speech and in it refers to the fact that "his" people were praying for the senate election to result in a President that "listens" to "his" people and then gives the election result and says "our dream" has come true.

    Now call me old fashioned but I believe that Surachai was suthep's, sorry, his peoples choice. Why do you think that is, rubl, do you think it might have something to do with a possible impeachment coming up or the fact that suthep thinks the Senate President will nominate a new PM?

    Go on , have a guess.

    Don't tell me you're still playing the naive "everybody is independant" game?

    "Anyone not for me must be against me" you mean?

    If all Thai were like you we would never ever get anywhere. One more reason why we need to find a few good men to force reforms and changes.

    No I don't. I mean it's just one step along in the Judicial coup. It's embarrassingly obvious to most people.

    By the way your "I'm just an non partisan observer" mask is slipping , force reforms and agendas? If they know what's good for them, eh?

    On Friday night, Surachai beat Jongrak Jutanont, who is supported by the pro-Pheu Thai camp, 96 to 51.

    BTW if you do not know how to post without added personal attacks you would do better not to post. Your suggestion that I may have posted under false pretenses I find insulting

    If you considered the amnesty bill to be passed at the early morning as sneaky than this senate election will be ranked just as sneaky. The elctionbwas a sneaky ambiqious small part of the senate agenda that pop up during the seating and Surachai has yet to be royally endorsed. His win means zilch and will be challenged.

  3. He shouldn't be afraid to die - because if he was really and honestly fighting for a higher cause, he will be reborn is a state of grace or he might even reach that state of enlightenment many Buddhists aspire for.. or are the temptations of Earthly desires too tempting?

    If people really wanted to murder the fake monk, I doubt they would use a water cannon... Just a thought and not a suggestion...

    Most people I have talked to , in Temples and outside of Temples, believe this monk is fake and will be reborn as a dog, or a buffalo, due to the bad karma he has generated and the damage he has done to Buddhism

    Many monks I know believe red shirt sympathisers on TV will be reborn as cockroaches or rats for the insults they've made to normal peoples intelligence!!!!!!

    IssaraBuddha is that you? You can't defend yourself on TVF.

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  4. I do agree that Yingluck, Taksin and PT will not be overly unhappy with the court verdict. Taksin picked Yingluck for the previous election was brillant strategy suitable for that period of time. Even if she is not dismissed, she will very likely pass the premiership to another person after the next election. She was chosen for her appeal and being sister to Taksin. But times may have changed now and the Taksin influence may have wane and a different kind of person is needed. In a way, Yingluck dismissal and the large coverage of critics of the courts may help her party to get lots of sympathy votes.

    Suterp and his allies really have the worst of the verdicts as they gain nothing. Yingluck dismissal was a hallow victory and even if the impeachment is successful and she is banned; mades absolutely no difference as she not meant to be in politics for long haul.

    This has push Suterp to his edge and will play out his last card of more civil disobedience and more violence to draw the military out. Now left to see what Prayuth will say or do. Suterp began his last (hopefully) battle starting today.

  5. Each day both groups try to make themselves look more and mire stupid. You would nearly think they are in competition for an award for it. Today's turn is the PDRC. Tomorrow will be the red shirts and so on.

    The only way this will be resolved is through reforms and an election. Everyone sign up for it and thats it. The winner of the election is the winner - no crying no complaining.

    For starters, how about telling us what reforms you are talking about. Mark doesn't explain either and Suthep is just barking at the moon. If you've already explained somewhere, how about giving us a link. If somebody else has explained, how about a link. The EC has scheduled an election on July 20. Will you accept the results of that election? Will the Democrats? If not, how about explaining what you would accept. Saying "reforms first then election" is not enough. We can't negotiate until somebody makes some kind of proposal. You can't expect the Reds to just guess whatever it is you want besides getting rid of the Shinnawatra clan. I am looking forward to seeing what Suthep has to say about "sovereign power" and who the sovereign is (I thought it was HM, but Suthep doesn't seem to agree).

    Acharn has a point. No one has really explain the reform details. In a sense, Noppadon proposal made the most sense. Every parties including Suterp campaign their reform and the next government set up a reform council and incorporate all the reform details. Have a referendum on what the people want for reform. Decree the reform and implement 12-18 months. Hold an election to gauge whether the citizens are satisfy with the implementation. That seem a logical and legal reform process.

  6. How many of these judges were installed by the Military coup makers?

    Indirectly yes. The military coup re-wrote the '97 constitution so that the 9 judges are nominated and selected by their court peers and strangely by the leader of the opposition in the House. Even more strange is that the PM has no role in the nomination like in USA where the President nominate the Supreme Court judges. You know what can happen if there is internal breeding. Lots of misfits.

  7. Gen Prayuth was very vocal on the call for Lanna State but silence on this illegal government.

    The 'Lanna State' would separate Thailand into smaller pieces. As General Prayuth cannot sit still when people hold rallies for that (and even have government members present).

    The government which the PDRC may propose would need approval of the Senate. Also there is no separatist talk. So why would the general speak out now?

    It's like the Pheu Thai spokesman tactic. I accuse and challenge you to prove my accusation is wrong.

    Yellow logic. Both are illegal declaration and should be equally condemned by the army chief.

  8. Now that Yingluck's fate has been sorted out. What will be Ahbisit and Suterp fate; both got pie in their faces.

    Suterp has not got rid of the Taksin regime. Still there with another Taksin guy as caretaker PM. The Court verdict favoring an election. Looks like his final battle has been extinquish in the first round. Bet he will rejoin politics.

    Ahbisit will be cursing he said the word quit and boycott. His reform plan shot to pieces and he is isolated in his party. As a proud man, think he will quit but the Dem incumbents will plead that he stay as leader and he meekly agree. LOL

  9. Yingluck should be happy to leave politics in this way and be back to her family and business lives. Can always said that she fought right to the end and the court was bias. A lot of face saving. Doubt she will return to politics. Really not her cup of tea.

    For those who are glad to see the back of the other cabinet ministers. Don't celebrate too fast. They are not banned and can still be eligible as cabinet ministers in next government. Ya, PT will win again.

    Suterp with his tail behind his legs will probably rejoin politics and tell his faithfuls that he is doing for them. LOL.

  10. There are a myriad of possibilities as to where the court could go. It seems that among the strongest is the possibility where Yingluck and the entire cabinet could be removed, and the power of nominating a prime minister given to the Senate - something that the constitution clearly allows. At that point, there would be a rush to elect a Senate speaker and nominate a prime minister by Saturday - when the present session of the Senate closes. Of course, if this option was taken, then Thaksin's influence would effectively be over.

    Not really, he would mobilize his red mob to burn and loot the country. Remember what happened in 2010. That was just the warm up.

    I remember the army dispersing an illegal mob that used war weapons and women and children as human shields, and also burned and looted dozens of buildings. What do you remember?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    If I can remember, the burning and looting were after thearmy random shooting of the UDD. The army could have chosen less lethal ways to disperse the mop but orders were for war weapons to be used. I also remember that after the first negotiation broke down and before the second meeting, the army crackdown on PanFa bridge that could have ignited the fury.

  11. Must said that the planning was meticulous for all these to happen at the same time.

    1. CC hurried judgement today

    2. EC decided against sending the royal decree yesterday

    3. NACC decided to made judgement on rice scheme on Thursday

    4. Ahbisit reform plan

    5. Suterp declared final battle

    Whatever the outcome, May will be the Waterloo for better or worse.

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