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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. I have better confidence that the culture of corruption can be eradicated than you with good uninterrupted governance and good institutions. Eradicating corruption is a process and need a continuous policies and management. Countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan were bastions of corruptions in the past. They have since being able to eradicate corruption to an acceptable standard. As I said, continuous interferences of legit governments with corrupt military government are no solution to eradicating corruption. First this has not been tested in Thailand because of numerous coups. Empowering people to vote out corruption is not a new concept but tested with admirable results in Asia. Indonesia has been a cesspool of corruption and has gradually improved with Jodo Widodo. Still a work in progress but certainly moving in the right direction. South Korea was known as coup country and corrupted. The Korean people have voted wisely since last coup and country has developed leaps and bounds with strong institutions and low corruption. Again the same message, give Thailand a chance to choose their leaders. Soldiers should never be allowed to be involved in politics.
  2. Not the same and false equivalence. Have been explained by many here. One is a mistake of about a dozen classified documents and handled promptly with full cooperation while the other is a crime with willful intent to obstruct and hide hundreds of classified documents. Simple as that. Not hard to understand by rational people.
  3. You have evidence that he forgotten the docs next to his Corvette or you just gaslighting? Reports clearly state that they were found in the garage. Who left those behind has not been determined.
  4. Don't know the man but 21 year old man is not an impressionable child. At that age, he should be fully be able to know what is deemed distasteful and morally wrong.
  5. Unfortunately. two didn't do the same thing. One cooperated and returned the classified documents promptly while the other didn't returned the classified documents and shown utter disregard for the rule of law,
  6. Fair comment. Democracy is not perfect….. I dare say that all countries are corrupted whether it is monetary, abuse of power or discrimination. Ultimately it is the people who will decide who they want or don’t want to be their leaders. Robbing the people of their choice is disrespectful to the people wishes and worst kind of corruption. Thailand has progressed fairly well and the standard of living has improved and so has poverty. Still a long way to go. Coups stagnate economy growth and gave the image of political instability that hurt investments. What I trying to say is that give and trust the people to vote and vote out corruption. It’s not & should never be the military responsibility .
  7. The last free election in 2011, Yingluck won the popular vote by 15+ million votes while Ahbisit had about 11 million votes. Her party won 263 parliamentary seats out of 500 seats. So much for your wild opinion that no one want him back. His proxies were winning elections. By the way, paying voters have been a feature of Thai election since memorial. Don’t think you really know much about Thailand politics.
  8. Biden categorically said that he will fully cooperate with the special counsel while Trump attack the special counsel calling him a thug and post disrespectful remarks about his wife and family members. Trademark behavior of a guilty man and despicable low-life.
  9. Probably the biggest bawler is hypocrite Kevin McCarthy. Remembered his infamous warning to DOJ Garland to çlean'his calendar and prepare for an investigation by the GOPs in Trump's case and compare to "DOJ must probe Biden's document". What a predictable clown. Anyway, appointment of special council is the right move by DOJ. There are very little similarities in magnitude, cooperation and intent in both cases. At end of the investigation, GOP will be further embarrassed.
  10. I have yet to know of any Thai General being convicted for corruption and sitting in jail. They stage coups and have unusual wealth beyond their salaries and yet we have not heard of any jailed generals. Can't say the same for politicians not allied to the military.
  11. History will still record him as the only President to be impeached twice with Senate bipartisan vote to convict him but fell short of the 2/3 majority required by the constitution. History will also record him as the only President with multiple criminal and civil charges and convictions probably in April. As for Biden, he will be credited for his accomplishments with the Inflation Reduction Act, improved health care for veterans. action to address gun violence and best of all restoring the American leadership on the world stage especially for Ukraine. Sorry I simply can't name any Trump's accomplishment except for inciting an insurrection (sarcasm alert).
  12. History will have the distinction to record Trump as twice impeached and soon to be arrested and charged for several criminal offenses since President Ulysses in 1872.
  13. Thailand already had a solution which is the 1997 constitution. Drafted by popularly elected Constitutional Drafting Assembly. The military shredded that People's Constitution and put in place a hghly skewed constitution that seem favouring the coup leaders. Shredded the upper house fully directly elected to nominees by the miitary select committee (NCPO) which has the power to nominate the Prime Minister replacing the 1997 constitution for the Prime Minister to be nominated by a vote in the House of Representatives by a simple majority, then appointed and sworn-in by the King.
  14. Fear and self censorship were the reasons. Harsh punishments for any form of dissent including preventing the general public from obtaining informed choice paved the way for the constitution to be get over the finish line in the referendum in a low turnout. .
  15. The non elected senators doesn't represent the people. They should never be allowed to hold the country ransom to determine who should be the Prime Minister. The 2017 constitution should be re-writtened to reinstate the 1997 constitution for a fully elected Senate.
  16. Most Illegal Immigration Isn’t Coming From The Mexican Border Visa overstays continue to outpace border apprehensions. In fiscal 2017, the number of immigrants who overstayed their visas was double the number of people caught trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
  17. Your post is meaningless as usual. The magnitude, cooperation and intent are so stark different and obvious. Get a grib and cut down your consumption of kool-aid.
  18. Easier if he just don't break the law like all law abiding citizens.
  19. Who was caught? The discovery by the President's personnel attorneys during packing on November 2, 2022 and on the same day, the WH''s Counsel Office notified the National Archives. The Archives took possesion of the materials the following morning. By the way, Biden don't stay at the Penn Biden Center and the FBI was not involved in retrieving the documents besides the volume of documents of varying classification degrees that were willfully kept by Trump. Doubt the stark difference meant anything to any cultist.
  20. What is important and legal is that when the classified documents are found, they will need to hand back to the archive voluntarily without need for legal coercion.
  21. This is so damaging to US global image as sponsor of domestic and foreign terrorist acts by these 2 anti-globalists firebrands. I hope Brazil has the same extraterritorial jurisdiction like in US to charge foreigners for conspiracy and inciting a coup. The world will be a better place without these 2 evil men.
  22. Miller in this too since Bolsonara lost the election. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/23/brazil-bolsonaro-bannon/
  23. We will soon learn when the House seat for the passing of the rules package. Expecting another clown show when the concession specifics are presented to the fractious parties of moderates and small group of far right Freedom Caucus which Kevin paid a handsome ransom to buy his speaker role. Standing by with popcorn.
  24. Expecting much will be achieved at the North America Leaders Summit. Meeting leaders in a cordial atmosphere instead of making ridiculous claims that Mexico will pay for the wall. Where are the Republicans on this.
  25. It has been a boon for the Dems last 3 elections thanks to those crazies whether voters or GOP politicians. Too bad both groups are withering away.
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