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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Wasn't much here. Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation for years and so far he has potentially violated his tax and making false statement during a gun purchase. He has not been charged with any other crimes. But the grievance party will still persist with the House investigation that was promised by a Kevin caving in to the demands of the far right extremists.
  2. He was addressing migrants seeking asylum not illegals. Try reading the full interview and not take words out of context for self gratification. He has new programs to curb illegal migration that include restricting illegal border crossing and rapid expulsion for illegal border crossing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/05/biden-border-security-immigration/
  3. So those immgrants are not fleeing political persecution, political instability, rampant violence, severe economic hardship amd extreme weather but flee because Joe Biden off-the-cuff interview in English. Good lord, get a grib.
  4. 10 miilion unfilled jobs that can be fixed by immgration reform. Wouldn't happen with a dysfunctional Republican Congress for unforeseen future. Now this can't be blame on Biden; I am sure.
  5. This extract from EIA report said US was still a nett exporter in 2021 contrary to your assumption. In 2021, the United States exported about 8.54 million b/d of petroleum to 176 countries and 4 U.S. territories. Crude oil exports of about 2.96 million b/d accounted for 35% of total U.S. gross petroleum exports in 2021. The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -0.06 million b/d in 2021, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 0.06 million b/d in 2021.
  6. We are all tuned in and watching the closing chapter of this traitor brought to justice and behind bars.
  7. Desperate much about nothing. If you have video evidence, post them. Natural fit is your attempt at hyperbole. The current GOP's social conservatism is all about support for gun rights and restrictions on abortion. Unpopular amongst the blacks and hispanic.
  8. *Deleted post edited out* Got any other credible source than from Ronald Kessler's book that even the Secret Service didn't respond. By the way, Ronald was working for a conservative online publication Newsmax. I believed the GOP House candidates got 14% of the black votes. Not exactly record numbers as you try very hard to allege.
  9. A very sick joke and childish act by the petulant Matt Gaetz on the eve of the Capitol attack instigated by the man that he nominated. Gross and indecent behavior of an elected representative.
  10. Just imagine hardliners like Jordan and Greene in committes authorized to pursue conservative grievances reinforcing the GOP's image as the party of Trump. The Dems must be quitely delighted looking at 2024.
  11. If the GOP allow the minority extreme Maga to have their ways, it will come back to haunt them just like the GOP senators cowardly gave Trump the acquital in his impeachment charges and he created more political chaos for the party. This small but powerful far right faction will leverage their new found power to shape the party's legislative and investigative agenda and the losers will be the citizens. I hope the House Republicans will worked out a plan even at the expense of bipartisanship to isolated and sidelined this 10% of trouble makers.
  12. Not only national embarrassment but this impasse would mean the house can't convene and will hold up proceedings for the 2 chambers. Nothing will be done as the nation is being held hostage by petulant bickering GOPs that get paid by tax payers. Just hope some of the decent lawmakers will leave the party and become independents.
  13. It has been terrible for the GOP since Trump descend the escalator. Trump’s toxicity will continue to poison the party and seeped into every level of party politics. It will be a prolong train wrecked for the speaker position.
  14. Will give him a last big grift from suckers who still support this perpetual con man.
  15. IMO Trump miscalculated the timing of his election participation announcement. Now that he has throw his hat in, he can’t withdraw as it will be seen as concession which is political poison to his base. His base has declined considerable but still a considerable asset to any nominee hopeful like Desantis. The drop in support for Trump will unlikely to guarantee party nomination. He knows it and thus resort to his usual threats and bullying. Don’t think he will get his way with the party and he can’t back off his election participation innuendo even behind bars as a third party candidate. Disqualifying him as candidate will give him some saving grace for his shrinking base https://www.axios.com/2022/12/15/trump-republican-favorability-polls
  16. Desantis accepting Trump’s support for 2024 comes with bags of risks. He will be perceived by the general population as subscribing to Trumpism politics of election denialism, anti trade and anti immigrants which have cost the GOP to lose 3 elections. It will not heal the fractures in the party. A clean cut from Trump is better for Desantis. Personally I doubt Trump has the humility to pledge his support for Desantis and beg for a pardon. Just not Trump.
  17. Loving every bit of Trump’s antic. Republican created this monster and now have to deal with it. He will not go away amicably and the GOP will be badly bruised going into the 2024 election. Happy days for the Dems, the progressive and the liberals.
  18. He paid more taxes in China than in USA. Make America Great he proclaimed; sick joke.
  19. I believe her. Just judge Trump’s record setting turnover of high and low level staffs that were either fired or resigned. So this news is not a surprise. Just a pattern of his egoistic behavior that want total obedience and pettiness. She also was in a position in the administration to see all those shenanigans.
  20. Personal papers will still require the Archivist of the United States written views on the proposed disposal. Clear disposal guidelines stated in the Presidential Record Act. Mark Meadow apparently didn’t seek those views. He is in deep poo poo. Cassidy Hutchinson gave that testimony under oath and thus carried lots of legal weight. Onus on Mark to prove otherwise
  21. Expect the tax returns will draw attention to prosecutors. There are interesting revelations in the summaries of the House Ways and Means Committee's analysis that will trouble the former President. Just one report point to a glaring institutional failure by IRS to undertake mandated audits of his returns. Did Trump and his cohorts ran roughshod over institutional checks and balances? The no tax that he paid, tax deductions will also be of interest to prosecutors. I don't think Trump will sleep well when the tax returns are released.
  22. Understandably your first reaction is to defend Trump. But think about it after your emotional outburst. Trump funded the $10 billion program to help develope the vaccines. His administration has knowledge that could be useful information for the grand jury. Why try to protect him to hide the truth. Nothing to hide as you brillantly said.
  23. A long while ago, Trump initiated Operational Warp Speed to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of covid-19 vaccines. You think that should be investigated?
  24. You seem a person who put much thoughts in this subject. Like to hear your views as to why he change his position from strongly supporting vaccines to this abrupt change.
  25. From touting that the vaccines are safe and effective to this vaccine probe. The conniving mini Trump saw the signals in early 2020 that a portion of the Republicans base was increasingly opposed to getting the shot. Trump was booed by some of the audience when he said he had received a covid-19 booster. To hell with people health and safety, it is purely political business and he is cashing in. But by the spring of 2021, the governor’s tone had changed. He stopped promoting the vaccine and started to elevate the narrative of vaccine skeptics. He sued CDC for imposing vaccine mandate. He followed with more policies against vaccines and masking. How is that the behavioral pattern of this man can fool some “intelligent”people that he is genuine in pushing this probe for the people for medical reasons. Baffle me.
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