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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. It’s some kind of far right fantasy to twist things around and try to make mundane stuff conspiratorial. Cuomo sacked because of his sexual misconduct. Soon after Jeff Zucker resigned too. Fox and CBS to have similar sackings and resignations due to sexual misconducts. CNN has to reorganize and Don Lemon has to move to daytime as he was an established face. Trump will fade away but CNN will still be around. No one really give a hoot to the NFT salesman.
  2. My quote of the year. ”I can’t believe I’m going to jail for an nft salesman”. Anthony Gioner, far right personality known as “ Baked Alaska” who is facing sentencing for his Jan 6 assault on the US Capitol.
  3. It’s already an amazing run to reach the semi-final for Morocco. Hope they don’t lose heart and play to win 3rd placing with the same desire and hunger. 3rd placing in the World Cup will capped an historic achievement for a representative of the underdogs. Asia is all behind Morocco to win over Croatia.
  4. IMO the appointment of Police Chief Damrongsak is to speed up the investigation and prosecution process. Previously, Pol Gen Srachate Hakparn (BJ), who is the depity national police chief was assigned to supervise the investigation, which was being handled by a police investigation team headed by the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Bureau. This layered investigation process will slowed down the investigation which was criticized by Chuwit as being "too slow". In response, Damrongsak decided to take charge personally. He has lots to prove as he will retire in 2023. Prayut also has vested political interest to have those criminally involved prosecuted.
  5. He is expected to go for higher office in next 2 years and Florida is just a pathway. He will continue with wasting tax payers money in stunts to appeal to the wider Republicans audience.
  6. "Ïmmigration to US has slowed....And that's exacerbating the labour shortage problem that we have." Joseph Lavorgna, America Chief Economist at Natixis.
  7. I guess that even for political purposes, it wouldn't be a popular decision when majority of Floridians have been vaccinated and majority favour vaccination mandate in polls. A waste of tax payer money like his publicity migrant stunt. He is still riding on a high after his big win and behaving cocky.
  8. He has being a target since 2004 whe he exposed police corruption which forced the police commissioner to act and he has not relent on his crusade. Even Thaksin had to bowed to his allegations and investigations were done resulting in 4 police major generals, 9 lieutenant colonels and many top police officers suspended. He was kidnapped gone missing for days and emerged dazed and found by a tax driver. He alleged that he was drugged and beatened. As a political candidate, he escaped an assassination attempt. Why he is doing this, I have no clue but I am sure glad he is exposing police corruption and he is a very brave man.
  9. Let pray and hope that the development of the fusion energy can be hastened to put an end to fossil fuels and coal. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/12/politics/nuclear-fusion-energy-us-scientists-climate/index.html
  10. Yours is a mala fire argument. Bad faith trying to deceive me in accepting that Trump’s criminal lawsuits are a norm in corporations and you given him a pass of his character. That’s bad denialism. He is now found guilty of multiple counts of tax frauds. He consistently indulged in criminal activities in the past, present and there are numerous cases that will result in charges soon. No other way to describe his character as criminally flawed.
  11. Desperate attempt at diversion of the organization run by a Republican and appointed by Trump.
  12. Actually the contrary. This is the judge telling DOJ to stop pussyfooting with the case and just indict Trump. Judge has an indirect message for DOJ to forget about asking for documents because Trump has and will never be honest with his lawyers. Indictments are on the way.
  13. Don't look at the courts, look at the man and his history of legal cases over 3 decades. Trump and his businesses had involved in 3,500 legal cases in US Federal and state courts. Of the 3,500 legal cases, Trump or one of his companies were plintiffs in 1,900, defendents in 1,450 and bankruptcy third party or other in 150. This conviction is just the progression of his history of corruption.
  14. If your assumption is right, this election lawsuit will go the Republican way. Didn't even make it to the court consideration stage. https://www.texastribune.org/2020/12/11/texas-lawsuit-supreme-court-election-results/
  15. It does tell me that the laptop was probably a nondescript item that Hunter can afford to forget to pick up. Maybe that's what it is. Nondescript and nothing really incriminating which could explain why the FBI in previous adminstration didn't see much evidence for prosecution.
  16. If you read the 10 points plan put forward by PTP, the minimum wage in stages by 2027 is palatable. To attain the wage target, PTP pledge that the economy will grow by at least 5% annually in the next 4 years. I wouldn't bet against that as they have shown in the past under various party names that they can achieved more than 5% GPD growth. Thailand has a chronic consumer debt problem accumlated for a long time mainly due to low wages and weighed heavily on the domestic economy. In the plan, PTP pledged to break up monopolies particularly in the liqour industry to open opportunities for small craft brewers and distilleries and land reclamation along the Gulf of Thailand to prevent flooding in Bangkok. Bold manifesto and progressive.
  17. It has already been +10 years since the Yellow Shirts were strong to oppose Thaksin's return. The situation now is totally different. The yellow shirts no longer have a strong enough platform to stand on, to shout and scream from and their passion subsided, funds depleted and the movement has waned. It's even rumored that Sondhi Limthongkul has make peace with Thaksin in the interest of good business, The Army has also fallen out with the yellow shirts and denied them the use of the Army Club for political rally in 2012. The anti-monarchy sentiments and the fear that Thaksin planned to turn Thailand into a Republic with him as President has long gone. 10 years under military government has not improved the lives of Thais and corruption has gone worse. This time Thaksin's return will be facing less resistance and my feeling is that he will be back soon.
  18. Difference being the nudity and drug use are prima facie evidence for censorship while shady business has no prima facie evidence.
  19. Starting to make sense as to why Mingkwan Saengsuwan, an ally of Thaksin is joining PPRP. High profile reporting of Prawit personally welcoming him to the party and announced that he will be considered party candidate for next premiership. IMO Prawit will not take up the premiership if the rumour of horse trading between Pheu Thai and PPRP is true. He will always like the position of being the shadow power broker.
  20. I am waiting for furious tweets from the loser in chief and who he will be blaming. Previous the blame was on Melania following Dr Oz lost. Who’s next?
  21. Forest teak and plantation teak are very different in terms of durablity and dimensional stability. Forest teak is extremely stable and durable, on the other hand plantation teak is more rapidily grown and harvested resulting in lesser quality and density and have the tendency to crack and warp due to fast growth. Just something you may perhaps keep that in mind deciding on the contractor and the source of teak.
  22. Probably true. He is so predictable. The man is devoid of strategy further than his moods and whims. He just react to what's right in front of him. He is not playing a complicated four dimensional game of chess but more like a simple game of checkers. He is certainly not Presidential quality. US wasted 4 years under him.
  23. Trump is looking like a modern day Hamlet. A case of getting away with something for long and not learning any lessons and letting anger and revenge get the better of him.
  24. Not that long ago, Republicans thought they found the golden key in Kanye to unlock the party's standing with the black voters. All that came about when Kanye signalled his support for Trump. The unfortunate fact is that the party still beholdened to Trump to find losers like Mehmet Oz, Kari Lake, Herschel Walker.
  25. Can conclusion be drawn based on one assumption from the KKP, one month of export decline and comment from one foreign tourism industry leader. We are smarter than that.
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