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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Ukraine surrender hotline for Russian soldiers gets 100 callers per day since September. Some calls were from individual while some from groups. Officials said that they had over 3,500 contacts. This is no small number wanting to surrender. Adds up to a Brigade size. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/international/ukraines-surrender-hotline-for-russian-soldiers-gets-100-enquiries-a-day
  2. This is good day for Justice against far-right groups charged for seditious conspiracy. Looking at history, seditious charges have been brought several times against far-right groups including white nationalists as far back as 1940 and have never been successful. All were dismissed with one citing the First Amendment grounds. We can expect more guilty verdicts now that precedent has been set leading all way to the top.
  3. That increase in signups probably came from his verification scheme that allowed extremists and scammers to purchase a blue check. However it came with a heavy costs. Half of twitters' top advertisers appear to no longer advertising. Big names like Chevolet, Ford, Merck, Novartis spent USD750 million in advertisement just in 2022. That kind of revenue lost is not sustainable for Twitters in the long run. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139180002/twitter-loses-50-top-advertisers-elon-musk
  4. I think this winter may be the turning point of the war and it will need the West to continue to supply weapons, equipments and training to inflict more dead soldiers that will exert growing pressure that even the quiet mass of Russians who are still supporting Putin will relent. Losing thousands of soldiers with no hope of winning the war, combined with a growing economic crisis in Russia will increase the pressure from the society and the elites on Putin to step down.
  5. Calm down mate. No one in USA are losing their voices even if their narratives are incendiary, conspiratorial, asinine or down right lies. There will always be a welcoming alternative media or friendly cable channel for those who indulge in gaslighting and disseminating their twisted narratives. Just ask Greene and her likes and even the most controversial former POTUS who consistently gaslight. No one are forced to accept those kind of nonsense non credible narratives. Most will just display their displeasures at the ballot boxes.
  6. A good example of gaslighting without legitimate evidence.
  7. Lacking any legal nor smoking gun evidence, gaslighting by Trump and his allies with their shameless bullying, rumour mongering, conspiracy peddling and silly hashtags spread confusion, consumed some with speculation and sucked many into a story. It actually work with the minority low educated rednecks and not most of the voting population.
  8. I don’t disagree with your points. However this is Putin’s war and he will not relent on his aggression. At the same time, Zelensky will not negotiate with Russia as long as Putin is in power. There is a better chance for peace negotiation without Putin in power.
  9. You looks like someone who will believe that Putin shares the soldiers' mothers pain.
  10. Putin and his hawkish Generals thought that the invasion will be over in weeks with President Zelenskyy fleeing the country and the Ukrainians succumbing timidly. They didn't count on the resolve of the President and Ukrainian nationalist pride. Putin also didn't think that the Western powers have to gumption to confront Russia by arming Ukraine. They were lucky that Biden was POTUS as he rallied the NATO countries to stand firm and confront Russia. Now it's too late for Putin as his soldiers are dying in the fields and their southern supply lines are harassed by Ukrainian's artillery. Putin is in a no win situation on the war fronts and at home.
  11. It's an unpopular war just like in Afghanistan or US in Vietnam and history tell us that it is unwinnable.
  12. Majority of Americans want stricter gun laws including half of Republicans and a majority of Democrats and even a majority of those in gun-owning households. Yet the Republicans wouldn’t budge on gun control. It’s an obvious political party problem and fittingly a Republican Party’s betrayal to the general population for the sake of power. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/26/us/republicans-gun-control.html
  13. Could be threesome of retards after Elon announce his bid.
  14. I sure want to know if my President is a tax cheat. Others, I am not bother.
  15. In his defense, he did paid tax in 2016 & 2017. A paltry sum of USD750 each of the year. LOL.
  16. They are called progressives and they welcome gender identities and different ethnicities. Not a hard subject to comprehend while the conservatives struggle.
  17. Some politicians have display good moral character while some has less. In case of Trump, he has none.
  18. Shocker of a result. Argentina underestimated KSA tenacity, discipline and skill. It was pedestrian football with aimless possession until they were behind. By then, KSA have take tightened their defense to protect their lead. Congrats to KSA displaying excellent discipline in their formation and for representing Asia football.
  19. Fully understand your point of view. However I feel that it should remain voluntary as a test of the candidate moral character.
  20. Those were honourable past Presidents that were doing the honourable thing to act voluntary.
  21. All Presidents since Jimmy Carter voluntarily released their tax returns as a tradition of transparency. Trump has been asked to release his tax returns since 2016 and fought against releasing it up to the supreme court and failed. Just what is he hiding?
  22. Agree. For the general public who recently curtailed the House red wave, they know better ways to spend their time. Those are the quality public who will see through the sham investigation and make their voting decision in 2024.
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