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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. Looks like it's all over for the mad little evil lunatic. Oh wait he will probably plan another final push if he loses this final push. Be a man of your word you little turd and call it quits, give the country back and bugger off for good. There is a nice cell waiting for you and should be home for the next 20 yrs.

    Suthep has already won.

    He is merely removing the people from harm's way before the final axe from the constitutional court and the senate takes its final swing.

    The reds will rise up and be blown away by the army as they march on Bangkok 2010 fashion with no PDRC to confront, they only have the army and violence.

    They will be crushed and the UDD will be no more.

    If you can't see that, then you are as blind as can be.

    Unless of course you have 'contacts' behind all the closed doors that have told you otherwise.

    Suthep is not just going to walk away and let the UDD/REDS/CAPO claim victory and neither will he let down all the people who supported the movement for the past 7 months, and he is especially NOT going to suffer the biggest face loss in Thai political history when the job is 90% complete.

    But you lot who support the Thaksin regime can cling to your own delusions that Suthep has failed and enjoy the last 2 weeks of your god's power in Thai politics.

    He who laughs last, laughs longest.

    Just because I despise the evil lunatic Suthep does not mean I support Thaksin. Personally I despise Thaksin just as much as I hate Suthep.

    This seems to be the thoughts of most anti suthep posters on TV. We are well aware of how bad PT are, just that if the yellows get into power, the people will lose the right to self determination and will be persecuted (and most probably exterminated) so that they are never able to challenge the ruling so call elites again.

    Feudalism has no place in the modern world as anyone with an education and any concern for people other than themselves would know.

    A change would be most welcome, but it must be a change good for the people of Thailand

    All the more reason to support reforms.

  2. I think to be quite honest, that you will find the people on here who "support" Suthep do so partially.

    Speaking for myself I think the Thaksin network in Thailand needs to be dismantled. It's not the only network (police for example) that needs this and it's not the only family network (Chitchop, Thaugsuban) either but until these clans are taken apart then Thailand will not move forward.

    Using street protests has had some results that have been positive but Thailand must get back on the democratic path and in order to do that it needs to make some powerful legislative changes that probably neither side would like.

    If there are some good men and women out there that are untainted by corruption and uncoloured politically that can ignore intimidation and equally decline bribes and can work on the changes in law required to stamp out corruption, nepotism, cronyism through harsh and swift punishment then I'm all for it.

    If there are similarvgood people that can take the police force apart and rebuild it with law abiding, law respecting, law enforcement officers that do their job to the best with no political alignment then it should be done.

    The people themselves need a lot of education on what democracy means in terms of allowing all parties to canvass their ideology without harassment or intimidation and to understand that if the laws are applied properly the reds and yellows are not required.

    Education should be taken away from the government for a decade or two and run by academics. The current levels of education are a disgrace to a nation that should have a major role to play in the region.

    Agriculture is another area that needs to be removed from government and managed in a way that takes out of the dark ages and moves it to the leading edge possibly by hiring all farming staff on a salary to ensure income for their families.

    Just some thoughts

    Good post.

  3. The legitimate opposition and Suthep do not want any election they will lose. Further, the "reforms" are all about redistricting the country so they win elections. It has nothing to do with corruption -- both sides benefit a lot from that -- nonetheless, they will make it their battle cry while redistricting is the goal. If there are continued general elections, they will never again hold power. They need to carve the country up into pieces that make easy wins for their minority.

    Wah! Wah!

    I haven't spent any time research how things currently work, but I should think that if the seats won are proportional to the population that elected them, redistricting would be a tough sell.

    However, if the seats won are not proportional to the population that elected them, would you agree there is a problem?

  4. Why do you believe that the amnesty bill wasn't good for the country, Thaksin may have benefitted himself from the sale of a telecoms company and for buying some land at reduced prices, but thats pretty similar to a lot of leaders around the world, in power today. It surely isn't worth destroying a country over.

    Do you think the current situation with people being paid to protest for months on end and people being killed in the streets so that an equally corrupt government can get into power, is better for the country?

    If the population really did think that PTP were so bad, Suthep would have been successful in a month or less. After 6 months+ of protesting and now they cannot even remove a caretaker government..have you thought to wonder why he hasn't been successful?? Because the 'majority of the people' don't want PTP replaced with a leader that wasn't elected.

    But going back to your first point, i am sure Suthep and Abhisit will be looking for some type of amnesty in the near future too, or they will likely end up in prison for a lot longer than Thaksin was going to get.

    This whole political saga in Thailand is like a never ending merry-go-round..and the ONLY way it will be resolved is through an amnesty bill for all parties.either that or they all go to prison and share the same cell for a while.

    I don't believe Thaksin fears returning to Thailand because of his conviction. Thaksin fears returning to Thailand because of the half-dozen or so arrest warrants yet to be served.

    The charge against Abhisit and Suthep was a quite obvious gambit to coerce them into backing the amnesty bill. Imagine the look on Thaksin's face when they refused to play his game.

    All convicted should go to prison; there is no need for amnesty. Especially for the leaders of the disgraceful actions.

    • Like 1
  5. The legitimate opposition and Suthep do not want any election they will lose. Further, the "reforms" are all about redistricting the country so they win elections. It has nothing to do with corruption -- both sides benefit a lot from that -- nonetheless, they will make it their battle cry while redistricting is the goal. If there are continued general elections, they will never again hold power. They need to carve the country up into pieces that make easy wins for their minority.

    Everyone seems baffled about this impasse, but it is perfectly logical -- and infuriating.

    Wah! Wah!

    I haven't spent any time research how things currently work, but I should think that if the seats won are proportional to the population that elected them, redistricting would be a tough sell.

    However, if the seats won are not proportional to the population that elected them, would you agree there is a problem?

  6. Interesting article in the Bangkok Post - search for "senate plan to appoint interim premier on track" . . . some highlights:

    With reference to installing an interim PM: the process is already "80% complete.

    Sounds like there's more to the OP story.

    Suthep meets with the Senate. Then Suthep aligns with the Senate. Then Suthep mentions end dates.

    Maybe Suthep has an understanding of the Senate's time line.

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  7. Why do they keep calling this man acting PM? Is he not caretaker PM? Does he have less power than the last caretaker PM? I cant see why an can only think the press is biased and do not want to show the people he is in charge and is merely pretending to do the job as caretaker PM

    Would calling him Acting Caretaker PM make you feel any better?

    • Like 1
  8. When Suthep turns himself into the police, I will stop posting on this forum and I expect the same from other who seem to spend many hours posting here. I say this because it never going to happen. Suthep is all talk.


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  9. a core leader Sathit Wongnontoei then sent message on Blue Sky Channel asking all PDRC supporters to show up in full force to intercept the arrest.

    Good to see Blue Sky playing the role of reponsible community television................again

    Well, it does indeed illustrate how many people are watching it!

    even farang are watching it, we call it the BBC = Blue <deleted> Channel.

    Farangs I know simply refer to it as, "Blue Sky."

    But the important thing to understand from this story is that all they had to do was make a call from the stage, and simple people rushed from the comfort of their homes to stop injustice.

  10. what are these reforms that I keep hearing about? Can you list them?

    nobody knows what the reforms would be exactly but they will be primarily designed to do a few important things -

    - Shore up anti corruption laws and plug the gaps that Thaksin/PTP/reds tried to expose/exploit or in the case of the rice scheme - did exploit to the tune of billions and billions of baht

    - Force transparency for all government finance and projects - they can not longer keep things hidden from the public and withhold the details

    - Implement measures to stop vote buying and intimidation during elections

    - Controls over election populist policies - perhaps a branch of the EC

    - Rules governing candidates similar to Senators excluding those previously convicted of criminal offences - parlimentry abuse and corruption

    - Banning those convicted for life and not just 5 years from taking office

    - reform of the police

    the list goes on but you get the idea

    IMO the one thing That PTP and Thaksin have shown in the last 10 years is that there is a need for reform - the abuse of power and corruption has been unpresidented - some argue that corruption the last two years has decreased in Thailand - it is still to be investigated uncovered and exposed

    That means no yellows in power then, Suthep is a thug and a criminal

    Reforms will affect *all* sides!

  11. When is the constitutional court going to rule on the amnesty bill and throw each and every one of the bums that voted for it out of office?

    Coming soon...

    Hmm... The yellow generals backed down from the coup when they realised they might not have some divisions or the rank and file with them, as they did in 2006.

    The CC backed down when they got rid of Yingluck and a few of her staff, but left a PT government in power. They realised that they could only go so far before the backlash swept them up.

    Now the Senate has backed down in the face of an increasingly vocal and increasingly Bangkok-based majority insisting that only elections are an acceptable mean of installing a government, and an increasingly skeptical and increasingly amused international community.

    Doesn't bode well for Suthep and the Cone Gang.

    When something happens, it probably won't happen on a Friday. Do you know why?

  12. Am pretty sure there are 300 or PTP members that are twisting in the wind because of it.

    its not the amnesty bill, that was abandoned but it wasn't deemed illegal by anyone, it was the supporting of an amendment to the constitution that would have made the upperhouse fully elected, but that will take time and each MP has to be impeached by the senate and then he will be replaced by another.. it does not seem like that path can help suthep, but if the democrats want any chance at that they'll have to run in the election,

    When is the constitutional court going to rule on the amnesty bill and throw each and every one of the bums that voted for it out of office?

  13. I can the see the army mentioned in the headline but not in the statement.

    And talk about hypocritical what about the yellow mob storming the talks the other day and the army do noting about it!

    All the yellows on here said it's not the armies job a police job.

    What hypocrites!

    Quite frankly, it's not the military's job, but if the police don't step up, who should?

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