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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. "...six additional witnesses would be allowed to testify."

    Would these be the additional witnesses they denied could testify on behalf of Yingluck or are these additional witnesses for the prosecution. Just curious.

    So it isn't good enough that Yingluck has been ousted by a judicial coup because the DPRC didn't like the election outcome, nooo... now the NACC has to turn the knife a few more times. Let's put the little lady in jail because she happens to be the brother of Thaksin.

    "Let's put the little lady in jail because she happens to be the brother of Thaksin."

    Some cynics have questioned her parentage, but with her good looks I seriously doubt that she is Thaksin's brother.giggle.gif

    Or his daughter for that matter!

  2. Good news..................... she will pay for let poor farmer in distress.........

    Are they the Red Shirts?? They are her supporters.

    Interesting there haven't been collections for the farmers at the Red rally.

    Suthep did it because he was beginning to need the cash, and of course, he just could not help himself.

    After CAPO froze his assets, people started donating. Sort of backfired on CAPO, didn't it.

  3. I would agree that it's not routine, but we don't know that it's not legal.

    Acting Senate Speaker Surachai has already met with the Constitutional Court. Hard to believe this wasn't discussed.

    And also as Wanda has mentioned, do be careful when mentioning the king.

    What I find dis-respectful is that this Senator is going to send this blatently illegal power grab to the King for his endorsement when he knows most Thai People are against him,This Senator is clearly aligned with the democrats who lost the election and was appointed my a military coup.. this puts the King in a difficult position....

    ALL previous royal endorsements (not directly related to the coup) have been of a routine in nature, when an election is called the King endorses the election decree(or exactly the process I'm not certain) when a new this or that is selected, the king signs off on it,

    Are you joking? The King cannot appoint a PM but an appointed senator from a military coup could? and why? because the looser of the election sabotaged 1 election and now are saying that one of their people can be a dictator..ridiculous

    Stop imputing political motives to the King and mixing His Majesty into the political mix. It is very disrespectful, not to mention you can't even write a one-sentence summary about it correctly. So just stop. Really.

    Yes, it is POSSIBLE that an appointed senator may succeed in nominating and appointing an interim prime minister. Yes.

    Comparing him in any manner, and comparing his actions in any manner to the monarch is ... well some people who really care a lot would say "actionable". But you should stop. Completely. Don't do it. You *will* not prevail.


  4. the Ammart will find every and any way to retain power and the don't care about elections they were 'born to rule' after all

    You are getting really tiresome with the same rhetoric. I am not sure if you are really blind to reality, brainwashed or getting paid to write these posts. My opinion is that you have your own agenda or a bet with your mates at your local bar to see how many replies you can get.

    Now that Suthep is siding with the Senate, the Reds will fallback to "the Ammart."

  5. The constitution needs to be amended the right way and all senators and governors must be elected not having someone pick who going to be your voice about matters of state. Free and fair elections need to be held now and reform of people rights to vote for their choice to represent them not some elite academic who doesn't not represent your feeling.

    If only wishing could make it so. Unfortunately, "free and fair" elections are not possible in the present political climate.

    • Like 1
  6. Acting Senate speaker has tried in vain to persuade government representatives, as well as the redshirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) to take part in its informal meeting but was still ignored. So far almost all government agencies which included the armed forces and permanent secretaries of ministries and the private sector have taken part.

    Progress marches on without PTP and UDD.

  7. Why cannot they have an election and form a government for national unity, say with a life of 3 yrs max. It could be like the British had durring the WW2, all parties , very successful. Once the war was won, it went back to fresh elections. Here it could the same, all parties sort out this reform stuff, then go back to the people. . Probably too simple for Thai Brains

    Abhisit discussed his reform framework with many parities.

    PTP, however, refused to get involved.

    In that case the reforms should be common knowledge. Care to share them?

    It's being discussed in another thread or two already. Curious that other than suggesting abolishing lese majeste laws (which Yingluck clearly doesn't support), there haven't been many suggestions from the Reds.

  8. Mr. Suthep expressed that the Senate should be the only governing body responsible for designating a neutral prime minister and a Cabinet. He stressed that the new government should not have any political affiliations, especially with the Pheu Thai Party so that a reformation can take shape.

    The PDRC secretary-general said that he would be backing the Senate all the way through but would not intervene in their decisions in choosing a prime minister. However, if the Senate does not perform its duty properly then the PDRC would stage another mass protest.

    Story of the day!

  9. top three: Judiciary, lese majeste and defamation I don't know even ONE person Thai or Farang who would not agree to this list

    The Reds want to do away with lese majeste because they are communists. But it's interesting to note that Yingluck continues to ignore the demands of UDD.

    Perhaps she too understands that the UDD is a lot smaller than they would have one believe; about 7% of the population, with another 7% "leaning" Red. And that was before the rice debacle and the kids didn't get their tablets. Hard to argue the Red ranks have grown since then.

    Wouldn't it be a shame if Thaksin was just using the Reds?

  10. "...six additional witnesses would be allowed to testify."

    Would these be the additional witnesses they denied could testify on behalf of Yingluck or are these additional witnesses for the prosecution. Just curious.

    So it isn't good enough that Yingluck has been ousted by a judicial coup because the DPRC didn't like the election outcome, nooo... now the NACC has to turn the knife a few more times. Let's put the little lady in jail because she happens to be the brother of Thaksin.

    I question why defense witnesses should be allowed to testify at all; NACC is an investigative body, not a court.

  11. Close your eyes if you want to, but it seems to be happening. We might learn more when Acting Senate Speaker Surachai speaks later today.

    Considering what Yingluck has said about lese majeste in the past, it doesn't seem likely that PTP would fight to have that included in the list of reforms; however, it's a moot point as PTP refuses to join the discussions.

    there is no list... IF there were it would be in everyone's interest to PUBLISH it then people "may" understand what it's all about

    top three: Judiciary, lese majeste and defamation I don't know even ONE person Thai or Farang who would not agree to this list

    Well, I know ONE that would not fight for abolishing lese majeste: YINGLUCK!

    Good chance Suthep wouldn't either...

    Just sayin'...

  12. Why are the anti government protester and there supports here so afraid of elections. You keep saying you have the support of a majority of the people. If this was so you would win an election. But deep down inside you know your never win because you don't have support of a majority of the people. And don't bring up the vote buying scheme. Because if your people believe in you no amount of money would change their vote.

    Reformists aren't afraid of elections; they are afraid of unbridled corruption raping the country.

    Once some real reforms are enacted, it'll matter a lot less who wins the election.

    • Like 1
  13. Why cannot they have an election and form a government for national unity, say with a life of 3 yrs max. It could be like the British had durring the WW2, all parties , very successful. Once the war was won, it went back to fresh elections. Here it could the same, all parties sort out this reform stuff, then go back to the people. . Probably too simple for Thai Brains

    Abhisit discussed his reform framework with many parities.

    PTP, however, refused to get involved.

    If you remember that Abhisit didn't have the backing of Suthep either.

    Not so sure Abhisit needs it.

    Suthep is taking a hard line for a reason.

    It's important to understand that Suthep joined the grassroots organizations for a reason. The people will not continue to follow him if they see a more sensible solution from the Senate.

    As he is a politician, I expect him to come around once he's convinced of the prevailing winds.

  14. Reforms should include things such as;

    • Eliminate nepotism
    • Eliminate cronyism
    • Require transparency
    • Require free and fair elections
    • Permanent bans from politics for those convicted of abusing the public's trust
    • Eliminate constitutional loopholes that have recently been exposed

    While we can all agree that these items are important changes to be made, it's unlikely PTP would enact them as it would mean the end of their regime.

    I'd add increased decentralization to the list, with elected governors, move more of funding and accountability to the provinces. Reform the police.

    We can't have 45% of the country (incl most tax payers) held hostage by the majority using simple populist policies to rob the country.

    Added another of my own.

    Reforms should include things such as;

    • Eliminate nepotism
    • Eliminate cronyism
    • Require transparency
    • Require free and fair elections
    • Permanent bans from politics for those convicted of abusing the public's trust
    • Eliminate constitutional loopholes that have recently been exposed
    • Increased decentralization
    • Elected governors
    • RTP reform
    • End MP immunity
    • Like 1
  15. what "reform"? show me the proposals... where is the outline...? what is the timeline? you mean lese majeste? defamation? the judiciary? I'd like to see ALL those reformed

    are they in the list? where is the list???

    Close your eyes if you want to, but it seems to be happening. We might learn more when Acting Senate Speaker Surachai speaks later today.

    Considering what Yingluck has said about lese majeste in the past, it doesn't seem likely that PTP would fight to have that included in the list of reforms; however, it's a moot point as PTP refuses to join the discussions.

    In other words... There weren't any proposals before. They are now made up as the farce continues.

    Wouldn't be surprised to see things happen in roughly this order:

    1. Framework agreement
    2. Reforms proposed
    3. Referendum
    4. Elections

    Now they are still discussing the framework.

    The entire process won't be completed in a week or two. Even with PTP not involved, it could easily take 100 working days.

    And I suspect with PTP involved, even longer!

    • Like 1
  16. Advice from the Constitutional Court and NACC is a *good* thing.

    Had Yingluck listened to the NACC's advice, she might still be in office today!

    Does that constitute a ruling by the CC? I don't think so.. will the CC rule on the issue, it sounds like a ludocrous suggestion that the yet to be rolyally endorsed senate speaker, can by himself select and install a PM, when the Senate itself is out of session,so he doesn't even have a senate vote on this,AND the king said you cannot use section 7 to appoint a PM!

    Acting Senate Speaker Surachai has already met with the Constitutional Court.

    Seems unlikely he would be proposing an interim Prime Minister had the Constitutional Court disagreed.

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