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Everything posted by itsari

  1. From my experience 15 months market price is from 30 to 32 thousand using agents in Bangkok . A 12 month extension up to 15000 . Depends what you call nuts i guess
  2. It is a tragedy that goes unnoticed as the citizens of Thailand do not realise how bad the situation is on the roads of Thailand.
  3. Please don't take notice of the Australian media . That's just one guy that gave up his Australian citizenship to make more money in the US. The Thai Government is sitting on the fence just like the Chinese Communist Party . Plus they have a large export of goods to Russia . The Thais have a problem with sorting out who is going to be the winner in a war situation
  4. Wanting a increase is the least of many UK applicants for a state pension . I have been waiting nine months for a application to be finalized. I leave you to decide how I think about the UK state pension system
  5. I believe the Thai government is in a big quandary. Why ? Because they depend on imported energy. If they allow the Thai BAHT to go the way the market invisages there will be problems for the economy. Simple as that
  6. Thank you for your reply. I took the trouble to look at the two successful Australian companies you mentioned. CSL being by far the larger of the two with a turn over of 10 billion plus annually and employing 25000 world wide. Company originally owned by the Australian Government and made public . The software company Atlassian founded in 2002 , turnover of 2 billion and 5700 employee's Thank you for pointing them out to me. However when the GDP of Australia is looked at closely my remark about Australia is not incorrect.
  7. Penalty rate for late completion in a village ? Go and look at your self
  8. Death is only one part of the problem . Think about the cost of raising and educating these people that die on the Thai roads . Then you realise the real cost of the casualties . Many maimed , unable to help them selves . That is a further cost to society.
  9. Some individuals just take joy in laying blame on the Thai Government . I for one am pleased I was in Thailand during the covid pandemic . Valuable is a lot different than depend concerning tourism income . Tourism at the end of the day produces a lot of poorly paid employees but the tourists spend there foreign currency and Thailand has gained from that up until covid .
  10. OK , I officially acknowledge my mistake . But they do like to tamper with the ball dont forget .
  11. Yes they can be blamed for shooting them selves in the foot on making it difficult to enter the country . One does have to consider there is a election coming up soon . That could have a bearing on the reason behind there entry rules .
  12. Your sarcasm is a little too much to take with the remark is that good enough for you . New Zealand and Australia have never been dependent on tourism for there income . Australia has two major earning avenues . Exporting minerals and Agriculture . New zealand , Agriculture Both countries are small players apart from there rugby teams.
  13. Turning into debt ??? That is nothing new . What is new is the borrowers on a grand scale are unable to pay there loans . The loans are not declared bad as then the lender would have to place the money lost into reserves
  14. Please inform us of the countries that rely on tourism are thriving . The Thai government can not be blamed for how the world situation is . Covid , Russian attack on the Ukraine resulting in higher energy prices are situations the Thai government can not be blamed for .
  15. I think the reason the Russians will stop travelling is for there currency has nose dived . Perhaps partly with the guilt of a country ready to kill Ukrainian Citizens for there goals.
  16. Thailand has three major war fronts . Over two years with virtually no tourism and no real chance of recovery with or without normal entry requirements . Many loans not being paid and placed on hold rather than writing the loans off as that would create a situation that the banks would have to place the money lost in reserve . Far higher energy prices that is causing the Government to borrow money to keep the lid on diesel prices .

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