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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Not all but many areas are deprived. In my time Aldershot was indeed taking in many recruits Aldershot was considered the home of the British army. Not the case now. Been to Aldershot or not the recruiting is as I said , from deprived areas.
  2. After having witnessed recruits through the army physical training corps Aldershot I saw first hand the quality and where they were coming from which was mostly from the north of England .
  3. I doubt if young people from the London area are interested in joining the British Army . Most recruits are from deprived areas in the UK . London area is not considered a deprived area
  4. Cant afford not to pay 600 baht as a minimum wage
  5. Yes, your right , there was no plastic bags even if you wanted to pay for one for some years . Now gradually that is being forgotten in 7/11. Yet many shops persist with no bag available. Home pro and Tesco lotus for example. Sometimes I have forgotten to bring a bag when buying many pvc fittings . Sorry mister no bag is what hear from them. Tesco lotus I take a bag but some cashiers refuse to put the items in the bag . So I say put the items in the bag or I don't want the items . Of course I get a look of displeasure. Thais have a problem with being told what to do by a foreigner .
  6. I have had similar problems with Thai citizens at our guest house asking them to put plastic bottles , food waste , cardboard and glass bottles into separate bins . Mostly they take no notice young and old and look at you in great surprise as you ask them . Most foreigners comply , but not all . Yes , most Thai guests never turn off the lights , fans and air conditioners when they go out . They were mostly coming from Agoda . I put the prices up with Agoda to discourage the Thai business . Oh yes , they park in a way that you wonder what is running through there brain .
  7. Wimp ,about 10 days a year i use air conditioning . Cheap Charlies unite
  8. Who worries about lines on the roads in Thailand? My opinion after 8 years driving in Thailand is very few . Just a waste of paint
  9. Maybe you need to change your habit of using the word pom . Your not in Australia now . I remember there was a bar in the city of Melbourne that opened at 6.30 am , so what is your surprise at seeing people drinking in the early morning in Thailand .
  10. Dollar was on a all time high due to interest hikes by the federal reserve . Why on earth are you surprised by a correction ? You are tanked in your thoughts Pawcorn
  11. I will take a trip to global house . Thank you
  12. Thank you for your help. I saw these two filters on lazada . Would they be ok for the job? They will take 4bar
  13. Superficial dribble
  14. First off I am talking about applicants for a pension that have lived or living abroad . You may well receive the pension when you apply in Australia. But portability of the pension must wait two years .
  15. I thank you for your reply. I ask if it is possible to send a link to the GH filter you quoted . Thanks again
  16. I believe that the pump can create about 30 psi which is around 2 bar I therefore need a pressure filter that can operate at 3 bar minimum . There are many swimming pool sand filters that can withstand 4 bar , but not it seems with fishpond filters
  17. Can anyone help to choose a koi pond pressure filter . I bought a jebao filter but is not handling the pump pressure. The pump is rated at 2000 liters an hour and has a 370 watt motor.
  18. Then you do not understand the agreement with your question . As I said earlier it has to do with portability of your pension points earned . Of course there are other advantages with the social agreement . Norway would be not paying any pension for the situation you mention . If the Australian was choosing to live in Norway then the Australian state pension fund would be obligated to pay without returning to Australia .
  19. Not the case with the Australian agreement with Norway .
  20. They can if they applied in Australia or in a country where there is a social agreement made . Thailand has no such agreement .
  21. Not much hope in that with her out of the country . The woman would need to get to Australia for being offered a pension with there draconian portability rules .
  22. You never mentioned the exit from the European Union as one of the reasons for the UK slip in prosperity . In my opinion that is the main reason and the reasons you mention are not real .
  23. What i do is cut up the furniture to a size that will fit into a 36x28 plastic bag . I do not make each bag weigh too much as the rubbish collectors will not take the bag . I avoid putting many bags at the same time and wait until the next collection days . I sometimes use stronger bags that are more costly . The collectors like that as they will recover the bags and sell them .
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