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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. It was passed by the Scottish Parliament - with cross party support. That you didn't know that is unfortunate but it is the politics of another country so your ignorance can be forgiven. But your ignorance of what happens in your own country - is that so easy to dismiss? If English politicians are so concerned about female prisoners in Scotland, why are they less so about English female prisoners? Do English women not deserve the same 'protection'? "Transgender politics – like any politics – can be divisive. Yet in the case of Karen White, who is legally still a man but was put in a female-only prison, both sides of the transgender rights debate are united in the belief mistakes were made. In September last year she was transferred to New Hall prison in West Yorkshire. During a three-month period at the female prison she sexually assaulted two other inmates." https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/11/karen-white-how-manipulative-and-controlling-offender-attacked-again-transgender-prison
  2. I initially thought about starting my response with "You do realise, don't you" but clearly the answer is no, you don't realise that the bill which was passed had cross party support - Tories, Labour, and SNP all voted together in favour of it. This was not an SNP bill alone. If only the people who are so quick to slag off the Scottish government had a little bit of a deeper understanding of Scottish politics, there would be a lot less bluster like yours.
  3. Maybe there should be some sort of limitation on just how involved in UK politics those uppity jocks should be allowed?
  4. Troublesome? Enacting their democratic mandate? The SNP are doing what they were overwhelmingly elected to do.
  5. Brought down? Like lying to the Queen and parliament brought down? Like crashing the economy within a fortnight brought down? Like setting the UK into a death spiral of isolation brought down? Or was it just that suffering the brunt of 8 years of lies and misogyny from the UK establishment was enough for her? Unlike the last 4 failed Tory pms, she leaves office with her head held high and knowledge that she leaves Scotland a better place than when she took office.
  6. Putin demonstrates the importance of controlling the media and keeping the majority ignorant. I appreciate that it's hard to sympathise with the dead, but many are simply ignorant boys from vodka soaked towns in the back of beyond who believe the propaganda that they have been fed all their lives. They genuinely believe that they are doing the morally right thing.
  7. Could it be a case of better the devil you know? Kadyrov has been rumoured to be building his political allies as a possible replacement of Putin. I can only see him being even more despotic.
  8. Joby Aviation will need to change their name before they commerce operations in Scotland, else their efforts will be flushed down the pan...
  9. There have been so many headlines in the hard right press over the past few years predicting the imminent demise of the EU, that it truly speaks volumes about the commitment of the brexiteers that they still manage to get so priapic despite so much disappointment emanating from the whole disastrous endeavour. Clearly they have never heard of Betteridge's law of headlines: Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.
  10. But we should be worrying about them because they are unfair. Were tax rules to be applied equitably then he would be liable for much more. That his potential bill would be significantly more than most is not a result of his business acumen or hard work. Much like the PM's wife. Why should she be able to enjoy all the benefits of living in the UK (admittedly, I chuckled as I typed that) but be able to avoid paying an equal rate of tax that the most of us pay?
  11. Irrelevant. He has conditions that are not afforded to the majority.
  12. I fully agree with you, but the fix won't be pretty. The people with all the power are not going to sit on their hands while the proles get uppity. There is, at least to me, no obvious route to a peaceful change.
  13. One centuries old law? I have no doubt that there will be many laws in place that are designed solely for the benefit of the privileged elite who wrote them or sponsored those who wrote them. In the UK we have a prime minister who's billionaire wife, despite living here, was allowed to pretend she didn't so she didn't have to pay her fair share of tax. We have a king who doesn't have to pay the same inheritance tax as the majority because... well, because other rich people decided he didn't need to pay his fair share. Governments the world over are corrupt and work to shore up their own positions. Nothing will ever change.
  14. The polarising, aggressive language used by politicians and journalist of all hues is only contributing to the demise of civilised debate and rational discourse all over the world. I suspect that this has always been the plan.
  15. It would seem that the Russian military had a substantial headstart over their Ukrainian counterpart.
  16. Do we really want world diplomacy to be led by the spoilt, over-indulged children of dubious blood diamond miners? Personally, I can't wait for Paris Hilton to come forward with her peace plan.
  17. There is a clear and linear narrative to my posts, broadly on topic with a touch of expansion. It's not difficult to follow. But thanks for the chuckle, as you struggled and failed to keep on topic.
  18. I must confess that I know little of her family, but if they are any bit as dysfunctional as the tacky soap opera clowns on Harry's side, I am happy to keep it that way. A plague on all their houses, I say, albeit with extra locusts on the house of Windsor. I will keep my sympathy for those who actually deserve it, not this rotten, corrupt institution that should have been abolished years ago.
  19. It does seem a bit frivolous though - falsely and maliciously calling herself an only child. In terms of merit, it does seem like only the only winners will be the lawyers.
  20. What a strange question. Any notion of a monarch being able to prevent the emergence of a rogue government should surely have been dashed when Lizzie failed to prevent a succession of disastrous Tory pms since 2010.
  21. Surely you can envisage some sort of middle ground similar to most other countries in the world, which aren't ruled by demagogues or tyrants? Although the UK electorate voted for Brexit so maybe your doubts about our ability to form a credible, egalitarian government are not totally unfounded.
  22. We are going a bit off topic now, old pal, but are you sure your grasp of history is entirely accurate?
  23. Be specific - which parts are 'tosh'? I have seen the photos of Morgan lying on a sunlounger so, while I cannot claim to be an Adonis by any stretch of the imagination, there is definitely no jealousy on my part. Commie? Nah, I just try not to be greedy or selfish...
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