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Posts posted by lelapin

  1. Half the owners don't live in the village and many tenants have no idea who their landlords are as they pay their rent to agents.

    Nevertheless thank you very much for your attempt to offer a really constructive answer but obviously this is not one of your specialist subjects,

  2. My experience is that the caddies of the 4 playing share the near pin tip. I couldn't work out why there was no excitement from my caddy one day and she eventually explained that they don't care who wins as they share it.

    Has happened several times since with our group and so we have stopped doing it.

  3. My car tax expires end of this month but I am waiting for my new insurance policy to arrive before I can go to the tax office. I have paid for the insurance and have a receipt for it. Do I have a week or two leeway before I would be fined if I am stopped driving the car with no current tax.

  4. I am sure the rules for Pattaya would be the same as other cities in Thailand hence the general posting.

    If Pattaya28 doesn't know what a village in Pattaya is then he is unlikely to be able to provide me with any useful information.

  5. We have experienced certain residents speeding dangerously around our village in Pattaya. We are therefore about to install maximum speed signs and have heard that the local municipality may be able to help cover the costs to install them. Anybody have any experience of this.

    Once installed and if the culprits continue to speed would we be able to use the local police to deal with them.

  6. 2.4% interest is an average rate,you can get a fixed term where you pay no tax,but immigration dont recognise the account if using for retirement extension cos you cannot draw on it.

    As far as buying a condo,its difficult to see capital appreciation cos most people want to buy new/off the plan rather than 2nd. hand....also over a number of years the building falls into disrepair unless you have a good management team.

    If you buy high end,and i'm talking millions of baht worth,yes you can get capital appreciation.

    Better to keep money back home and bring over when necessary,and rent here.

    Last month I used my 11 month fixed term account with Bangkopk Bank for my retirement visa renewal



    You can draw from most fixed term accounts but with loss of interest

  7. 2.4% interest is an average rate,you can get a fixed term where you pay no tax,but immigration dont recognise the account if using for retirement extension cos you cannot draw on it.

    As far as buying a condo,its difficult to see capital appreciation cos most people want to buy new/off the plan rather than 2nd. hand....also over a number of years the building falls into disrepair unless you have a good management team.

    If you buy high end,and i'm talking millions of baht worth,yes you can get capital appreciation.

    Better to keep money back home and bring over when necessary,and rent here.

    Last month I used my 11 month fixed term account with Bangkopk Bank for my retirement visa renewal



  8. 2.4% interest is an average rate,you can get a fixed term where you pay no tax,but immigration dont recognise the account if using for retirement extension cos you cannot draw on it.

    As far as buying a condo,its difficult to see capital appreciation cos most people want to buy new/off the plan rather than 2nd. hand....also over a number of years the building falls into disrepair unless you have a good management team.

    If you buy high end,and i'm talking millions of baht worth,yes you can get capital appreciation.

    Better to keep money back home and bring over when necessary,and rent here.

    Last month I used my 11 month fixed term account with Bangkopk Bank for my retirement visa renewal

  9. I am planning to replace my existing computer. My main areas of usage are emails, checking about 10 of my favorite web sites daily, Skype, watching movies etc on an HDD link to my TV and frequent use of Word and Xcell. I do not need to transport it anywhere or have a large screen as I work with a remote keyboard/mouse and my TV screen from my armchair. I would like to have a computer that won't have lots of pre-installed software that I will need to remove before it functions efficiently. I will need at least 3 USB and HDD ports.

    I am unsure whether to go for a laptop or PC and was wondering which approach would be cheaper for the same speed and capacity. Any ideas from the IT boffins out there and also any suggestions where I might get the best price and after sales support in Pattaya.

  10. I read as a normal debit card rather than credit card (which he said). If a secured credit card would expect account money would always have to remain at a fixed level. For debit card you do have daily limits regardless of account balance.

    I would obviously be happy to top up the credit card account with the necessary amount beforehand but was unsure what the limit for one transaction would be. Will contact bank tomorrow.

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