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Posts posted by lelapin

  1. Had radical prostatectomy at 57 in Harley St London by the no 1 Dr in Europe for prostate cancer. When I asked him what treatment he recommended he replied that if I were his father he would say have the prostate removed. But then of course he would say that  as he was a surgeon.


    At 64 signs of the cancer returned and I required 30 zaps of radiotherapy. 


    I am now 76, had 7 stents inserted last year, and still playing golf 2 times a week. One thing for sure if you are lucky enough to survive these problems when they come along, is that you certainly get in to perspective what is and isn't important in life. Somehow those  bad drives, missed putts and bad rounds of golf are not nearly as important as they used to be.



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  2. Thanks guys for all your suggestions. Unfortunately although I had a 20 year career in data processing (IT)  that was many years ago and I think that my 76 year old brain would struggle to carry out your advice. The TMN engineer is calling tomorrow  and if he suggests a new router from them I think I will go along with it. As someone mentioned that although theirs may not be the best at the lowest price they will install it free.


    Of course since I submitted the post my internet connection has been working perfectly  - very fast 21 mbps and no down time - . I think that's called sod's law.

  3. 2 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    TMN usually terminate their domestic fibre with a router like this:



    which they sell for a couple of thousand Baht.


    If they didnt supply one of those then they will have given you a smaller ethernet fibre modem which presumably you are connecting to your TPLink with an ethernet cable. A picture of it would help.


    If the engineer has told you that your router is faulty then he is probably correct. Depending on how it is set up you may be able to connect your PC directly to the fibre modem with an ethernet cable, thus bypassing your router. If that is fast and reliable then you have isolated the problem and you need a new router, or your old one needs looking at. Routers dont really have a fixed lifetime but I wouldnt be very surprised if one become unreliable after 4 years, though it is usually the modem or wifi parts that fail first. Yours is a fairly cheap model.

    If there is no improvement when connected directly to the TMN modem then you will know that it is probably the service/line that is faulty.


    I tried TMN fibre once and found it very slow outside of Thailand, so I ditched it. However fibre should be very reliable even if the ISP is slow. When testing speed you can only expect to get the maximum provided by your package to servers within Thailand.


  4. 3 hours ago, johng said:

    TMN ? Can we assume that is Tipmanee cable Pattaya ?
    Do they require you to use their supplied modem/media converter ? Is the service ADSL/VDSL , Ethernet / WiFi or Fiber optic...what speed up and down ?
    Do you need to budget or is cost
    not a problem ?

    Sent from my ASUS_Z00LD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    You are correct with the supplier. I have a TP-Link TL WR 741 ND router and thought that I had fiber. I don't mind too much re the cost but want a reliable med to fast line speed. Now it is down 3-6 times as day.


    Any other ISP you would recommend on The Darkside Pattay

  5. 2 hours ago, maxpower said:

    Is this TMN fiber or cable service?
    If its fiber I guess they terminated using a small ONT box and supplied you with a modem router?
    Why do you need a new router?


    Have you considered another ISP or are you a new TMN customer?

    I have recently changed my internet connection to fiber.


    The last month the internet connection is going down 3-6 times a day and is quite often slow.


    The engineer came round and said it was a problem with my router.


    I have a TP-link TL WR741 ND which I thought was in the house when I arrived 4 years ago. I don't know the expected life span of a router.


    I am based on Darkside in Pattaya and from discussions with friends the other ISP's in this area are not much better.


  6. I have recently started to have problems with some soi dogs while out for my exercise walks. I did some research on DAZER 11 - a sound repellent - and got very mixed reviews. I was thinking of carrying with me a small pepper spray. Any thoughts on how successful this might be and where I could purchase it in Pattaya.

  7. I am 76. After having had 7 stents inserted last year the doctor said I needed to exercise more in spite of golfing 3 times a week (with a cart).

     I set myself  target of 10 hours a month walking (I count a round of golf - only 2 a week now - as 30 minutes) and keep a record of each day on my computer. Sometimes if I have been a little lax I have to work harder towards the end of the month to make up my time.  At this age it is easy to find excuses  to miss some days and I find by keeping records and having a target I am more disciplined.

  8. The Juristic person in our village died a while back and we wish to appoint and get registered a new one. I have heard various suggestions on what has to be done  including obtaining a signature from all house owners (this would almost certainly be impossible). Does anyone know the facts on this subject as opposed to the guesses I have received from friends.

  9. I visited my Dr in London having seen a small speck of blood in my urine. He said it was probably a small stone but on hearing I had private insurance suggested I saw a prostate cancer specialist. 


    I went along and had a finger probe which found a slightly enlarged prostate and a PSA which was found to be slightly  high. He strongly recommended a biopsy which I then went for and after a very painful session I went back to then specialist the following Friday. On reviewing the results he said I needed urgent treatment and offered some various alternatives but as he was a surgeon he said that if I was his father he would recommend a radical prostatectomy ( removal of the prostate). I asked when this could happen and he said he wanted me in for the operation the following Monday.


    After the op they did a biopsy on the removed prostate and found that the cancer spread to the outer wall without going through. I subsequently had a review of the level of success of the op and the Dr said I had a 70% chance of living 10 years. I was 57 at the time so that didn't sound too bad. I still had a PSA done every year and to my great surprise after 8 years I was advised that my PSA was slowly starting to move higher. I was then advised and had 30 sessions of radiotherapy.


    I have just turned 76 years old - 19 years on - and have read so many different results of studies and reports over the years about the best way to detect and treat  prostate cancer.


    I like to keep things simple. If I have the choice to undergo a procedure whose results may give me unnecessary concern as they may be misleading but in some cases will find a life threatening situation that can be treated or to say I will only proceed with tests that studies have proved are 100% correct and reliable, I will go with the former. Maybe it is my cautious nature but I was most fortunate enough for that approach to work for me.


    As an aside I understand the procedure I had that long time ago has advanced considerably and my doctor now uses a robot for the op which is much more precise in the cutting and greatly reduces the subsequent chance of impotence or incontinence.


    What the operation clearly didn't do was to cut down on my waffling on and on, so I will end there.

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  10. I rented my apartment using a managing agent in London when I first came out to live in Thailand 10 years ago.


    Every month I had the tenants complaining they needed something to be repaired or replaced. After one year I had made about 1% nett income based on the value of the place.


    Decided to sell and used some of the money to buy a place here to live and another to rent  out, on which I get more than 5% and live nearby so can monitor any requests for repairs etc. to be done there.

  11. Have hung up about 20 old CD's on to trees near the pool on 4 pieces of string and so far the bright reflections and sound  seem to be working - or of course it is possible that all the local birds are suffering from constipation.

  12. Over the last couple of weeks it seems like the pool in my garden and the surrounding tiled area have become a target for birds to unload their bowels.


    I have placed a couple of stone herons by the pool to frighten them off but that hasn't worked.


    Any ideas to frighten these birds away and stop them from dropping their loads in my garden would be welcome.


    I appreciate that a topic like this will attract some unhelpful, non humorous replies but if I am lucky I may get one gem that solves my problem.


  13. I need to visit the Austrian Consul in Pattaya and have heard that they recently moved.

    Can anyone confirm this and provide me with their new address, opening hours and email address.


  14. I  am having trouble with a leaking hot water boiler in my house. I am based on The Darkside of Pattaya. Can anyone recommend a competent, reasonably priced engineer  to sort out the problem.

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