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Posts posted by lelapin

  1. I have BT but I am having trouble linking laptop and headphones. It links automatically with my phone but when I switch it on near my computer, nothing happens and the sound still comes from my TV



    I have my HP laptop linked  to my TV via HDMI but I am not happy with the sound quality I get from my TV when using it.
    Is it possible to link the Bluetooth Earphone that I currently use for my IPhone to link to my laptop.
    Remax Neckbank Bluetooth 4.1 Earphone 
  3. Thanks you so much Sheryl for your advice which I intend to follow and visit him next Monday. What time do you suggest I check in at the hospital.


    I have some more info I would like to tell you but do not wish to post on a public website.


    Is there any way I can send you a private message.


  4. A recent colonoscopy at Pyathai Hospital, Siracha showed I have cancer in my colon.

    I have an appointment arranged there with a surgeon, Dr.  Somkiat Jumroonthavorn with a view to proceeding with surgery.

    I wondered if any TV members, particularly Sheryl, had any experience with this doctor or an estimate of what this procedure might cost me.

  5. 1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

    A search should bring up a range of prices as has been reported here many times.  Just be aware some prices will not include any biopsy and they can be rather expensive - others seem to quote an all inclusive price.  You might want to provide a location for recommendations.  

    Pattaya / Siracha

  6. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    P.S. I just checked a list I have from Bria and there is a section for Electrophoresis under which there is Hemoglobin typing (code 161001)


    The CBC code is 111001 . Serum and the iron tests are:

    81060 Transferrin Saturation

    81039 Serum Iron

    81036 Total Iron binding capacity


    Suggest you email or call them and provide these numbers as reference, it will aid them in giving you the cost



    Many thanks for your help.


  7. My Thai stepson requires a blood test for thalassemia and I wondered if someone could recommend a Bangkok hospital that could do it for a reasonable price. So far he has been quoted 10,000 baht which seem high to me.

  8. 2 hours ago, tugman said:

    Sadly it's a botanical garden and tourist gift shop aimed at Chinese. Parking for 32 coaches. Nothing for us expats living nearby and to make matters worse they are now putting a huge wall around it and charging entrance fee ??


    Are you sure



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  9. Does anyone know what stores are being built on the land on Siam Country Club Road by the new motorway. I have heard many rumours and they are all different.

  10. 16 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Not for the 90 day report. It would be due 90 days from the date you enter the country.

    If the office you report to wants a TM30 report every time you enter the country you would have to do it within 24 hours of arriving at your residence.

    OK. I think when I go in to report I will check what their rules are re me reporting again within 24 hours of my return.

    Seems crazy as I have been living in this house for 4 years.

  11. 4 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There are different opinions on it.

    Some say you can leave without a problem within the 7 days while others like me would say you should do the report to avoid the possibility of being fined for not doing it when you do your next report since the 7 days is only to do the report.

    No problem leaving the country since immigration on departure do not check for the reports being done.

    OK Thanks. Would I then need to report back to immigration within 24 hours of my return.

  12. My next 90 day reporting is due 21st August. I am travelling to Malaysia on 24th August and returning to Thailand on 30th August.

    As I will be leaving the country less than 7 days after my reporting date do I need to visit Pattaya immigration before I go. When do I  have to report there after my return. 

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