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Posts posted by lelapin

  1. 6 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You can do it at Jomtien immigration or at either airport in Bangkok on departure from the country 24 hours a day.

    You cannot get one on entry to the country.

    Thanks. How long before can I apply at Jomtien and do I need to know my departure and return dates


  2. I am looking for a good English speaking lawyer in Pattaya (preferably The Darkside) to prepare a will for my wife. Any recommendations?

  3. I am looking for a  VPN for one device  that will allow me to access and stream BBC ITV Channel 4 in the UK and which is easy to install, easy to use and is reasonably priced. Also offer me good support if I have a problem.


    I am currently using SaferVPN which is very erratic with speeds and availablity.


    Any suggestions,

  4. 2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

     She can hardly sign the PoA if she's DEAD can she?  Usufuct is that you get full 'fruits' of the house until YOU die.

    Why can't the POA be the same date as the will. This is the situation with my UK will.

    Why do I need to change my lease if I am now covered until I am 96.

    Sorry if I am being thick but I do have senior moments.

  5. I am 75 now so I imagine that a 20 year lease should see me through but the point re leaving the house to me with a year to sell it, was very useful. I could link that in with me stating in my will that I would then pass on part of the proceeds of the sale to her family.

    Leading on from this then, is there a lawyer in Pattaya that anyone could recommend that would be fair and competent on this topic. 

  6. I have explained that I have no worries about the house being sold by her next of kin as I have a lease for 20 years in my name. I said that I would like to sell the house after her death to raise some capital and could only possibly do this if she made the appropriate will.


    It would be nice if some people read the comments in full (maybe 2 times) before they give inappropriate answers


  7. I am 75 y.o. and have been living with my 50 y.o. girlfriend for more than 10 years. I bought a house 5 years ago worth about 8 million baht in her name but with me having a 20 year lease to cover any unforeseen situations arising.

    In the likely event that I will leave this earth before her, everything will be fine and as I have no dependents in the UK, she can do with it as she wishes.

    However if she passes on before me and I do not wish to stay in the house but instead move to somewhere smaller and turn that asset into cash I have a problem.

    She is about to make a Thai will leaving her assets to her family based on the assumption that I will no longer be around on her demise.

    Would it be possible for her to state in her will that on her death if I am still alive, the house will be sold and for example 2 million baht being given to her next of kin and the remainder to me. I would be willing to amend my Thai will to state that if she passes on before me, on my death all my Thai assets would go to her next of kin.

    Death seems a very difficult thing for Thais to discuss as they see it as something very unlucky.

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