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About heybuz

  • Birthday 10/02/1947

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  1. im not american or yank i was answering keeps quote and it was a localised use of the word universal.
  2. Im one of them for the life of me i can never remember names,mate is a universal stand by.
  3. In my observation they must be among the most unhealthy air passengers i have encountered by the number requiring wheel chairs to board flights, but strangely on reaching their destination are able to disembark quite briskly.
  4. Depends which country he is from, you can get the pension although reduced if you're wife works also access to free medical.
  5. What about snatches, female
  6. I've never been to elsewhere
  7. Have best of both worlds.
  8. I've had no problem with waiting times,7 days after chest pain in surgery.
  9. I don't pay tax
  10. Costs me nothing,open heart surgery, nothing, colonoscopy, nothing, blood test x-ray ultra sound CT scan, nothing.
  11. He could also apply for a further 60-day extension to visit a Thai spouse on top of the 30-day extension. Edited June 13 by Liquorice I miss Ubonjoe
  12. The flight attendants are going to have a chip implanted linked to the airline computer, on boarding you will be instantly recognized.
  13. Japan is the country of choice for Oz tourists I'm told
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