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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Why should there be special laws for LGBT community in LOS ? Which laws need to be improved ?
    Did you even read the article? It's typical anti-gay civil rights rhetoric to suggest gay people seek "special" treatment. That's a crock. We seek EQUAL treatment.
    You have the constitution that forbids discrimination on sexual etc grounds. I know we may not have a constitution at the moment but I'm pretty sure that protection of gays, indeed, anyone of any sexuality, will be included in the next.
    Getting that enforced or accepted by the public at large however is another matter and you'll probably have as much luck as getting all motorcyclists to wear helmets here.

    I would like to say however that IMO many Thais confuse ladyboys as gays. Ladyboys are not necessarily gay and v.v.
    not necessarily gay? If not gay what are they in your opinion?

    this is how they feel, but ok I don't want to discuss this further. Sorry for the interruption. I wish to withdraw from tos topic
  2. Why should there be special laws for LGBT community in LOS ? Which laws need to be improved ?

    Did you even read the article? It's typical anti-gay civil rights rhetoric to suggest gay people seek "special" treatment. That's a crock. We seek EQUAL treatment.
    You have the constitution that forbids discrimination on sexual etc grounds. I know we may not have a constitution at the moment but I'm pretty sure that protection of gays, indeed, anyone of any sexuality, will be included in the next.

    Getting that enforced or accepted by the public at large however is another matter and you'll probably have as much luck as getting all motorcyclists to wear helmets here.

    I would like to say however that IMO many Thais confuse ladyboys as gays. Ladyboys are not necessarily gay and v.v.

    not necessarily gay? If not gay what are they in your opinion?
  3. A dirty old smelly sleazy man pays an 18 yr old whore to spread her legs. And she does it. She is a whore. She will live with that nightmare forever. Every time her existing husband has sex with her, she "turns off" psychologically and becomes a vegetable. She married him for money of course. That is their only education. The formal education stopped at 6th grade and the real education (how to suck $ out of men) started thereafter.

    Go ahead, marry a whore if you are that stupid.

    you have problems my friend, dark problems...you should't care what other people do or prefer. Try to get your own life back on track and stop worrying about others..
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  4. For those who haven't been out of Thailand for a while, many major airport transfers have surcharges for baggage. That being said, of course the vehicles need to be safe, spacious and comfortable, unlike many taxis currently plying which hardly have space for more than two normal suitcases.

    I think the point here is that if you arrive with a number of large bags - as I have a couple of times recently - you'll be directed towards one of the larger, people-carrier type taxis as you won't fit in a standard taxi. The drivers of these appear to feel that their investment in a larger vehicle should earn them a higher fare, although in my experience they will still use the meter if asked.

    So think of it as a surcharge for getting a bigger taxi. 30b seems reasonable for that.

    The new automated system gives you a ticket with the nr of the location where your taxi is waiting. So you can't choose.
  5. IMO The problem is the fares are set too low and it is tough for them to make an honest living

    They left the rates the same for too long and now the poopoo is hitting the fan

    That said the drivers new the fares and income limitations when they applied for their hack license

    There is already a 50 baht airport pickup surcharge, how about raising this to 100?

    Have never seen this fee to 100 and all hacks are mandatory meters

    I understood that the 50 baht surcharge was dropped after the fare increase? Can somebody confirm? The surcharge for lugage is idiotic. Taxi drivers make more money than construction workers. Why else there would be so many taxis?
  6. Why would someone make an ex hooker the mother of their children????????????

    There are so many nice girls in Bangkok with decent jobs looking for a guy, but most farangs are hooked on bargirls.

    Personally I would steer clear of any girl that has worked in the hospitality industry before. If I were to marry one I'd definitely take one which comes from a rich family.The richer the girl is, the more unlikely it is to get divorce raped.

    I guess many guys marry the person they fall in love with, irrespective of their previous occupation.

    I am guessing there are a Lot of pub crawlers that come over...In their home land they might be the pub king in a familiar less "friendly" situation....They come here with old habits and mindset and are completely overmatched....including their comparison of pub females back home versus what they find here.....they are completely unprepared.....AND willing.....

    Marrying an overweight 50yo divorcee who stole her last husband's home and children Vs marrying a slim 25yo prostitute.

    I know which one I would choose!

    or you could just stay single.

    Why would you choose the prostitute ? Why is that a choice ? Why not a regular Thai girl when there are so many to choose from ?

    define a "regular thai girl"..is this the reception girl from the hotel whose only goal is to "catch" a farang? Or the university girl who uses her body for extra cash? Or the beer-bar girl selling a famous beer? Or the bar girl or the stripper? Where do you make the cut-off? They all slept with other men before they met one of us. What is your obsession with hookers?
    • Like 1
  7. What I don't understand is the massive protests against Pegida. I really really don't get it.

    There is no such thing. Media is manipulated. If you look at their manifest (which covers some twenty points not necessarily Islam-related) you will see that the PEGIDA demands are actually quite reasonable and have nothing to do with kicking out Moslems but rather terrorists and criminals.

    Edit: Found the manifest:

    • Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people.
    • Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
    • Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
    • Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
    • Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
    • Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
    • Demands an increase in funding for the police.
    • Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
    • Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
    • States that Pegida oppose a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.[34]
    • Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
    • States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children"[35]).
    • Argues for the protection of Germany's Judeo-Christian culture.
    • Supports the introduction of referenda as in Switzerland.
    indeed reasonable, i am still puzzled why majority of Germans oppose...
  8. I have friends that have nothing but positive things to say about their cars and service from Chonburi BMW. I was discussing with a salesperson at a car show recently and the dealer was extending the warranty one additional year, from 5 to 6 years. MB was still 3 years, just like my Toyota.

    i can confirn Nelson Autohaus Chon Buri is very professional, friendly and good service. Never had problem in the rain, wonder where this story comes from.
  9. There are always excuses why people are fat.. guess what you can almost always alter it yourself. It just take action but people prefer to blame some outside reason why it wont happen.

    Though there are things like difference in metabolic rate / differences in appetite and many others. Thing is nobody said it would be easy, if it was easy to be lean then everyone would be lean and muscular.

    It is certainly easy to be"lean and Muscular", I have being lean and muscular all my life with no serious effort of my own

    There are many reasons why people are fat or thin,

    Genetic, social, medical, political etc

    and most of them are beyond a persons Reasonable ability to control.

    Sure a person can take extraordinary measures , but at what cost

    So when I see new research or theories, I dont see then as excuses I see them as explanations, or attempts at explanations.

    which "political" choice is the best for loosing weight?
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  10. Simple weight loss formula.

    Less Input + More Output = Weight Loss

    So simple.

    So easy.

    Most who do lose weight fail to keep it off.

    People can preach how simple and easy it is to do forever, but the facts remain, if it was SO easy and SO simple the long term success rates would be VERY HIGH.

    Instead they're very, very low.

    People of good will should be WELCOMING scientific research that one day (no, not yet) may indeed provide cost effective and safe tools for people to actually achieve higher success rates (short of bariatric surgery which is the only thing science has to provide high rates of success, but VERY drastic). Instead of this rather mean spirited un-compassionate mockery and disdain towards scientific research about all the complexities of weight control issues.

    as long as you call it a diet, you will regain the lost weight. Diet is not the right way on the long run. You really need to change the eating habbit. Don't eat deserts, never eat french fries, never eat burgers or pizza and no cheese. No soft drinks.This is enough to loose weight and keep it off. I advice no to start doing sports at the same time you want to loose weight. It makes you hungry and increases muscle mass which weight is higher than fat. If you follow these simple rules you will loose weight and you can eat as much chicken, fish, vegetables etc as you like. If you crave for sweets, allow yourself a small piece it gives the same satisfaction than the whole pack! Fruit is healthy but be careful contains a lot of sugar. All this is not easy but the reward is sweet :)
  11. Considering the widespread publicity on the scams and rip-offs I'm amazed any tourist hires one in the first place. They are in fact illegal and it is a fact that it is illegal to operate one without a Thai licence.

    If people stopped renting these jet skis then they would simply go out of business and Phuket would be all the better for it.

    it's indeed amazing people still rent these things, on top rental is very expensive.
  12. Downside of learning Thai is that you get to hear what the majority of Thai people talk about on a daily basis: the most inane, trivial conversations and gossip that I've ever heard in my life. Yes, you can become totally fluent in Thai with a lot of work, but then what are you going to talk about? When I reached a level where I could understand 75% or so of what I heard around me, I completely lost interest in the language.

    I saved my dogs (best friend) life because I could tell the Thai vet what was wrong with her and she got the correct medication and survived. I didn't completely lose interest in her life because she was a Thai dog.

    My dog has a vocabulary of 36 words in English and 22 in Thai. My dog is smarter than most of you fellows I have no doubt and loyal and she works 24/7 for food and love. She has saved the my life (or at least from severe bodily harm/pain) 5 times in the past two years.

    My advice (not that anyone cares) 1. If you want a friend get a dog. 2. Learn Thai so you can communicate with your Thai dog and it's doctor.

    I get the impression a dog is the crucial link for improved communication with your thai wife. We need to explore in which extend this very unique observation can be used to improve communication in general. You see not all posts are rubbish :)
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