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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Davaun T Kurcz

    In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”

    “Nonsense” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”

    The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”

    The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”

    The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”

    The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one has ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”

    “Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”

    The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”

    The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”

    Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”

    To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and you really listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.

  2. Very often the girl is between two stools (fires). Most of the time the financial pressure of the family is always looming. The more you give in, the more they will ask/expect/want. This is a reality which is a disturbing element in many relationships. We hear this more often from Issaan girls because 1) Issaan girls are very popular and 2) because many Issaan families have financial problems. Most common advice on this topic is "run" which in many cases is probably the best advice..if you have money to spend, make sure you are in control. You can make your GF and her family very happy when you can ease their financial burden. My advice, do it with "cold" money (money you absolutely will not miss once it is gone) don't expect gratitude. I remember I was once in Buriram and invited her family and some friends in a restaurant. The whole village showed up and on top they ordered additional food to take home!

  3. The very tiny percentage of katoeys that go into the sex industry and then commit crimes, is not an accurate depiction of the majority at all - it's just the ones that the Pattaya (or other areas) bar-attending members of TV meet when they are too drunk to know the difference till it's too late (is all the loud bleating due to a sore bum?)... Haha!

    Thailand has a very large population of the transgender group, and that also includes woman who wish to be male (aka "toms").

    I sometimes wonder if a transgender male who wishes to be female, is actually not actually "gay" as such. Think about it... Mentally these people consider themselves already to be female, although inconveniently enough, they are trapped in a male body - so a desire for male company would in terms of their mental status, be perfectly normal - ignoring the hardware aspects, so to speak.

    As far as the gay group is concerned, I know a number of gay people, both male and female, and I have no issue at all with them - because it really makes no difference to me what they do in bed, or who their other friends are...and why should it?

    mmmm so far I agree, but what when they adopt children? These children cannot choose an are forced in an unnatural situation.
    Huh? What about when "normal" people man and wife have children and the kids drop out of school, take and sell drugs, rob people, kill people and are just overall scumbags? So you are saying just because a straight couple had them, those children are not "unnatural"?

    Come on dude, that argument is ridiculous. And how many transgender couples in Thailand adopt? Face it adoption of children is not a top priority other than mothers who take care of their children's babys while they go to Pattaya to work....

    so I try to follow you ligic, because children suffer the consequences of divorce they may as well suffer from being adopted by third gender whatever couples. Should society not protect the rights if children. Dude?

    I dont follow you? Rights of children? What are you saying?

    ok, you win...
  4. The very tiny percentage of katoeys that go into the sex industry and then commit crimes, is not an accurate depiction of the majority at all - it's just the ones that the Pattaya (or other areas) bar-attending members of TV meet when they are too drunk to know the difference till it's too late (is all the loud bleating due to a sore bum?)... Haha!

    Thailand has a very large population of the transgender group, and that also includes woman who wish to be male (aka "toms").

    I sometimes wonder if a transgender male who wishes to be female, is actually not actually "gay" as such. Think about it... Mentally these people consider themselves already to be female, although inconveniently enough, they are trapped in a male body - so a desire for male company would in terms of their mental status, be perfectly normal - ignoring the hardware aspects, so to speak.

    As far as the gay group is concerned, I know a number of gay people, both male and female, and I have no issue at all with them - because it really makes no difference to me what they do in bed, or who their other friends are...and why should it?

    mmmm so far I agree, but what when they adopt children? These children cannot choose an are forced in an unnatural situation.
    Huh? What about when "normal" people man and wife have children and the kids drop out of school, take and sell drugs, rob people, kill people and are just overall scumbags? So you are saying just because a straight couple had them, those children are not "unnatural"?

    Come on dude, that argument is ridiculous. And how many transgender couples in Thailand adopt? Face it adoption of children is not a top priority other than mothers who take care of their children's babys while they go to Pattaya to work....

    so I try to follow you ligic, because children suffer the consequences of divorce they may as well suffer from being adopted by third gender whatever couples. Should society not protect the rights if children. Dude?
  5. The very tiny percentage of katoeys that go into the sex industry and then commit crimes, is not an accurate depiction of the majority at all - it's just the ones that the Pattaya (or other areas) bar-attending members of TV meet when they are too drunk to know the difference till it's too late (is all the loud bleating due to a sore bum?)... Haha!

    Thailand has a very large population of the transgender group, and that also includes woman who wish to be male (aka "toms").

    I sometimes wonder if a transgender male who wishes to be female, is actually not actually "gay" as such. Think about it... Mentally these people consider themselves already to be female, although inconveniently enough, they are trapped in a male body - so a desire for male company would in terms of their mental status, be perfectly normal - ignoring the hardware aspects, so to speak.

    As far as the gay group is concerned, I know a number of gay people, both male and female, and I have no issue at all with them - because it really makes no difference to me what they do in bed, or who their other friends are...and why should it?

    mmmm so far I agree, but what when they adopt children? These children cannot choose an are forced in an unnatural situation.
    • Like 1
  6. I remain shocked that anyone could actually believe that Putin would risk a thermonuclear war over a failed state. Failed in every respect.

    absolutely, at this very moment I am in Russia and discussed this issue with some businessmen. They say that the conflict in Ukrain is limited to the east where 80% of the population is Russian. They want for these people the status of Federal State within Ukrain. That's all. If tomorrow the Russians in east Ukrain lay down their weapons they will be killed by the Ukrain army. I don't claim this is the whole truth, I just want to let you know how my contacts perceive it.
  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Just 10 minutes ago I took a taxi to my uni. About 1.5 kilometres, traffic not too bad.

    Normally 39Baht. Today 53Baht.

    I mentioned that the meter was running fast, driver got abusive. Just after I got in he's talking to a friend on his phone, when I mentioned about the meter he abused me for interrupting his call.

    This cab has the sticker to say it's passed inspection which is simply not possible, exhaust super loud, shockers completely failed, and the inside of the car is quite dirty.

    He has stickers etc. for grab taxi - I called their number many times nobody answers.

    I called 1111, eventually got someone speaking English 'sorry all staff gone to breakfast', then he hung up.

    Later update: I eventually got the taxi service on the phone. The man checked and said they have no record whatever of the cab number etc etc.

    He also shared that there is now another problem, drivers stealing stickers for such services and putting them on their cars then telling passengers (who have hailed the taxi in the street) that they have to pay an additional fee on top of the meter and pointing at the sticker for a taxi service.

    The guy from the taxi service was quite polite, spoke good English and is a good listener. He also mentioned that in the last few weeks overall taxi complaints have gone up enormously and he wonders if there is someone / something behind this.

    do you have grab taxi app or not? Everytime i place a request there are at least 30 taxis responding. Then the ststem mentions "bidding" in less then one minute you get the license of the taxi which will pick you up, drivers name ETA etc. you can even follow on screen where he is and when he arrives. SovI have no clue what you are talking about..
  8. ''... but earning by taxi drivers stayed at 100-120 on average daily...''

    Yeah...right. That is why there are so many taxi drivers around.

    ​My neighbor is a taxi driver and makes about 25-30 thousand a month on average.

    i can confirm this, a driver at our company who made 25-30k a month (including overtime) quit his job to become taxi driver. If now fares go up again more people will/want to become taxi drivers as well. Result more taxis but same income because less travel per taxi. So they will ask again for more money and the circle is round...once all taxis are Grab taxi, no need anymore to drive around looking for customers. This will save fuel and keep the city cleaner, safer and with less traffic congestion.
  9. I apologise, but somehow I fail to understand why a dog for a blind person is okay in a restaurant whereas if its owned by anyone else it becomes a health hazard. If you don't like dogs in restaurants then why would you share it with a dog for the blind? It has to be as unsanitary as any other dog. Not that I think that dogs constitute a health risk. However I would not frequent a restaurant that allows dogs on the table, just my call. I'm sure if the table was washed down afterwards if would be cleaner than many tables that I sit at.

    these are the exceptions on the rules. We need to be understanding in such cases. Julie, can you agree on this?
  10. I think pets in restaurants should be allowed. In Switzerland, where I come from it is allowed.

    please define "pets" or to make it easier cross out what doesn't fit.. Dog, ( Danish dog is also dog), cat, parrot, hamster, monkey, snake, lizard, dwarf goat, big goat, gold fish, beta fish, baby elephant and swan. Next choice; outside restorant, inside, on the table. Last choice; life, cooked, bbq. If we can agree on a selection, we can all go sleep knowing the world is a better place.
  11. A lot of these handbag dogs never walk on pavement. Their owners use the doggie poo pads that are like big incontinence pads to keep their feet clean. Or doggies diapers. Some of these single Thai ladies recoil at the thought of their precious walking outdoors. Why a soi dog might get to their beloved. These dogs get a daily bath and hair styling, too. These dogs are better groomed than many of the foreign customers dining in the restaurant.

    Doesn't bother me as long as the dogs aren't taking food off my plate.

    dear my point is that IMHO people who put dogs on a restaurant table have no common sense and don't care about other guests. Don't take it personal and please don't involve the mods again.

    She didn't involve the mods. I did.
    dear Nancy, sorry to put the blame on you. Very sorry. To Julie, no comment :)
  12. I was working in various countries like Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Indonesia etc.. and my biggest fear was always that a competitor or anybody who didn't like me could toss a package with drugs over my garden wall or hide it on my car or slip it in my bag and get me arrested. In other words a clean set-up. A lot of the TV members would support my death penalty. I don't want to live in a country where there are such expats.....

    I'm curious as to your preferred retirement destination if that's your chief criteria.

    not relevant, just wanted to express my worry that one day I (anybody) could be a victim of such practices...
  13. I was working in various countries like Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Indonesia etc.. and my biggest fear was always that a competitor or anybody who didn't like me could toss a package with drugs over my garden wall or hide it on my car or slip it in my bag and get me arrested. In other words a clean set-up. A lot of the TV members would support my death penalty. I don't want to live in a country where there are such expats.....

  14. A lot of these handbag dogs never walk on pavement. Their owners use the doggie poo pads that are like big incontinence pads to keep their feet clean. Or doggies diapers. Some of these single Thai ladies recoil at the thought of their precious walking outdoors. Why a soi dog might get to their beloved. These dogs get a daily bath and hair styling, too. These dogs are better groomed than many of the foreign customers dining in the restaurant.

    Doesn't bother me as long as the dogs aren't taking food off my plate.

    you cannot expect from other diners to know the dog on the next table had a bath in the morning. Lord o Lord
    • Like 1
  15. A dog that is up-to-date on all his vaccinations poses no real health risk in a restaurant or other place. If it were true that dogs created an unhealthy environment at a restaurant, they would also be making their owners sick every time they walked into the kitchen. It’s unfortunate that public perception sees things otherwise.

    It is true that there would be some risks if the dog is sitting on the table, however as long as the table is cleaned then these risks would only be to the occupants at that time. There is also some minor risks if the cook or chef pet the dog and then prepared your food without washing. However these risks are insignificant compared to using the toilet or say handling raw meat and then your salad without again thoroughly washing their hands.

    One of the reasons I live in Thailand is my hate of the over regulated lunacy that has taken over the west. I therefore think that you should choose one of the many restaurants that do not allow dogs or perhaps return to the restrictive, big brothers watching you west.


    ME ! A dogs feet on a dining table is no real threat ? After it has walked on sidewalks where dog feces are common ? Can we look forward to more posts from you of this caliber ? Hope not.

    Probably why they give you plates in restaurants. You never know what goes on out the back in kitchens so a dog on a table would not worry me if i was next to that table. Get the waitress to wipe down the table and if the dog isnt on your table who cares!
    I know this us far fetched, but what about some common sense? Dogs on the table is for me really unacceptable, I also would walk out a restaurant that allows dogs inside. For outside testaurants I wouldn't mind. My experience is that most dog owners share these unwritten guidelines. We are the proud owners of a very small Chihuahua ( got the idea from Paris Hilton) but even for such little critter,we follow the same principles...
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