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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Nothing new there. An old one of mine issued in the UK in 2011 is exactly the same.
  2. I would say that 338 units for this time of year is quite reasonable. There is only myself and my wife and the recent bill was 422 units. I would normally expect around the high 400s during the summer months and about half that over the winter. My wife runs the washing machine every day and we do all the cooking on an electric hob/oven/air fryer. The consumption is based on power and time so things like kettles and shower although high power are normally of short duration, the heavy hitters are aircon, ovens and washing machine. With a multitude of appliances it will be difficult to find a simple solution with an already low consumption.
  3. It is more to do with activity on the account. I was called into see the bank manager when they realised I was using a postbox address. I explained the situation and he was ok with it as long as my pension was paid into the account. Age is also a factor. HSBC cut my limit from £12K to £2K shortly after my 65th birthday, that was well before the address issue.
  4. Are you trying to say that paying off the credit card balance every month was a compulsary condition for getting the card? If it is a voluntary arrangement then that is nothing more than an act of self disipline.
  5. It may come as a surprise to you but services provided by a private company can hardly be equated to services provided by this or any other government. Good luck with your lawsuit.
  6. Pros and cons both ways. With a debit card the funds are removed from your account immediately and it can be very difficult to get those funds back in the event of a problem. With a credit card there is much more security around the transaction. You are quite right in the fact that credit cards do require a certain amount of self disipline and that has become a major concern in the UK. It is feared that many will resort to using credit cards to pay energy bills this winter and then run into problems with repayments.
  7. Obviously getting on in years to make that comment. In the early days you had to be 21 to get a credit card, I got my first, a Barclaycard, the week after my 21st birthday in 1968. I believe the first recognised credit card was Diners Club in early 50s.
  8. What a distorted comment. Cutting back on fossil fuel is not the problem, that stems from how alternative energy was aquired. If you playwith the devil, expect to get burned.
  9. The APD(Air Passenger Duty) is a tax and you get nothing for it. Your comment is a bit petty, the number of foreigners with insurance is quite small in the bigger picture, and the number that travel regularly even smaller still. You cannot expect the tail to wag the dog and international travel has never been compulsary.
  10. Thanks for that, looks like the 2 financial questions that appear for the marriage visa have been merged into one on the retirement, although the amount of GBP10K is the same for both regarding the bank statement. This is the docs for the marriage visa. Official Website of Thailand Electronic Visa_4.pdf
  11. Quite, but with an ice age in the rear view mirror what would you expect to see in front. If I could see an inferno up front I would be looking to the brake, not the accelerator. Of course you will be pushing up daisies, so not your problem, just pass it on to someone else.
  12. The delay in implementing the introduction of the fee to air passengers was down to finding a method for the land borders. It would appear a solution has been agreed on.
  13. So Thailand proposes to charge 700 baht PSC and 300 baht entry fee. Heathrow charges £30.19 PSC and APD ranging from £82 - £150 depending on cabin class. Heathrow were taken to task over the PSC and ordered to reduce it, will come down to £26.31 in 2026. A BKK - LHR return flight would be 1000 baht in Thai fees and over 4500 baht in UK fees. Now tell me who is the more principled.
  14. I would think that the questions are similar to that for a marriage visa, in which case there will be 2 different questions. One will refer to proof of income and the other ask for a bank statement, you need only answer one, or both if you so choose.
  15. I watched it last night, great movie. Knowing the outcome doesn't detract from the enormity of the task in hand or the entertainment value, a very short 2.5 hours.
  16. It's a work in progress. The standard will be the E-visa platform which I think is now in use in around 12 countries.
  17. Glad to hear he wasn't born tone deaf. Music wasn't my best subject at school.
  18. If you have a relatively new phone shouldn't be a problem. If not you should check phone capability before shopping. My wife bought me one from lazada but couldn't set it up so called the service hotline, after a few settings were checked was told the phone wasn't up to that standard, sent the sim back for a refund. Bought a lower spec and that works ok.
  19. Last October i booked my quarantine through Agoda and they applied their standard refund policy, which came to an end 10 days before booking due to start. At the end of September the government changed the rules on quarantine so I was overbooked. As this change was 3 days after the refund period ended Agoda refused the refund. I initiated a chargeback which they initially contested but the bank fought my corner and resolved it in my favour. Hell would freeze over before I ever booked a flight with them.
  20. This is a copy of the uploads required, I never had to adjust the size of any of my documents. Maybe you should look at the resolution if you are doing scans. I assume you you are referring to item 11 when you mention passport pages, it doesn't say anything about last stamp. A friend of mine did it last week and I advised he write on a piece of paper "No travel since March 2020", take a photo and upload that. Taking a confirmation selfie is becoming common practice for online registration. I had to do it to open my Wise account, it is also required if you use the online method of registration for the NHS app. Official Website of Thailand Electronic Visa_4.pdf
  21. You are quite right but just to be factual, you should point out the misleading information you are referring to. There is a fine line between the term "suspended" and "temporarily scrapped". The words the Immigration officer used were "not required anymore", we can only live in the hope that was an accurate statement.
  22. Quite, Skyscanner normally includes a link to the airline. I will never use an agent again. In 2016 BA cancelled a flight to the UK but as I had bought the ticket via an agent BA said I had to claim from the agent. The agent said it wasn't a cancellation but a reschedule and wouldn't do anything. I had an email from BA saying the flight was cancelled so I took both BA and the agent to court. The agent said they would contest the claim but BA decided to settle out of court. The settlement came in 4 separate payments, part of the ticket and half the compensation from BA, agent commission and half the compensation from the agent. Moral - deal direct.
  23. It is about the density of the insulating material, the higher the density the better the performance relative to thickness. It is all about the amount of air contained within the product.
  24. Not always the case, I have seen some very expensive houses with problems. It is all about the builder rather than price, mine was 900K.
  25. No, I think about 70mm. Overall wall thickness is 225mm, bricks rebated to 25mm over 200mm pillars. Q-Con flush with pillars internally with approx 60mm airgap. Only indication of pillars internally is in one corner of the 2 bedrooms.
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