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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Yes, they have been working on the malaria vaccine for a long time. Oz has the right idea, prevention is always better than a cure.
  2. It found that a sterilisation program of the world’s most widespread disease-carrying mosquito, the Aedes aegypti, could prevent the insect from producing offspring. https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/news/2021/10/new-australian-research-could-help-eradicate-the-spread-of-mosquito-borne-disease/
  3. That will go over the heads of many on here.
  4. It is the only way out, very difficult to try and explain. When I first met my wife in 2005 she had traveled a bit but only in Asia and had the idea that the UK was the best country in the world. Many years later and after several visits it is a different view altogether, ok for a holiday in the summer months but not to live. Still finds it difficult to accept some of the things she has seen, like more people sleeping on the streets of Sheffield than you ever see here. The most recent was in May, having to travel on a train full of drunk football supporters. Just says "how can that happen in your country."
  5. My marriage certificate translations are from 2008, used them many times including this year without a problem.
  6. I have had my account about 3 years, signed in many times without seeing any verification link. If you are getting the account exists message that would suggest the account has been verified, The verification is only to confirm email address. To sign in you need to enter correct email and password and also get the captcha right, nothing else. If the account has been corrupted you will have little option than to create another with a different email. As far as your name is concerned it is not a problem, that is only the profile name for the account. It is quite common for the hyphen to be disallowed as a special character, the underscore "_" normally works. You would enter the correct details and a copy of your passport in the first stage of applying for a visa.
  7. What on earth makes you think they think there will be any more? If the plan was to shut the whingers up, it didn't work, did it?
  8. In a nutshell, YES. It is all about energy prices and turnover, items with a long lead time will take longer for prices to be affected. It will get a lot worse before it gets better.
  9. I went to PB on 5th Feb 2020, arrived on the morning Hat Yai shuttle and left on the afternoon one, just wandered about the market for a couple of hours.
  10. Many a true word said in jest. I would suggest Bang Saen, big enough, small enough and easy to get about. Sea air, good hospital and easy shopping. Plenty of good restaurants and not that far from Pattaya. Immigration and airport are fairly handy.
  11. Verification links are normally sent out immediately the account is created and usually only last a short time. They are not used to sign in, that would require email and password. I suspect the message you are seeing is because the verification link has expired. If that is the case then the account was never successfully created and you should be able to recreate with the same email, then verify immediately. If when trying to recreate you get the message that account already exists, there should be a "forgot password" link.
  12. The visas are processed by the local embassy so that would depend on which country you are using. I did mine in the UK and that took 2 days after I responded to a query they raised, 3 days from application.
  13. With that amount it may be worth contacting HSBC in Bangkok. They only operate corporate and investment banking these days but may be able to help or give advice.
  14. They wouldn't say tip it down the sink, you would be asked to hand it over, if unopened it can be reclaimed at destination. Having spent a night adjacent to a bunch of enebriated back packers, looked like they had mixed drink in coke bottles, there is something to be said for the ban.
  15. Indeed. The alcohol ban was not the only outcome, the incident led to female only carriages and carparking.
  16. Along with high prices. GDP per capita based on PPP is more than 3 times in the US than it is in Thailand. One day the penny may drop that you cannot have western standards at Thai prices. Maybe they should implement air passenger duty at the same level as Heathrow to help pay for the upgrades.
  17. Feel free to turn up at as many hotels as you want. Many prefer the concept that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
  18. Says it all. The alcohol ban only came in after a girl was raped on a train a few years ago.
  19. I have been traveling around Thailand throughout the pandemic under the WTT scheme. Some of the hotels were fully booked and not a foreigner in sight. Not always the case, beginning of last week we were at a resort in Khaoyai and the only guests in the hotel, asked to eat in the room. The following night at Kabinburi a bit better, maybe 20% occupancy. All about where and when, Thai tourist areas can be busier than those frequented by your "farangs".
  20. That is the dry season(well used to be), not the high season.
  21. That is a question of where and when.
  22. I had a fairly serious issue with them over my quarantine but in view of the service over a fairly long period I wouldn't hold it against them, just a bit more cautious in the future.
  23. That is a bit misleading. Normally there is a full refund period and when that expires only the first night will be charged up until 24 hours before booking starts. Obviously you are of the opinion that "payment on arrival" removes any obligation to turn up. Good luck on finding any reputable hotel that will take a booking without a guarantee of some partial payment.
  24. Discretion is the order of the day. If seen it will be confiscated little risk of being "thrown off". I usually try and get first class, you have your own cabin and once the ticket check and bed is done you are not disturbed by security again.
  25. You would be wrong. I have seen many that thought the same have it confiscated.
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