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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Good distortion. Obviously not prepared to acknowledge the true facts.
  2. Tell that to the poster that said it was in effect "now" Too many premature interpretations.
  3. Well aware of the process. Poster I respondedd to said it was in effect "now".
  4. Indeed, like many other proposals, too many premature interpretations.
  5. Wrong. I have just had a package delivered from India by Thai Post without any additional charges. Value was around $45 USD.
  6. In your so called history you omitted several significant factors which would indicate a lack of understanding or a certain point of view. I gave you the benefit of the doubt on understanding but may have been wrong on that. i will help you try and understand one of the most recent discriminatory factors. Anyone who was employed between 1977 and 2016 would have accrued additional state pension. Under the 1975 pension reforms those in an occupational pension scheme were allowed to contract out of the state additional pension where part of the NI contributions went to the occupational pension. Why did you not include in your history that there are expats in Thailand receiving part of their state pension index linked included in their occupational or private pension? Those that weren't allowed to contract out never had that option.
  7. After 25 years I have a good idea of how things are done but you are perfectly free to believe the garbage that gets posted.
  8. Only a paranoid mentality would be making such assumptions, but not unusual for those of a certain nationality.
  9. People can be a tax resident in more than one jurisdiction. DTAs are there to prevent taxation being applied in more than one jurisdiction. Individuals that may be affected are those that have tried to avoid taxation in any jurisdiction.
  10. You posted a distorted history that reflected an obvious point of view. More omissions that Battersea Power Station.
  11. When reciprocal agreements came about the UK government created a 2 tier arrangement, those that could and those that couldn't. Effectively a discriminatory mesure that saved them money.
  12. When the agreement with Canada was made the Canadian pension couldn't be exported so the pension issue wasn't included. Some time later the Canadian legislation was amended to allow pensions to be exported but the UK has refused to revisit the agreement.
  13. I am well aware of the legal challenge which was initially brought on a human rights issue based on personal circumstances and the court ruling was at a personal level. The court never ruled on the.legality of specific parts of the policy.
  14. Not quite right. It depends on when you tell them and if timed right can be first payment after getting back.
  15. Is the Australian old age pension a contibutory pension scheme?
  16. Wrong , they didn't go towards the social security system. Right, they didn't go for your own state pension, they provided pensions for the pensioners at the time, on the basis that when you became a pensioner you would receive a pension under the same arrangement.
  17. You are perfectly free to believe that no government legislation can be unlawful.
  18. I am well aware of the history and it is nothing to do with being "fair" and anyone who thinks that way is effectively saying it is acceptable to discriminate. Goverment revenue to support the state pension is by default index linked so any entitlement to a pension from "actual" contributions should be index linked otherwise it is legalised fraud.
  19. Maybe you would prefer to call it legalised fraud. In 1948 the Old Age pension which was non contributory arrangement was replaces by the State Pension, a contributory scheme based on NI contributions. In a contributory pension scheme, 2 people making the same level of contributions would be entitled to the same level of returns. Obviously many on this forum would support discrimination in respect of returns.
  20. Historical precedence is no justification for anything. If it was women wouldn't be able to vote and gay men would still go to prison, but maybe you support discrimination.
  21. Last year TTB switched off online banking and their app requires android 11, I had to get another phone as mine was version 9. In the old days quality products were made to last, not anymore, built in obsolescence.
  22. That sense of self importance again.
  23. Obviously different, It comes after the other articles said it would start.
  24. I have been paying a company in Canada from Wise UK for several years and it has always taken in excess of 24 hours and sometimes a few days.
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