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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. We have a Nissan Nevara which has 2 filters and when I looked a few years back I think they were about 100 baht each on Lazada, may well be cheaper now. Bit academic, easier to clean them than place an order on lazada and they get replaced on major service. The last time the garage did it I think they used lazada clones, I doubt Nissan have stopped marking their spare parts.
  2. Take it you mean fresh milk. I live out in the sticks and the selection of flavoured milk on the shelves is unbelievable. You are probably right on production costs, milk production and packaging would be more challenging than somewhere like the UK. In a previous life I used to manufacture milk bottles and it was a cut throat and high risk business. Remember one of our competitors was faced with a recall on potentially contaminated bottles of orange juice.
  3. Good starting point, the temperature coming from the AC will rise as the filters start to clog up. Should be fairly easy to remove and give them a clean, makes a tremendous difference. The compressor may well be cutting out due to overheating, I would be surprised if it doesn't have a thermal trip.
  4. Nobody has any experience with android. Androd belongs to google but is open source code and every phone manufacturer tailors the code to suit their device. It cannot be said with any certainty that what happens on one phone will be the same on another.
  5. Obviously context means very little. You need to show me where I mentiond transfers.
  6. Your response was rather abrupt and would hope you are talking through experience with that particular app. I have used the vpn in the past to get UK apps that didn't show up on the store. As the old saying goes, there can be more than one way to skin a cat.
  7. If app shows up - no problem. A few years now since I opened my account but seem to remember it couldn't be done without the VPN. Certainly not required once up and running.
  8. Didn't you notice I said "probably", only made a suggestion, I installed the app when I was in the UK. I used the VPN to open the account from here in Thailand.
  9. What are you trying to say? I was only referring to accessing the app store, as Thailand is not a Wise country I would doubt the app shows up in the store, but I never tried and only made a suggestion. I know for a fact that you do not need a VPN to use the app.
  10. Don't try and change the context, your comment was about including smartphones. If you have a problem with the policy in general, say so.
  11. Surely a bit better than alcohol. Before you say anything about it being excluded, alcohol was readily available at inflated prices in the previous initiatives so little doubt it will be this time round.
  12. Probably. In a previous initiative those without a phone, smart or otherwise, got a card to show the vendor.
  13. Bit strange, I use different devices all the time and they ask if I want to verify by either, phone call, SMS or email. I always choose SMS and it is never been a problem. Are you saying the phone options would be a problem? I am assuming you don't have the app on your phone, so you could try installing that and see where it takes you. You would probably need VPN on your phone to access the app on the relevant app store.
  14. Negligible. The motor on our gate is 300w, the kettle costs more in a day than the gate.
  15. Have you checked their website, https://bltassociates.co.th/remote-control-automatic-gate/ Failing that, you could try and see if the system can be used by the phone app. We only got 3 remotes so my wife and her niece use their phones to open the gate.
  16. Yes, where there is no fixing or support between inner and outer walls, as you get in UK buildings. In my house the inner and outer walls are tied by the pillars, window frames and door frames. Unfortunately the concrete beams do give a bit of heat transfer but the overall benefit and absense of pillars inside the house was worth the 900K it cost to build. One of the biggest problems with Thai houses is inadequate foundations, even the best made walls have difficulty surviving subsidence.
  17. It's a common problem. The small black ones like a damp place and probably a nest nearby. When we get it the wife puts a ring of ant chalk around the base of the kettle. they take that back to the nest and the problem goes away in a couple of days, until the next time.
  18. The most important thing is to get a good builder, and then buy what you can afford. I built mine in 2009 and have had very little problem with it, a decent builder will use a decent electrician. There has to be a compromise between appearance and comfort. I went for a bungalow, had cavity wall construction and kept the window size relatively small, but each to their own. PS Try and keep an eye on construction progress, I was fortunate and lived on site and even a good builder can overlook something. I picked up a couple of errors that could be rectified before it went too far. Good luck.
  19. Time will tell. From page 76 of the 2019 labour party manifesto. "We will ensure that the pensions of UK citizens living overseas rise in line with pensions in Britain" https://www.sipotra.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Labour-Party-Manifesto-2019.pdf
  20. The ignorance on this issue has led you to that conclusion. Up until 2016 the UK state pension was in 2 parts, one was fixed and the other based on income. About 50% of my state pension is income related. Some wish to deny they are receiving the second part and that it is fully index linked.
  21. Probably, politicians tend to suffer from selective memory. “The next Labour Government will treat all our pensioners equally, wherever they live, and ensure that overseas pensions are levelled up not down when Britain leaves the EU.” https://frozenbritishpensions.org/jeremy-corbyn-gives-labours-backing-pension-unfreezing/
  22. I fail to see why some feel compelled to comment on something they know nothing about. Becoming a doctor in Thailand is not easy, but then it is not easy in other countries. https://www.bma.org.uk/bma-media-centre/junior-doctors-and-government-enter-mediated-talks-to-make-progress-on-pay-dispute#:~:text=“We have been in dispute,can help break the logjam.
  23. Many are unaware that their occupational pension was partially funded from NI contributions. Others are aware but prefer to ignore the fact they are party to a discriminatory policy. Easier to deny the reality. You obviously didn't really understand the link you posted, relevant text "If you were contracted out of the Additional State Pension, some of your National Insurance contributions were either: lower than people who were not contracted out paid into another pension, for example a workplace or private pension"
  24. If you agree that "now" was as I said "wrong", why the lecture?
  25. Why the compulsion to change the context? I said "now" was wrong and backed it up, but you want to go somewhere else.
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