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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Doesn't matter how hard you try, not going to be another Billy Connolly.
  2. I said one in my area, I wouldn't know or have little interest in anywhere else. if you want to say it is widespread elsewhere, feel free but you should have addressed the poster that tried to imply only military hospitals were exempt from dual pricing.
  3. Note unique to military hospitals, I am registered with 5 government hospitals and none charge any more for foreigners. Some years ago there was talk of dual pricing being introduced in government hospitals but it didn't happen widespread. I only ever heard rumours about one in the Chonburi area.
  4. Things started to get difficult in 2014. I got an email from what was TMB(Thai Military Bank) saying I had to go and update my details. The address on my Pattaya account was Room 235 Apex Hotel, from when I opened account in 2000, still have the original grey book. I had to show proof of proper address and a long term visa.
  5. When passports are renewed it is up to you what you do. There is no requirement for any previous information to be included in a new passport. Assumptions shouldn't be posted as if a fact.
  6. The IO will annotate the stamp on arrival as Non O and E-visa. It would be a bit presumptious to think that you would be sure to get a 5 year licence on a 90 day stamp. There was a report recently of someone only getting 2 years on the new DTV which is 180 days. Like other things there can be different outcomes and you may need a 12 month extension to get the 5 years.
  7. You are perfectly free to believe that the personal circumstances of a foreigner have no bearing on opening a bank account in Thailand, but it doesn't make it a fact.
  8. It is quite delusional to think that every country will respond in the same manner or that any initiative will operate exactly as intended. You are entitled to your opinions but you have no entitlement to make out they are fact. It would appear that the word "periodically" is not in the vocabulary of my bank, so until it is, I for one will let sleeping dogs lie.
  9. Yes, it is about opening bank accounts which are dependant on circumstances such as marriage. Tell us what new hurdles have been put in place for those that are married, have Non O based on marriage and need account for extension. Life is a lot easier if the bank, or any other Thai staff, are talking to your wife in their native language. From the OP "Currently, there's no official ban on opening new accounts, but banks are exercising caution" At the end of the day prospective customers have to be more proactive in selling the validity of the request, some types of visa status become virtual non starters.
  10. That is not quite true, not "all flights" into Europe are covered.
  11. Yesterday British Airways turned a flight around back to Heathow after three and a half hours when it could have landed safely. " but that same old Thai British disregard for the paying passengers is still deeply entrenched."
  12. That falang mentality can only focus on one issue, the multitude of other considerations become irrelevant.
  13. Not unusual for the detail in a post to be overshadowed by presumption. I have known many over the years that can well afford to dispense with the hassle of immigration. Not so easy for state pensioners.
  14. You shouldn't be making false statements.
  15. Indeed, note Item 2 in attached email. Back in 2014 the BOT, in line with other countries, tried to limit the availability of banking services to short term visitors but either branches didn't understand or didn't want to know. So here we are today.
  16. The heading is misleading Bill, the main point made by the agents was not being able to open bank accounts for those on visa exempt and tourist visa. The reference made to Non O's said "in some cases" , which I suspect means those with insufficient funds. Like many other countries, the bank account situation for non residents is going to get more and more difficult. Time will reveal all, it usually does.
  17. Apologies, should have been a bit more explicit, I am generally sat waiting for the marriage desk, where one application is unlikely to be less than 40 minutes. Those with a handful of passports can be sat at the desk most of the morning.
  18. Generally only one on marriage at my office, been the same woman for over 10 years as far as i know. Sometimes 2 if a few in the queue, makes little difference if the other desks are empty, probably lack of expertise. Very few Europeans, mainly Asian that are ill prepared and take the best part of 2 hours. Agents should be blocked from attending in the morning.
  19. Item 1 is no surprise, it was a only a matter of time. In Item 2, I suspect "in some cases" means those with insufficient funds. Bit annoying when sitting at immigration and person in front has a bundle of passports and applications.
  20. You are free to think that would stop them trying different approaches.
  21. There is a track record of them accepting various documents, how much discretion is allowed is the unknown. I have only used my passport so an actual address is not a deal breaker. There is a link between driving licence and passport, on renewal I ask to use PP photo on DL so it may well be accepted on the basis the actual address is not that important. On saying that it would be risky to have documents with 2 different UK addresses so PP would be safer option.
  22. Used to be Q 9, maybe been removed in last year or so. "9 . The letter from your spouse indicated that you both are still married and he/she acknowledges of your visit. *"
  23. Quite, the whole exercise was to reduce tax evasion among the wealty, not make a few bob from making pensioners pay tax twice. There has been a lot of scaremongering by those with a vested interest in profiteering from the confusion. HMRC do not demand returns from those with little to pay, why would such a policy be out of the question in Thailand.(Rhetorical)
  24. I have lived in Thailand since 2008 and have returned many times on a new visa, which in recent years has been an e-visa. If you have a UK passport that can be used for your first point. The question wording is open to interpretation, probably due to trying to deal with non UK nationals. Indication from other counries would imply that they are looking for proof of legal residence rather than a specific residence. I have used funds in my Thai account to get the visa without a problem. I have only ever provided the flight number going into BKK and never been asked for proof of the flight but it would be prudent to have made the booking. The instructions say all documents should be in English but not the marriage certificate, that needs to be a copy of original. You will be asked about invitation, if you have not already addressed that the easiest solution is to get your wife to write a note saying she expects you to return on a certain date, note can be in Thai. She can then take a photo and send it to you and you can upload that. You need to upload a response to every question otherwise you cannot move on. If i remember right Q4 and Q10 are both financially related but you need only answer to one and upload a note for the other as a cross reference. Good luck.
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