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Everything posted by rabas

  1. You've now written three fictional essays based on the same false premise. NATO is not going to attack Russian territory. The rest is just LAW, long and wrong. Russia spending 2+ years slogging away at Ukraine should tell you Russia has little chance of taking on NATO's far superior numbers, which you misrepresent. NATO vs Russia numbers TBH, your essay style is what I might get asking my Thai wife to write about why Western food tastes better than Thai food, which she doesn't believe. As for Russia's superior tech, you mean Putin's claimed unstoppable hypersonjc missiles, impenetrable S-400 systems, and indestructible T-90 tanks (of which they've lost 125+)? Take Putin's vaunted $1+ billion S-400 system. Good specs but multiple Western systems have made short work of them, Russia has lost ~11 systems so far. Storm shadows go right past and more are being removed by the new ATCKMS. India wonders if they made a mistake buying S-400. VIDEO Putin explains Crimea is now safe because of S400 (NOT) S-400 fires 6 missiles at 3 incoming ATACMS hitting none.
  2. I DID PROVIDE A LINK. <== emergency use of large font It was the sole purpose of my original post: It would be nice if you acknowledge your error.
  3. Mine was posted as fact. So, not opinion.
  4. Most are currently in Russia but travel. I've also worked with some for many years on important projects. Your second assertion, that someone outside does not know much, is categorically wrong and literally backwards. Like anyone, Russians with broader experience have better perspective, obviously. Especially in light of broad state propaganda at home.
  5. It wasn't written as a fact. Didn't need references. What the poster knew is neither relevant nor knowable. His slanderous soundbite is broadly known to be Russian propaganda. So it is correct to mention and probably required in this thread. I also see a few posters claim somethings are MSM propaganda without reference, but you never object to that.
  6. That could be that is Russian propaganda... Wait! It is! [reference] I knew because you never have references.
  7. Did you mean the indestructible T-90? It joined the list of Putin's other not so indestructible, unstoppable, and impenetrable weapons. "As of 28 April 2024, Oryx blog had documented that Russia had lost at least 127 T-90s since the start of the Russian invasion (visually confirmed), " [reference] It now has a new problem called disco turret, light weight hits can spin the turret uncontrollably. [video] Video part 2: T-90 destroyed by lazy $500 drone.
  8. Russia's mighty T-14 Armata tank, withdrawn from Ukraine, "not ready for combat". [reference] On 4 September 2023, TASS reported that the T-14 Armata has been withdrawn from Ukraine. It was deployed in an indirect fire role to test it in "real combat conditions" while being shielded from "direct assault operations".
  9. He's trying to play with our heads. It's a famous Reagan speech about Khrushchev's belief that the West will ultimately surrender to Russia/USSR. It's a stirring call to not surrender, it's the worst thing you can do. The West didn't. The USSR collapsed. And the world was free from the tyranny of territorial conquest until now once again with Putin's Russia. So the message is don't surrender. BTW, I grew up in cold war Europe, traveled throughout the Iron Curtain countries, Russia, Ukraine, East and West Germany and Berlin. I saw what Hitler had done and what Russia was doing. I've spent my life cheering for Russian people and have many close, long term friends. That's why I am vocal against Putin and propaganda. I get it from my friends.
  10. "stick by my figures roughly 100,000 dead on both sides" he says, cleverly covering up his initial, now seemingly intentional misinformation: "Ukrainian goverment are saying over half a million which is so far from that I would question any of the figures they put out about loses whether personel or equipment."
  11. Lets clean this up, too. https://en.zona.media/article/2024/02/24/75k Mediazona and Meduza's work is very good BUT different in several ways. 1) figures are as of end 2023 2) M&M method does not include the last 2 months in that range (their words) 3) M&M only count confirmed registered Russian dead, skipping large numbers and categories. 4) M&M only counts dead. Ukraine counts dead, wounded, captured, missing, vaporized. 5) Ukraine's is an estimate of all that. So when all facts are considered M&M and Ukraine are in quite reasonable agreement.
  12. Either Putin has taken over the Telegraph or a stark reality is being reflected in western media the Telegraph ... concerned readers though you may like to know! Wiki: Daily Telegraph: In July 2014, the Daily Telegraph was criticised for carrying links on its website to pro-Kremlin articles supplied by a Russian state-funded publication... [Russian state funded ... Putin!] As of 2014, the paper was paid £900,000 a year to include the supplement 'Russia Beyond the Headlines', a publication sponsored by the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Russian government's official newspaper. [Russian gov ... Putin!] The new European 15Mar2022: Telegraph puts Russian propaganda out of site "In true Putin style, the Daily Telegraph has removed all trace of Russia Beyond – the Russian propaganda supplements it used to publish for vast amounts of roubles – from its website" Propaganda often has a half truth twist. "Either Putin has taken over the Telegraph or ..."
  13. Got about a 10 million shortage to make up first. ...based on scientific estimates that roughly 20 million died in total from COVID. Recorded deaths are near 7 million. It's all here: https://www.healthdata.org/research-analysis/diseases-injuries/covid IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation is the world's top health data research institute. [reference]
  14. You do have a vivid imagination, just think if you fed it factual information. The Russians have 10 9 of these massive ballistic missile radar systems covering different regions, they aren't portable, cost $100 million up, the 1+ year repair time is to replace it with 'a spare' if they have enough parts. But for now there's a hole in the system's coverage, which includes eastern Ukraine. To counter Russian disinfo that it can't possibly see anything useful in Ukraine, missile expert Fabian Hoffmann states "The radar in Armavir was absolutely capable of providing early warning against theater-range missiles, most notably ATACMS." [reference] But there's another angle. The coverage hole also includes the eastern Mediterranean, a favorite holiday spot for Western advanced strategic nuclear missile subs, which now have a clear shot to Moscow. [reference, lower left map] With a gaping hole in his nuclear missile defense system, do you think Putin would dare use tactical nukes in Ukraine? So maybe those thinking guys in Washington and Moscow are smarter than we think.
  15. I read about 1 to 1.5 years max but depends on what was hit on the inside and availability of Western parts. Looks like they hit the middle floor, which likely houses more sophisticated parts. Oddly, you don't see a radar antenna because it's built inside the building's wall. Some Russians suggested these were just admin buildings so no damage, ha ha, but it's a bit weird to build two giant 15 story admin buildings facing SW and SE which are the radar's operational directions. You can see the giant radar patch on the left building facing lower left. This is a big deal because it was part of Russia's strategic nuclear defense system. Also look at Sepplus's post above and the referenced War Zone article.
  16. Eighth Russian Su-25 downed in 20 days attempts high speed vertical emergency landing. Story: https://x.com/igorsushko/status/1794469765140136083
  17. Detailed analysis by the Institute for the Study of War policy research organization. Main points: Highly unlikely. The Kremlin routinely feigns interest in meaningful negotiations as part of a longstanding information operation ... The Kremlin will continue to feign interest in negotiations at critical moments in the war to influence Western decision-making ... "Putin wants peace! Maybe hold off on letting Ukraine shoot ATACMS into Russia hitting more S400 systems."
  18. Video of the recent ATACMS destruction of a Russian S400 system in Donetsk. It appears six S400 missiles were fired just before being destroyed by 3 ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads. Assuming Russia shoots 2 missiles for each incoming (standard protocol?) then they hit none. Quite different from pro Russian comments claiming the S400 system (with 6 launchers, 24 missiles) was overwhelmed by huge numbers of ATACMS. Looks more like the score was 3 for 3. https://x.com/NOELreports/status/1793898154120589498
  19. Learn Thai. Yes, old boring comment but very true. You don't need to learn it all before dating. Learning Thai while dating is a useful litmus test, if the girl isn't helpful or chides you then dump her immediately, she want's to hide things. If she encourages you, it's a sign she interested in you.
  20. Multiple Ukrainian drones hit the Voronezh-DM long-range early warning radar system in Krasnodar (Russia facing Crimea), a massive radar with 6000 km range able to track 500 targets at once. (hmm ... but not drones) This could open the door for Western missiles hitting inside Russia unimpeded, if permission is given. [reference][X-reference]
  21. If this is your stance, I can see that we won’t get anywhere with discussing this further. Propaganda and misinformation can't survive the light of day, clarity, definition, reasoning, and facts. They require the murky shadows of blurry soundbites to live. Thank you for clarifying where you stand.
  22. Rogue Russia threatens the world, not just Ukraine Your turn, please provide evidence that Burmese hill tribes are a threat.
  23. Not this one Frank. (note, don't care about Trump but do care about truth) data from here: https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2017 https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2020 Through that time, Ukraine's index was ~11-15 levels/countries better than Russia's and improved while Russia declined. Also note Ukraine was better than ~60 countries. year rank ( of 180 countries, lower is less corrupt) 2020 122 2019 126 2018 120 2017 130 2016 132
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