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Everything posted by rabas

  1. If you are responding to my post, you need to discuss it with Gary Kasparov, the opinion's author. He's a strong advocate of Democracy, claims Russia has none under "Putin's dictatorship", and now lives in America after Putin drove him out. He sometimes works in a NY coffee shop and discusses politics with Americans. He continues to champion good causes within and outside America. What you believe comes from state propaganda. Q. Why would anyone believe you over a brilliant Russian who is deeply intimate with both sides?
  2. How about giving Israel the north where they are now and give Gazans and Palestinians the south? Seems vastly more practical. The hardest part of such agreements is getting parties to agree.
  3. While I understand the value of a minimal border, simply dividing Israel in half looks a bit like what's known as a spherical cow approximation, simple but not practical. Is your diagram a suggestion not meant to be taken literally, or do you mean to give the Palestinians everything the State of Israel has built from day one, Tel Aviv, buildings, airports, factories, universities,military installations, and likely nuclear weapons infrastructure? If so, it doesn't seem a legitimate attempt at peace.
  4. A detailed description of exactly what and who the first retaliatory strike targeted from PBS. https://twitter.com/NewsHour/status/175355681486659999
  5. A technical aside on Iran Uranium enrichment. The only hard part about enrichment is having many extremely high precision centrifuges. The only difference between 4% reactor grade and 90% bomb grade uranium is a simple valve, i.e., more or fewer centrifuges in parallel. "Arman, turn the valve, now." Iran has long known how to build a bomb[ref]. Just weeks after the Iran deal was broken, Iran announced that it had already developed a factory capable of mass producing rotors (hard part) for 60 far more powerful centrifuges, per day. Each new IR-6 was equivalent to 6 of their current IR-1 centrifuges. IOW, Iran could produce the equivalent of 11,000 IR-1 centrifuges per month, every month, a staggering number. This capability was developed during the agreement.
  6. Statement from Lloyd Austin, "This is the start of our response..." https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1753545717266645027
  7. The message seems to be look at what we can do. After 140 Iran/proxy strikes on US regional assets in four months, the US destroyed more than 85 Iran IRGC targets in one go. For this, the US included two intercontinental B1-B heavy bombers that can carry 45-68 tons of ordnance flown directly from the US. "Yo Iran, we have 100 B1-Bs, 45 of which are kept in service."
  8. I'm in the same position except my account used a Thailand address so I was caught up in the Thailand Paypal mess. Good for you, wish I had done the same.
  9. AFAIU, that was the original plan for 'Thailand' Paypal, a restricted account only useful for purchases. Paypal (whom I talked with many times) fought the restrictions and Thailand eventuality said screw it and required all Paypal users to have the Thai national ID, killing the whole thing. I'm guessing the Thai national ID restriction has now been lifted because it was also necessary for my Thai business Paypal account, which they just turned on. I checked and my personal account is still restricted from making money transfers to/from banks and credit cards. So great for shopping but not useful for selling things.
  10. Wake Up! PAYPAL'S BACK. Whats going on? I just received an email saying my new Paypal business account is approved, logged in, and it works. I applied in 2022 when my old personal PP account died like everyone else's. The business account application eventually failed for the same reason, no Thai genes. On a hunch, I tried to login to my old personal account, after a couple of tries it said 'click here to download new app' to my mobile (I'm on a desktop). It proceeded to do so and Shazam! there is my old personal PP account with old banks and contacts with whom I had exchanged funds. It appears fully functional though I've not used it. I don't have a clue what happened but thought I would give a heads up and see if anyone else received an email from them.
  11. Hollowed out? You mean Russia, right? To quote a famous and brilliant Russian: "Every country has its own mafia. Putin’s Russia is the first where the mafia has its own country.” -- Gary Kasparov
  12. Defending the West that guarantees your right to criticize it endlessly is more than worth the money and effort. Putin jails people for less, a least when the windows are closed. You have never been in Russia and seen authorities grab innocent people off the street for no reason. I have. You don't know Russians who have suffered. I do. The good news is the rest of the world will do the heavy lifting for you.
  13. Not to worry, good news... The EU effectively broke Victor Orban's arm as he joins all 27 EU members to authorize the €50 billion support package for Ukraine. https://twitter.com/rshereme/status/1753015297735328033 That was his left arm, next NATO will break his right arm over Sweden.
  14. Breaking The EU has effectively broken Victor Orban's arm as he joins all 27 EU members to authorize the €50 billion support package for Ukraine. Can you spot Orban from facial expressions? https://twitter.com/rshereme/status/1753015297735328033 That was his left arm, right arm is for NATO.
  15. You may like to see this before counting your Russian chickens. Also note Russia is hopelessly behind the West in computers, drones, and AI software to control them. Item - NATO - Russia. Total military personnel 5,817,100 1,330,900 Active soldiers 3,358,000 830,900 Reserve forces 1,720,700 250,000 Paramilitary units 738,400 250,000 Air Force - - Total aircraft 20,633 4,182 Fighters / interceptors 3,398 773 Ground attack aircraft 1,108 744 Transport aircraft 1,506 444 Special aircraft ( recon.) 970 147 Tanker aircraft 615 19 Total helicopters 8,614 1,531 Combat helicopters 1,439 537 Ground combat vehicles - - Main battle tanks 12,408 12,566 Armored vehicles 1,004,844 151,641 Self-propelled artillery 4,532 6,575 Tower artillery 6,554 4,336 Self-propelled rocket launchers 3,272 3,887 Naval forces - - Total military ships 2,151 598 Destroyers 112 15 Frigates 135 11 Corvettes 55 86 Helicopter Carriers 13 0 Aircraft carriers 16 1 Submarines 143 70 Patrol boats 295 59 Minesweepers 151 49 source
  16. I'm discussing mass scale, how much, and depravity of Putin's Russia, not per capita public sector perception index. Tiny Somalia's GDP is one four thousandths the size of Russia's. But thank you for the pro Putin soundbite. Just one example, Putin is famed for widespread assassination home and abroad using the world's most toxic nerve agents, radioactive Polonium, other poisons, throwing competition and reporters alike out of windows, shooting them on the street, or just blowing them out of the sky with passengers and crew. [2] To the point, Russia's great military is so corrupt that their 3 day operation will soon enter its third year. Compare this to Zelinsky's multiple cases of cleaning up small scale corruption in the Ukraine military. Slava Ukraini and go freedom.
  17. They are fighting Russia, the most corrupt country on Earth. Vladimir Putin took a perfectly corrupt failed state, the USSR, and ruined it. Made it worse. Putin's henchmen the oligarchs have billions, each. Even low life mercenary Prigozhin was a billionaire before Putin shot him out of the sky killing passengers and crew alike. That's Putin's Russia. 40M is not much in wartime and this is not Zelinsky's first successful anti-corruption success. More power to him.
  18. I neither knocked nor discussed a breakdown of US health expenditure. I gave a link to support total health expenditure. Briefly, I compared the US defense budget with total US health expenditure concluding the much smaller military expenditure is worth the cost relative to US responsibility and global problems. If you disagree feel free to say so.
  19. Second grade math if you read what I wrote with and open mind. What the H does the data I presented or what I said have to do with socialism? Who the K is a right winger? You have lost the plot.
  20. It is, a lot is spent on advanced weapons, missiles, aircraft, ships, and aircraft carriers to flaunt around so punks like Putin, the Ayatollah, Kim, and others behave. Sometimes they don't. Granted there are questionable cases and sometimes things don't work but that's part of being a superpower as Morch pointed out. If you really want to know what the military does, hold your breath and read through this Timeline of United States military operations. It's long and most you've likely never heard of. But read each one and ask why? Are they trying to help something or just being a Hitler/Putin punk. Start about 1980 for brevity. It's long. Jordan is there as of 2014. Operation Prosperity Guardian is there and much of the last 20 years has been about terrorism.
  21. And the $4.3 trillion the US spends on healthcare per year? Roughly 10X the private sector support. Put in perspective, that's about 573 current US aircraft carriers per year. In ten years we could have nearly 5000 aircraft carriers. We currently have 11 from the last 30 years. Considering the state of the world, US defense spending would seem worthwhile.
  22. A few weeks ago I searched Lazada and Shopee for melatonin as my wife wanted to try it. Though there were many sleep aids, only one used melatonin in the name, that was "Natural Melatonin" presumably the one you bought. At that time the fuzzy label claimed (in Thai) that each capsule contained 1.05 micrograms of melatonin. That's 1000s of times less than legitimate melatonin products. The reference to 1.05 μg of melatonin is now gone. "Natural Melatonin" claims to contain tart cheery, chamomile, and lemon balm. Many plants do have trace amounts of melatonin, which may be how they perpetrate their hoax. Before buying, I would confirm that the ingredients panel lists from 1 to 10 milligrams of melatonin. It may be best to order from iHerb as Sheryl suggested.
  23. "If you kill people their relatives will hate you until they die.....but if you steal their land they will hate you forever" A simplistic generalization. I sincerely doubt the millions of Russians mourning their lost loved ones who died in Putin's illegal meat grinder invasion of Ukraine are hating Ukrainians. Otherwise your statement is a record achievement in onesidedness.
  24. Ouch, what gives? I just used the 'new' (well since 2021) 90 day online system, all went smooth and Chaengwattana approved my application in 24 hours. I even followed their suggestion to applied ~15 days before expiry. So then, they cut 15 days off my 90 cycle. I must report again 90 days after applying, not from expiry of the current cycle. I've been here a while and don't remember having days cut before but I could be wrong. I used mail in for several years and returned to online 6*90 = 540 days ago. Did they used to cut days from the cycle?
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