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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Not only did you post an irrelevant 3 year old article to 'prove' something that is not even true, you did so against forum rules, which you seem unaware of, only to conclude others are out of touch?
  2. There's something odd about iPhone 12 here. Below are official values from the German Office of Radiation Protection. Iphone 12 is high but well within spec. Note that Apple can change these levels in software. Do you remember when Volkswagen engineers developed special software to fool US emissions testing? Don't know if Apple is doing similar but they have a worse track record by using software to degrade performance to sell phones. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/radiation-emissions-of-popular-smartphones/
  3. I use ~2500kwh/m. In part because nieces who don't understand the cost of aircon. When I enter 1000kwh to estimate, I get a slightly lower rate of 5.49b/kwh. If I enter the real rate ~2500kwh I get 5.61b/kwh, which is exactly what I pay, 5.61 is printed on my bill. Maybe some additional charges sensitive to volume. I also see there's an optional Residential Tariff No. 1.2 which scales with peak hour rates. That would save a bit since most of my bill is aircon, off peak starts at midnight and on holidays. I wonder how one requests Tariff No. 1.2.
  4. The destroyed sub was commissioned in 2014, almost brand new in sub years, and had the latest Russian technology. Russian sub B-237 The Russians can't replace it because Turkey is blockading access of warships to the Black Sea.
  5. There are no 15 cm. commercial satellites, 15 cm is a 'derived' resolution a bit like mobile phone fake zoom. The world's best commercial satellite resolution is 30cm from WorldView-3 owned by DIgitalGlobe. Thailand's 50cm resolution will put them in the top 5 or roughly top 1% of optical image sats providing great economic benefit to Thailand. Not bad eh? WorldView-3 would be about $1B in now dollars. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293723/commercial-satellite-imagery-resolution-worldwide/ https://www.gistda.or.th/news_view.php?n_id=5947&lang=EN
  6. Lol, almost Thai logic: 1. Thaksin has no need to enrich himself. 2. All Thai do. I don't know how people who do understand Thaksin are coping, but is seems those who don't can't.
  7. Lol, fastest way to crash an economy, don't spend money today, wait for free money soon.
  8. Finally, the stealth coup. Only one year behind schedule. The stealth coup involved all parties, except the public. It follows the 2014 hand phone coup and the 2006 tanks and flowers coup.
  9. ... quotes suggest doctors describing Mr T's cardiac and other problems are lying. LOL. Written (with quotes) by a top Thai journalist Nina Suebsukcharoen. Not AN 'hate'.
  10. Serious problem, several Thai family members have been targeted. It often starts with a call from numbers with +698/+697 prefix. There is no country code +69. To help spot gang calls, NBTC instructed mobile operators to add a +698 prefix on roaming numbers, +697 indicates VOIP overseas calls. They also say don't talk to anyone claiming to be from government, rather request a call back number. I'm cautious about mixing money and anything electronic in Thailand. There is a article 'somewhere'. Google "Avoid calls from numbers with +698/+697"
  11. What? Confirmed covid deaths (not total) ran way beyond total global traffic deaths for two years peaking at 14,817 dead per day compared to 3700 daily traffic deaths. Four times! Total estimated Covid deaths (most are not confirmed) is now ~20 million. Spanish Flu is estimated to have killed between 18 and 50 million. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths
  12. He never was a friend of Thai democracy or the Thai people. I hope now that folks who did not live through his reign begin to understand his horribly decisive ways. The best thing anyone can do for Thailand is to come together in friendship. A divided population allows unscrupulous leaders to do as they please.
  13. Thaksin never spent days and nights on an overcrowded floor with little or no medical care. He spent a few hours in a medical ward, alone with a physician giving his a thorough medical exam, and a visit from the Deputy PM. Then off to the Royal Suite room 1401 on the 14th floor of the police hospital with 6 people attending to his every need. They even fixed the aircon, which had not been working well. I'm 100% with you on better care including medical care for those imprisoned in Thailand.
  14. The Army Hospital is much better, but may not be so good for his health.
  15. 'Why should I believe your opinion about Thaksin over the people who actually benefited from his policies' In other words, why should you want to know the whole story about Mr. Thaksin? Why know the full truth? Mr. Thaksin's story is long. As for the war on drugs, most were gangland style killings, few cases were pursued, and victims included whole families, women, children and old people. Afterwards an independent committee established by the Surayud government concluded that 1,372 of the 2,873 victims had no drug related records.
  16. Your logic is faulty. The MAD principle doesn't say a nuclear power would not shoot at or fight another nuclear power. It says a nuclear power would not use nukes to destroy another nuclear power because they in turn would be destroyed. Read: Mutual assured destruction Today's problem is that Putin, and possibly Xi, may wish to return the world the untenable era of territorial and human conquest to satisfy whatever they crave. There is no reason that Russia could not have used the last 20 years to build friendly, strong, and mutually beneficial relationships with Ukraine and the world. Except for Putin's backwards Hitlerish style, which the world including China must reject.
  17. Love the no special treatment nonsense. Fly him by helicopter to a top hospital after a few hours in the prison hospital ward. Now he's in Royal Suite 1401 on 14th floor, but the police explain this not a VIP room. And, the aircon is 'no so good' so they added a couple of fans for his comfort. Then they assign 6 physicians at his beck and call. What do real prisoners get? But in Thailand, the lie is good enough if you don't loose face pretending to believe it.
  18. Revenge against Putin could come soon from multiple directions. 1. From Igor Sushko:Twitter just now: Prigozhin's security services collected all of their electronics & documents from their offices and disappeared. Prigozhin had a plan "B" for this situation and massive kompromat leaks against Putin personally are expected to follow... 2. Putin is meeting with FSB Director Bortnikov right now. 3. This is after the stunning crash of Luna-25, which Putin had pushed for. It's hard to overemphasize the discord between Putin and Russian scientists. Putin needs them but can't trust them, which is why so many are hospitalized or (and) fall out of windows. They in turn fear and loath him. Luan-25 however is on a scale beyond other recent technology failures. Putin may have two marks on his back. And did I mention the ruble, the economy, and the failed illegal Ukraine war? I really don't see how he can survive.
  19. Sure, easy. Just learn a little Buddhism. They may even start offering to pay for you. Absolutely wonderful place and people.
  20. Turing was the conceptual father of both the modern computer and the idea that computers could be intelligent. Even though sufficient hardware did not exist at that time, he worked out how to teach computers to play chess and predicted one day computers would bet humans at the game. Most genius ideas start this way, they come from one guy thinking weird things, not from engineering. Read this: https://www.britannica.com/technology/artificial-intelligence/The-Turing-test
  21. Some of Thailand's best doctors are at the Army Hospital in Bangkok, ... why not take him there?
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