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Posts posted by ATF

  1. rgs2001uk, on 05 Jan 2015 - 15:23, said:
    hlfourie, on 05 Jan 2015 - 14:30, said:

    Thais refer to all kinds of alcohol as whiskey, so I don't think the course etc. Will be on making high end stuff like Jim beam. But mayby a homebrew for local whiskey or rice wine.

    making high end stuff like Jim beam ROFL.

    JB, top shelf?

    Makers Mark yes, JB, still shaking head and laughing.

    Well anything is a step up from Thunderbird.

  2. Cypress Hill, on 05 Jan 2015 - 18:25, said:

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    siampolee, on 05 Jan 2015 - 12:14, said:

    Cypress hill post # 35.

    I expect she's the brains of the union because that's the second time you've referred to her as "a glamour"

    What exactly is "a glamour"? A model??

    If that's the case and she's so smokin', why not point us to one of her photo campaigns online, Mr Mitty

    So as an aside why don't you being so self acclaimed smokin', why not point us to one of your photo campaigns online, Mr Mitty?

    You hansum man or cheap old ugly Charlie number 10?


    Don't you just hate it when bad things happen to what could have been a decent sentence?

    Seriously, though . . . you appear to be as linguistically-challenged as Blackfox.

    I understand the word "glamour" perfectly but I've never heard anyone described as "a glamour".

    Let's look at it in a sentence, shall we?

    "Hi, let me introduce you to my wife. She's 37 but she's a GLAMOUR". Cue snorts of embarrassed laughter

    The correct use of the word in the context could be

    Hi, let me introduce you to my wife. She's 37 but she's still GLAMOROUS (That's an ad-jec-tive just in case you didn't know) laugh.png


    Hi, let me introduce you to my wife. She's 37 but she's still a GLAMOUR MODEL

    Remedial 101 for you

    Looks like your supplementing your digital capers with an English teaching job.

  3. kirkieb, on 05 Jan 2015 - 17:27, said:

    Have a dog owned by some wealthy foreigners who own a dog with a history of attacking other dogs without any reason. Dog has left his own area when other dogs are seen usually some distance away. Anyone know who we can contact that will ensure this dog who killed a smaller dog a few days ago and has apparently paid the local constabulary to look away. My concern is five other pets not street dogs have been attacked while walked on a leash. The owner have no concern if the dog bites a child and I want to know how can we remove the offending dog or atleast have it permanently muzzled

    Thailand is full of cretins like this, as they say a dog takes after it's owner. I had a neighbor that had a dog like this and when it attacked my dog I grabbed it's tail, swung it 360 degrees a few times and put it through their car windshield. Unfortunately it survived.

    • Like 1
  4. Sirpia, on 05 Jan 2015 - 13:10, said:

    Stop faltering about ATF, either show us or don't.

    "The Koran says that anyone who does not accept Islam is lower than a dog and can be dispatched with impunity because they are insult to Allah."

    Perhaps a link to where it discusses AIDS and cancer too, as declared by your copy and paste diatribe.

    Some you are honestly an embarrassment, how easily ye are taken in with dramatic headlines and hate.

    I think you are an embarrassment. If you are not a Muslim you are a very sad person. An apologist for a religion of hate.

    • Like 1
  5. Sirpia, on 05 Jan 2015 - 12:20, said:

    Not including the hysterical commentator, the links you provided don't say what you declared.


    The commentator you gain your 'facts' from: "The worst of anything God ever created, whether it be the unclean pigs, or bacteria, cancer cells or the AIDS virus. Unbelievers, even those among the People of the Book, are worse than that."

    Amazing. The koran knew about AIDS and cancer a millenium before anyone else. rolleyes.gif

    why people lap up such claptrap is amazing, really.


    Sahih International
    Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not [ever] believe -
  6. KamalaRider, on 05 Jan 2015 - 09:53, said:
    jacky54, on 04 Jan 2015 - 09:04, said:
    Alfa, on 04 Jan 2015 - 08:51, said:

    There is no religion in the world excepts killing if you don't belong to their religion.

    Wrong, Islam does, read the Koran

    If you read the koran carefully, you will find out it's all about infidels, not christians, muslims or jews and it's only if they don't accept becoming religious.

    The Koran says that anyone who does not accept Islam is lower than a dog and can be dispatched with impunity because they are insult to Allah.

  7. alt, on 02 Jan 2015 - 10:04, said:

    Sorry yes we are in pattaya and staying close to walking st so close to there... I assume the speed boats pick up on beach and bigger pier leave from the pier

    Just be careful there's a lot of rip-offs. Go to the boat-yard and ask someone there.

  8. For most of these extended family members it's the first holiday they've ever had in their lives. First time to BKK or first time they've ever seen the sea.

    It's always best to arrange hotel accommodation for them and take them out for a meal in the evenings.

    It's better than getting stressed out and you look like a big shot in their eyes.

    • Like 1
  9. neverdie, on 02 Jan 2015 - 06:33, said:
    ATF, on 21 Dec 2014 - 17:56, said:
    neverdie, on 21 Dec 2014 - 17:53, said:

    I heard you specialise in blow up sheep....just the word around the pm 's atm wink.png

    What are you looking for? A Ram or an Ewe?

    Lol. I just saw this. I will have to be guided by an expert like you......someone clearly with you vast level of experience. wink.png

    If in doubt get both.

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