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Posts posted by ATF

  1. A dye is injected to make it look red.

    There has been a lot of talk among watermelon growers lately of injecting red dye into watermelons to make them look more appealing.

    Apparently they're getting away with it at the moment as health dept mobile laboratories tests can only detect pesticides and not food colouring.

    They've been doing it for at least 15 years that I know of. If it's cochineal I don't see a problem but I've heard stories of paint being used.

    I was also told that they use a chemical to ripen tomatoes but I have no proof.

  2. I've always found that an imported car will fetch a higher price than one built in Thailand.

    I've driven a few BMW 5 series built in Thailand and they all had problems. Like the doors wouldn't close properly, electronic problems etc.

    Also the leather on imported vehicles is far superior to Thai leather. I would suggest ripping out the heating system though it stores a lot of hot water.

    Sometimes you'll need to upgrade the radiator.

    Diesel engine imports are a no brainer, they run cool and much less temperamental than a gas engine.

  3. Me: Moved to Thailand at 18. Married, 11 Thai kids, fluent Thai, buddist, own businesses in Thailand, have not spoken English in 23 years.

    After 40 years, my name is still "Farang".

    I say, "But........am I not Thai? Is this not my country?"


    By the same measure Thais will always call Chinese, Chinese. Even if they were born here.

    My family never calls me Falung they always use my name.

  4. Well if you were in severe pain waiting for a knee or hip replacement for example most people who could afford it would go private and pay rather than waiting two years. Therefore it hasn't cost the NHS anything.

    none of that has anything to do with your statement: "Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish"

    Dental care is not free. Opticians are not free anymore. Old people's care is mostly not free and if you want to die on a waiting list for an operation it's free.

    lol! those goalposts gettin pretty heavy for you son??

    Psychological counselling I believe is still free, not much of a waiting list either.

  5. Here's my scam story. Yesterday I went to a black canyon coffee shop in an area that doesn't see a lot of farangs. I ordered a latte with an extra shot. They misunderstood me and charged me for 2 lattes. I had other things on my mind and didn't notice. I got my latte and walked out. Stopped to light a cigarette. The dam thieves came out and gave me back the money for the extra latte that I ordered. How dare they not live up to the reputation that is rampant here.

    This is as rude as when Konying's customer dared to return after Konying refused to give back 1 baht change for 30 minutes.

    Was there any other kind of fruit in Black Canyon?

    Good thing is TV is not short of illiterate trolls, otherwise it would be boring.

    Lets try to break it down like to a 2 year old.

    Konying decided to see how long cheap charlie would wait for 1 baht change.

    Because cheap charlie came to eat every single day and every single day took his change down to 1 baht.

    This time cheap charlie waited for 30 mins for 1 baht.

    Clearly to some people 1 baht is worth 30 mins of their life, just as loosing to place to eat over 1 baht.

    But hey, please carry onfacepalm.gif

    He may be a cheap Charlie but he is entitled to his one baht change. Stop selling 99 baht breakfasts if this bothers you.

    Obviously you value the one baht just as much as he does.

  6. Thanks for claryfing this, I even was once time driving damn slowly one time behind this vehicle because I wasnt sure what the hell the purpose of this vehicle was...biggrin.png

    Official Police cars have a reddish brown plate. If you see this clown give him the finger.

    • Like 2
  7. Well if you were in severe pain waiting for a knee or hip replacement for example most people who could afford it would go private and pay rather than waiting two years. Therefore it hasn't cost the NHS anything.

    none of that has anything to do with your statement: "Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish"

    Dental care is not free. Opticians are not free anymore. Old people's care is mostly not free and if you want to die on a waiting list for an operation it's free.

  8. Vietnam war.

    Wrong! Both Thailand and the PI were close allies and the recipients of massive amounts of development aid, grants and millions of dollars of tea money during and after the Vietnam War. Thailand has prospered tremendously the PI has not. Closing down Clark AFB was a disaster for the PI. Let's face it. Thai's are much more sophisticated and intelligent that Filipinos . Flips are more greedy, less trusting and consequently less able to negotiate with Western powers. Thailand on the other hand was able to establish and set up "gentleman's agreements" with the USA during the Vietnam war based on mutual trust and understanding that continue to this day. Thailand was and is more democratic that the PI. The US had to deal with the Marcos regime which during and after the war sucked the country dry. I could go on but I'm sure there are others that can add more.

    The only reason Thailand is ahead of the Phillippines now is because of the volcano, Mt.Pinatubo. I spent 3 years in Thailand and 9 years in the P.I. Thailand was a forth world country compared to the Phillippines. They had Malls and Industry while Thailand had water buffalos. Clark AFB.was the largest military base in the world. The craftsman of the P.I. would put the Thais to shame and do the same job in half the time. I had a 67 Camaro fully restored in the P.I. and had many American mechanics just marvel at the workmanship. I paid a total of $3000 for the car and a complete rebuild to include body off the frame. They even had replacement parts in stock. No Thai jerry rigging either. I sold it for $35000 and after the sale people offered the new owner even more. Wait and see what happens to Thailand when the American and Japanese companies pull out. also would hate to see what would happen to Thailand if Bangkok got hit with a Super Typhoon. End of game for Thailand!w00t.gif

    Bangkok did get hit with a huge flood a few years back and there was also the tsunami. Indonesia has volcanoes.

    Stay in Flipperland best place for you. "Oh you very handsome but you know I am virgin".

  9. In BKK most of the doctors work for several hospitals and everything is subject to negotiation. If you have foreign medical insurance the price will be high and of course the surgeon will try to get the best price he can.

    My main complaint with Thai hospitals would be that they pad the bill with unnecessary medication and services and follow up visits.

    Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish. You have to go private or go on a two year waiting list for anything that isn't immediately life threatening and the service is mostly shoddy to say the least.

    what's the waiting time got to do with the cost?

    Well if you were in severe pain waiting for a knee or hip replacement for example most people who could afford it would go private and pay rather than waiting two years. Therefore it hasn't cost the NHS anything.

  10. Am I making a point that Private Medical Treatment should be the same price for all.

    Yes I am.

    More specifically that the differential pricing of medical care in private hospitals in Thailand acts as a barrier to foreign residents of Thailand receiving the care they need.

    Expats, specifically those willing to bend over and take whatever is thrust up them, seldom like to address this issue, but it is of vital importance to all expats that they have access to affordable health care.

    Dual priced health care in Thailand is a disgraceful example of exactly how money grubbing Thai businesses can be when it comes to foreigners, whom they perceive as an endless supply of easy cash.

    There is a dual pricing system for Thai hospitals but only Falungs down on their luck would want to go there. 50 people to a ward.

    All the decent hospitals like Bangkok Nursing, Bangkok Hospital, Samitiwej etc. are the same price for Thais and Falungs but most Thais can't afford them and they don't accept the 30 Baht scheme. I left out Bumungrad because it mainly caters for medical tourists.

    All these hospitals have discount schemes which are available to Falungs and Thais.

    You are completely wrong there.

    Bangkok Hospital has several rates depending on whether you are a foreigner on holiday , a foreigner living and working here or a Thai national.

    I know from personal experience where a quote was reduced by nearly 40% after I produced my work permit.

    A Thai friend called the hospital to ask for a quote for the same operation. 50 % cheaper than they quoted me.

    Needless to say I dropped them and found another private hospital at a third of BGH price.

    In BKK most of the doctors work for several hospitals and everything is subject to negotiation. If you have foreign medical insurance the price will be high and of course the surgeon will try to get the best price he can.

    My main complaint with Thai hospitals would be that they pad the bill with unnecessary medication and services and follow up visits.

    Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish. You have to go private or go on a two year waiting list for anything that isn't immediately life threatening and the service is mostly shoddy to say the least.

  11. Your friend can kiss his cash goodbye. Even most Thais won't do business with the Southern Thais and most of the Islands are run as private fiefdoms.

    The lawyer could have been in on the scam. Docs get switched and the contact was probably in Thai.

    Only an original signed contract is valid under Thai Law but English is valid.

    The only possibility is to ask for the cash back (extremely slim chance) in order to rewrite the contract. Get the cash and skip town.

    If you pursue the matter you could end up as crab food.

    That most Thais won't do business with Southern Thais is simply wrong. Many of our customer are companies owned by Southern Thais here in Bangkok and as it seems they do well, no one avoids them.

    What I meant is Thais in general won't go to the South to do business, like build condos, factories etc.

    Of course doing business with the South from Bangkok is a different matter.

    • Like 1
  12. Am I making a point that Private Medical Treatment should be the same price for all.

    Yes I am.

    More specifically that the differential pricing of medical care in private hospitals in Thailand acts as a barrier to foreign residents of Thailand receiving the care they need.

    Expats, specifically those willing to bend over and take whatever is thrust up them, seldom like to address this issue, but it is of vital importance to all expats that they have access to affordable health care.

    Dual priced health care in Thailand is a disgraceful example of exactly how money grubbing Thai businesses can be when it comes to foreigners, whom they perceive as an endless supply of easy cash.

    There is a dual pricing system for Thai hospitals but only Falungs down on their luck would want to go there. 50 people to a ward.

    All the decent hospitals like Bangkok Nursing, Bangkok Hospital, Samitiwej etc. are the same price for Thais and Falungs but most Thais can't afford them and they don't accept the 30 Baht scheme. I left out Bumungrad because it mainly caters for medical tourists.

    All these hospitals have discount schemes which are available to Falungs and Thais.

    • Like 1
  13. It irritates me when the honorable members of this forum continue using senseless terms such as race or racist. There is no such thing as a Thai race in Thailand. Ethnic groups are Tai, Malayo-Polynesian, Sino-Tibetan, Hmong-Mien, and Austroasiatic. Thaification and Thai Nationalism began in the 1920s when Chinese surnames were replaced by awfully long Thai names. The majority of the Thai people belong to the Tai group. Hmong who have been here generations longer than the Tai are still struggling to be recognized as Citizens.

    Foreigners having to pay more at public parks belong to all kinds of ethnic groups themselves. Race is not an issue.

    One could argue that Thais are xenophobic. Aside from religion, Xenophobia is the driving force for nationalism in many countries.

    There are many phobias. Some Thais don't like Farangs because of Bromidrophobia (fear of bad body smells), some guys suffer from Medomalacuphobia (fear of losing an erection). Soi Cowboy bashers may suffer from Cyprinophobia (fear of prostitutes or venereal disease). Many TV members seem to be gnosiophobic (fear of knowledge).

    After this sermon, you might develop Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (the fear of long words).

    Supercalifragilisticexpialidoucious...w00t.gif ..cheesy.gif

    Haha, good one. That sexy flying bitch. When I was 12 I learned antidisestablishmentarianism to be the longest word, but now, a little wiser, I found pneumonoultramicro-scopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, which has 45 letters and is a disease of the lungs caused by inhaling very fine irritant particles.

    Back to the main subject.

    Try learning the Thai name for Bangkok, then the Thais may give you Thai prices.

  14. I think one reason is safety for foreign investors. Thailand is fairly gun free and safe. For a long time, potential Taiwanese and Japanese investors were being kidnapped in the P.R. After mainland China opened-up, there was no need to take the risks - physical and financial - involved in investing in the P.R.

    Thailand has the third highest gun murder rate per capita in the world. 2.5X that of The Philippines. LINK

    Having lived there for a long time I feel that statistics coming out of that country are extremely unreliable. Nothing is reported correctly and deaths happen all of the time.

    I have some statistics from personal experience:

    • Rotary club - 2 out of the 32 members were murdered in different incidents.
    • Hairdressers - 2 out of 4-5 died from motor cycle accidents
    • Girls - First visit to PI, been there a few days and saw my first murdered girl (murdered by her police boyfriend). Girl looked to be around 18.
    • Holdups - First visit to PI, been there a few days. Took money out of a bank ATM and met up with a guy pointing a gun at me.

    Yes Richard I believe you are correct a lot of murders go unreported in Thailand while a lot more go unreported in the Phils.

    Over 60% of gun deaths in the States are suicides but South Africa is the murder capital of the World.

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  15. There will be an Annual General Meeting on 16 January. The first ever.

    That really says it all. A registered or supposed to be registered charity has never had an AGM. Clowns.

    Will the local police or immigration be at the meeting?

    BJ's sons are a couple of Cops and his wife is a lawyer. You know what BJ's like once he gets on to something he's like a dog with a bone.

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  16. I would just like to remind everyone that working paid or unpaid on a voluntary basis requires a work permit and a work permit cannot be issued on a retirement visa.

    The only exceptions are Volunteer Police and one off acts of volunteer work.


    It seems many farang in thailand choose to run the gauntlet. I wonder if there is a number that we can call to report such things.

    You would thing the visitor to the country would abide by the laws here.

    I mean, we all want to stop the iffy farang, surely ?

    I think BJ's boys will be paying a visit to the CM Rotary Club soon.

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