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Posts posted by ATF

  1. An 18 year old is not allowed a pistol I believe in every US State. Legal age is 21. Pull a gun on a cop you die. End of.

    Depends on what state you are in. In PA you can open-carry a pistol if over 18 but can't conceal carry until over 21 years of age (with a license).

    This black punk was conceal carrying and DREW on the cop, but the cop made up for it with accuracy.

    I wouldn't call one shot out of three hitting the punk accuracy, but I agree with your sentiment.

    I've said it before. Most cops I know aren't very good with their guns. Many grew up in a city and the first time they ever held a gun was at the police academy.

    Like playing a musical instrument or learning a second language, it's best to start very young. It's really hard to get good with a handgun.

    The good news is that many if not most of these gang banger punks have no training at all. They are also often in the big city and have never held a gun until they steal one or buy it illegally. Then they think they are hot stuff and suddenly tough. If they come up against someone who can really shoot, they are toast.

    I'm glad the cop took out the trash. We don't need those punks around whether they have a gun, a knife, or just enough punks with them to seriously kick someone's butt.

    Most cops and even the military are crap with handguns. Over 90% couldn't make a headshot at 10m. You have to put a least 10,000 rounds downrange before you can become accurate and that's a lot of money and the range doesn't shoot back.

    Put that together with different types of ammo and very few handguns work properly straight out of the box, they have to be tuned which can cost more than the gun itself.

    Many States were issued with modern polymer semi-automatic pistols such as Glocks which don't have safeties and the cops either ended up shooting themselves or looking for the safeties in stressful situations.

    The gangbangers are even worse. They have no formal training and think they can shoot single handed which is very difficult without a lot of practice.

  2. Unless he was taking them to a prohibited state or smuggling them out of the Country I don't see the problem. Anyone could put a bomb in their check in luggage.

    Check in luggage is kept in explosive resistant steel containers.

    It seems to be State firearm regulations he was breaking.

    You can take guns legally on just about any airline including ammo provided you have paperwork.

  3. Well we know now it is not fake.

    Of course it's a fake the guy that drives this has the authority to inspect vehicles during official police checkpoints as a member of the Thai Traffic Police Volunteers, not play Starsky and Hutch screaming around Pattaya pulling people over.

    If you want to buy flashing lights and stickers and put them on your car you can, and you will have the exact same authority as this clown. Zero.

    • Like 1
  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Perhaps ask yourself why in the back of your mind you're looking for faults in other expats as soon as you come across them, sizing them up, wondering what they're doing here, what their work is, are they 'straight arrow' etc., instead of just giving them the benefit of the doubt.

    The wise man looks for faults in himself not others. If you find yourself being suspicious of others maybe it's a reflection of yourself.

    I see this 'anti-expat' phenomenon a lot, essentially I think it stems from insecurity and not wanting an influx of other expats on your 'patch' making you feel less unique. So the tendency is to want to convince yourself they're below you in some way, broke, a criminal, desperado, 'iffy'.

    Well said.... this is no place for tossers who have an inferiority complex and gloss it over by acting superior....and if it is, I'd rather not associate with such people.

    There's a Malteser stuck on your face.

    • Like 2
  5. Nancy with her anti British rankings in another thread will certainly not be getting my vote

    Indeed. I urge all Brits who have voted for her to delete and re-vote. wink.png

    I urge all Brits to actually read the thread, esp the part where Brits agreed with me.

    I wasn't slamming all Brits, just certain ones.

    Geesh, this is getting ugly.

    Thanks for the PMs folks, urging me to hold the course!

    Oh well, if someone changes their vote based on second hand information, then they get the leader they deserve.

    ....... what exactly are the duties of the TV POTY anyway?

    The prize is a weekend in Soi Africa just around the corner from the TVF Bar.

  6. Excellent point Mr. Toad. I hadn't thought about it in those terms, but yes, having been involved in these type of clubs in my home country, I've been a little surprised with what I've heard about them in the beach resort areas of Thailand.

    I've heard other expats say this happens in other expat parts of the world, too -- in Spain, the Middle East, etc. It seems to be a British problem, where British con men gather to try to pry money out of their fellow countrymen. Maybe has something to do with the way their pension system works. Doesn't much matter with U.S. expats -- we're going to owe Uncle Sam taxes no matter where we live.

    So Brits are the only scoundrels in your opinion...?


    Maybe Nancy hasn't got over the Americans buying the wrong London Bridge.

    • Like 2
  7. I believe we were talking about the Scandi gated communities. The single guys or ones with Thai GF's stick with their own circle. I think it's because no one can understand their jokes.

    Scandinavian jokes? This infers that they have a sense of humour no?

    It may be loosely called a sense of humor but it's even worse than German humor, if there is such a thing.

  8. What I don't get is how so many of you are saying bad things about the OP. He was being ripped off. It doesn't matter if it was only 30 baht or any other amount. This tends to happen all too often in this country and just because some of you are willing to put up with it that just gives them more incentive to do it to others. I feel the same, I don't want to be charged more than what I am supposed to be paying. At what point do some of you feel it is alright to lodge a complaint? 100 baht? 1,000 baht?

    It would have to be a great deal more than 30 baht. It seems like OP caused the server to lose face. Let's say the girl honestly thought it was 55 baht a bottle. Then it looks like you are "making a problem" over FIVE baht. At 55 baht a bottle, they are not making a killing. At 45 baht, they are giving it away.

    In any case, making a fuss in a bar over small things can often lead to a BIG needless hassle.

    No offense to all the guys standing on "principle", or to the OP. We all have our own ways of looking at these moral dilemmas.

    You will find not too many Thai would be making a scene over 5-10 baht, so when a foreigner does it, who is supposedly rich, it gives all foreigners a bad name.

    I know i have had customers wait for 1 baht change, yes you read correctly, 1 baht change.

    He came to eat every single day and physically licked the plates, and always without a fail waited for 1 baht change.

    1 day i wanted to see how long he would wait, so did not give back immediately.

    30 mins he sat there, then asked about his 1 baht, and believe it or not had the nerve to return the next day.

    You do not want to know what thai staff were saying and talking about foreigners.

    Maybe what you say is true but I've never known Thais to be very casual when it comes to money. I believe in most Western societies, the norm is to return exact change to a customer in a restaurant, grocery store, or where ever a retail purchase is made...even if it's only 1 cent. (This is the custom in Thailand as well because in 7-11, Foodland, Subway, Swenson, or wherever I buy anything exact change, down to the last satang, is always given.)

    I would suggest you train your staff that this is the expectation of your Farang clientele; and that they should follow their own cultural norm and stop trying to steal from your customers (yes there's a joke in there but I'm not going to say it). The customers can then decide how much, if any, they wish to tip. You might also try adopting this standard as your own as well as you seem to endorse your employees' theft.

    Exactly. Who is is doing the nickel and diming here?

    • Like 1
  9. One guy I knew from CM conned a certain Rotary Club by telling them his daughter needed an operation which could only be performed overseas.

    So they raised about a million baht, he had a nice holiday, returned to Thailand and bought a brand new pick-up truck. He wasn't British.

    AFT -- I don't know you, but you seem to have a major problem with me and my mere existence on the planet, much less my being nominated for Thai Visa POTY. Much of what you post are really thinly disguised personal attacks.

    But, you've stepped over the line here. I'm pretty knowledgeable about CM Rotary activities. I think I would have known about this story. It just doesn't ring true for several reasons.

    First, Rotary clubs don't normally give money to individuals -- they raise funds for projects that benefit groups of people, like installing a water filtration system for a school, conducting an eye clinic for a group of villages -- that sort of thing.

    Secondly, there are very few surgeries that can't be performed in Thailand.

    And thirdly, a million baht is only $27,000 U.S. which really isn't very much money if someone has to go overseas for some sort of special surgery. But, it's a huge sum for a Thai Rotary Club to raise by itself for a charity project and it definitely would have attracted attentions within local Rotary circles.

    If you PM me with details and the story checks out, I'll be honest enough to come onto this forum and say I was wrong and you were right.

    The person concerned is dead now and he had the sense to go to a different Rotary Club other than his own. I would rather not disclose names but I can assure you it happened and I believe he was barred from the club.

    Nancy I am sure you have done good deeds and the POTY is a chance for everyone to vent their spleen and have a joke at the candidates expense.

    I would just kindly request that you please try to understand there are many different kinds of expats here and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    Have a nice day.

    • Like 2
  10. Seems like you've been "Lawyered".

    <deleted>....you mean.

    Luckily no... when the lawyer couldn't even get the lawyer client contract right, after

    repeatedly trying to get it right we have resolve to disengage and forgo his 'lawyer


    This situation is endemic to Thailand, having dealt with several lawyers over the years

    the same cavalier and careless attitude keeps reoccurring, to the point where you ask

    your self how low this people can stoop to, ethically and professionally, very low,

    it seems....

    This syndrome is not peculiar to Thai lawyers. A lawyer overseas gave all my private documents to the party I was suing because he was doing insurance work for them.

    Ever tried to sue a lawyer?

  11. One guy I knew from CM conned a certain Rotary Club by telling them his daughter needed an operation which could only be performed overseas.

    So they raised about a million baht, he had a nice holiday, returned to Thailand and bought a brand new pick-up truck. He wasn't British.

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