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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Besides the lack of skin tones, I RECALL in previous news articles made by a high ranking official.

    " Western woman you basically parade in tiny swimsuit attire , invite harassment from men both local and foreign. So, I ADVISE to bundle up those sometimes sexy bodies, enjoy our beaches in 44c weather but don't flash skin, be SAFE.

    Now, I'm CONFUSE about the read of Miss THAILAND (29 of them, also only white? but that's another comment. So, I GUESS there is only side of a coin for foreign tourist, you think?

    Oh! But, we do not condone a sex trade here. " You'all come back here again real soon "

  2. Call me old fashion but my idea of knife may be a hunting knife not "SWORDS". But the big question is police arrived and the attack still in progress and they shoot bullets in the air but not trying to subdue the attackers by at least shooting them in the legs . What does it take for the police to protect tourist and their own people.

    How about sending a message to criminals, violence with be dealt with violence in return, so next time shoot the attackers not the air.

    This is first degree murder.

  3. I can't agree more. I'm not sure why Americans (they in particular) are extremely paranoid about the giving-out-your-bank-account-number thing. I lived in Europe for years and Kontonummer, account number, numero de compte, numero de cuenta etc are not state secrets. Sharing them fulfills one of the very purposes of such accounts-- to send and receive money.

    I bought something from an American a few months ago. To pay him I asked him for his bank account number. He was immediately aggressive to the point of being extremely accusative. "In your dreams, dude! I'm not giving you my bank account number! You thought I would make it easy for you to steal from me, you m*****f*****! I'm reporting you to the FBI now!"


    Only in the United States of America.

    you don't have enough money to worry about. CHILDREN spending mom's and dad's money, grow-up.

  4. Great for her, I think many Thai men will feel threatened, like they do about Thai woman being allowed to own dildos (spelling ?? sexy time toy).

    For the average Thai graduate, "level 4 English proficiency as set by ICAO" would probably be the hardest part. Can't easily be bought.

    Well Bangkok Airways has 11 ladies up front in the cockpit, 4 of them full captains and flying jets so why not the Air Force ?

    And are they the PIC OR RIGHT SEAT and are they THAI?

  5. Great for her, I think many Thai men will feel threatened, like they do about Thai woman being allowed to own dildos (spelling ?? sexy time toy).

    For the average Thai graduate, "level 4 English proficiency as set by ICAO" would probably be the hardest part. Can't easily be bought.

    Well Bangkok Airways has 11 ladies up front in the cockpit, 4 of them full captains and flying jets so why not the Air Force ?

    COMBAT! What if they have to drop bombs to destroy an enemy. Does the THAI air force have the right stuff. The military has yet to secure the South, so, having a female is only for show besides this young woman's braces couldn't take the G FORCES.

  6. PAY her a salary; is the way you treat someone? Maybe you got screwed in your other life that's why so many OLD farts come come her to renew their youth but now they think because income is low here they can control a persons heart. Don't you guys understand they are a person like you.

    There's a old saying; ''Walk a mile in someones saddles' before you judge. PEOPLE with this thinking has caused problems here. TRY to pull that bullshit back home and your RIGHT hand will get tried.

    Pay a salary, oh! cleaning your stuff, caring for you, helping navigate in this land and all they wantis to be treated like a person.


    JUST remember, you want to be a white master, they hold your Johnson all day long.

  7. Yes, let's give them more facebook and allow them to buy alcohol at the local shops. Hey, where were the bullets purchase? Oh! I forgot no real CSI qualified police here but can fine a guy with no shirt.

    Generation X here will continue to degrade Thailand's growth. For such a small counties population the ratio of violence is beyond belief.

    Maybe we should bring some SYRIA refugees here to balance the violence and have a fair fight.

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